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  1. #166
    Immigrant azmumtaz's Avatar
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    gw kdang jg gt maak, tp gda disemua tempat sih.
    di kantor, yg notabene mayoritas older than gw semuanya, gw jg suka bgnung mo ngobrolin apaan..
    kalo uda kek gt, gw bawaanya males2an deh jadinya, gda semangat..
    tp kalo di public area, gw bs lho yg basa2 nanya ke org duluan, drpd diem nungguain krl misalny.
    crita di mari aja maak.. Hidden Content
    gw kalo lg bete, suka nge-junk messages di forum2, such as here, ato di forum lain..haha
    jujur gw jg gbs yg curhat langsung ke org, yg sampe tatapan muka gt, gbs... ato mgkn susah yaa.

    waah samaan kita Hidden Content
    gw suka ngomong sendiri, kayak gw lg ngobrol sm Tuhan aja.
    agak sdikit legaan sih iya..
    although,kdang dongkol itu bkal nyamperin lg *Errrrr.....

  2. #167
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    FYI kalo soal moody sebenernya itu bukan selalu masalah karakter, tapi lebih menunjukkan kalo kita punya ketidakseimbangan emosional dalam diri kita. Pertama karena faktor fisik, seperti hormon atau chemical imbalance dalam tubuh kita. Kedua karena faktor psikologis. Orang yang seimbang emosinya biasanya calm, ga gampang terpengaruh sama hal2 yang terjadi sama diri dia

    Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi pergerakan mood adalah pikiran kita yang "awut2an", banyak "noise" atau berisik, gampang bergerak kesana kemari, overthinking

    Anyhoo, jadi introvert bukan berarti kita ga mampu bersosialisasi/deket dengan orang, atau ga mampu berbicara di depan umum. Banyak orang introvert yang pinter melakukan hal tