Thread: Seputar kesehatan anak
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Jun 12, 2008, 07:33 AM #31
Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
gripe water apaan yah?
Jun 12, 2008, 05:39 PM #32
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
gripewater cari di apotik kimia farma ada deh bilang woods punya..buat kembung2 pada bayi..itu sejenis cairan kayak sirup gitu
Jun 12, 2008, 07:22 PM #33
Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
br th gw ada produk kaya gini
Jun 14, 2008, 07:09 PM #34
Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
gripewater itu boleh ga utk anak 1 bulan?
Living life to the fullest
Jun 14, 2008, 07:30 PM #35
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
de_mom...adik gw br aja beli gripe water itu di Century. dia cuman nelpon nanyain, trs tnyata ada...akhirnya lgsg beli 'n dianter k rmh gtu.
Ran, klo disini sih boleh tuh gripe water utk anak umur 1 bln. anak gw dr umur sgitu udah diksh, soalnya dia sering bgt kena kolik. 'n it worked so fast reducing the pain 'n calming him down. klo elo ragu2, tanya dokter loe aja...atow gak browsing artikelnya.
Jun 14, 2008, 07:53 PM #36
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
kalo gue ngasi gripe water pas anak gue lagi numbuh gigi sekitar 7-8 bulanan..
Jun 15, 2008, 04:19 AM #37
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Jun 15, 2008, 05:56 AM #38
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Jun 23, 2008, 07:22 AM #39
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Sekarang lagi musim sakit HAND, FOOT and MOUTH DISEASE
kemaren anak-nya temen gw kena... akhirnya dibawa ke Singapore utk berobat. 4 hari sembuh sih... (di jkt udah 3 hari gak ada tanda2 membaik).
ternyata setelah gw baca-2 penyakit ini bisa panas tinggi... kalo gak cepat malah bisa komplikasi ke MENINGITIS. duh... serem dech... info tambahan ada di Hidden Content
ini gambaran tentang penyakit Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease aka Flu Singapore
What is Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) ?
This is an infectious disease caused by a virus . The most common virus is Coxsackie A16 , but other common enteroviruses such as other strains of Coxsackie A and enterovirus 71 can also cause HFMD .
Who are affected?
HFMD can occur in people from various age groups , but children between the ages of 2 weeks to 5 years of age are particularly prone to this infection.
What are the signs and symptoms of HFMD?
Fever lasting 2-3 days , followed by sore throat and runny nose. Vesicles appear in the mouth which burst , leaving 5-10 painful oral ulcers usually on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks.
At the same time, blister-like rash appears over the hands and feet , especially over the palms and soles. This rash also often appears on the buttocks and diaper areas.
The child may be unable to eat, and sometimes may even vomit and have diarrhoea. The child is often tired and weak.
How is HFMD spread?
HFMD is easily spread , usually through direct contact with nasal discharge , saliva, faeces and fluid from the blisters. It can also be spread through contact with toys, books, eating utensils, clothes, bedlinen and other articles used by an infected person.
The incubation period (that is, the time it takes from first contact to appearance of the disease symptoms) is usually 3 to 5 days. An infected person is infectious throughout the duration of the disease.
Is this disease serious?
Most patients will recover within 7 to 10 days. However, among younger children , rare complications can occur, which include myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) , meningitis and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
How can you prevent HFMD from being spread, and how do you protect your children and yourself ?
Keep the infected child at home , and isolate him from other children in the household. Avoid sharing toys, books, bedlinen, clothes and eating utensils with others.
Wash items handled by the infected child separately , and clean and disinfect surfaces and items used by the child with an effective detergent or by boiling the articles.
Practise good personal hygiene such as washing of hands before and after using the toilet, and before and after preparing food and changing diapers.
What should you do if you suspect that you or your child has HFMD?
Please consult a doctor if you think that you or your child has HFMD. Do not panic, complications are rare and most children recover without any complications.
How do I look after a child infected with HFMD?
If the child has a fever, expose his body rather than to wrap him in blankets. Keep the child cool. Take his temperature every 4 hours , and if his temperature goes above 39 degrees C , take him either to KK Childrens Hospital or NUH.
An ill child can be bathed or showered as usual.
If he is unable to eat, feed him food items that are easily digestible, like porridge and clear soups. Ensure adequate fluid intake. Avoid oily food and dairy products including cow's milk, butter and cheese.
Avoid scratching, rubbing or scrubbing the rash . Prevent the infected child from breaking his blisters. Keep the child's rash and blisters clean and dry . Do NOT use plasters or powder on them.
An infected child should be kept away from school for at least 1 week.
If the infected child becomes very tired or has difficulty breathing, take him as soon as possible to the emergency department of KK Children's Hospital or NUH.
source : Hidden Content
Jul 18, 2008, 10:23 AM #40
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Mau numpang tanya dong ibu2 - kalo lagi teething itu demamnya emang bisa berhari2 ya? Aluf udah 3 hari demam nih, naik turun sih biasanya malem yg paling tinggi sekitar 38,2 c dan gue sinyalir emang dia lagi teething.
Amey, gripe water itu dikasih brp dosisnya? Anak gue 7 bulan. Trs gripe water itu membantu anak yg lagi teething di mananya? Sakitnya kah atau demamnya?
Thank you yaa...
Jul 18, 2008, 02:23 PM #41
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Koukla, gripe water itu utk soothing the baby...jd klo gw bilang lbh utk spy gak sakit. tp klo elo ksh penurun panas jg, hrsnya udah gak perlu gripe water deh. soalnya penurun panas jg biasanya ada pengurang rasa sakitnya (cmiiw). trs klo demamnya gak tlalu tinggi (cuman anget aja, gak sampe panas bgt) kmungkinan emang krn teething yah. but again...klo elo ksh dia penurun panas, jgn sampe lbh dr 2 hari tanpa k dokter. smoga cukup ngebantu yak Hidden Content
Jul 18, 2008, 09:50 PM #42
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
koukla kalo panas udah 3 hari mendingan di bawa ke dokter dulu aja. takut-nya ada sakit juga. setau gw sih gripe water gak bisa turunin panas hanya pengurang rasa gak enak-nya aja.
tp kalo pengalaman gw sih, anak gw gak cocok pake gripe water. malah jadi kembung.
Jul 19, 2008, 11:08 AM #43
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Ok makasih ya guys, gue bawa ke dokter aja deh, soalnya udah 3 hari sih dan gue mau make sure aja kalo emang bener karena teething dan bukan karena yg lain..
Jul 19, 2008, 11:27 AM #44
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
HFMD itu kan penyebabnya virus, anak gw pernah kena koq dari sekolah. Kalau virus itu ada masa inkubasinya, selama masa inkubasi ya.. satu-satunya cara adalah meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh menghadapi masa inkubasi itu. Virus ga akan mati karena antibiotik. Kalo ga salah HMFD sekitar 5 harian, setelah itu ya membaik.
Jadi gw pikir berobat disini sama aja koq. Repotnya memang gimana mau ngasih makan kalo mulutnya semua penuh sariawan kan, akhirnya anak terpaksa dibawa kerumah sakit untuk diinfus karena ga bisa makan. Dan memang kasian banget liatnya, kalo orangtua yang ga sabaran pasti dah bilang rumah sakitnya ga beres Hidden Content , padahal emang virusnya masih akan bertahan di tubuh sampai selesai masa inkubasinya.
Orangtua harus belajar banyak biar ga diboongin sama dokter, dikasih obat ini itu. Intinya virus tidak akan pernah mati karena ANTIBIOTIK! hanya bakteri yang bisa dimatikan dengan antibiotik. cmiiw
Jul 19, 2008, 04:41 PM #45
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Re: Info seputar kesehatan anak
Horeee…Jogis Mom pinteeer Hidden Content Hidden Content
Dan kalaupun dokter memberi antibiotic, tanyakan aja alasannya, karena bisa aja dokter memberi antibiotik untuk memperkecil kemungkinan infeksi sekunder, karena kalo kita terinfeksi virus, daya tahan tubuh berkurang, karena kebanyak infeksi virus disertai dengan leucopenia, yaitu penurunan sel-sel darah putih (leukosit). Di LN praktek seperti ini gak ter-indikasi ya, tapi krn di Indo ini lumayan jorok udara, air, dll banyak juga dokter yg memilih tindakan pencegahan seperti ini…"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky" - Rabindranath Tagore
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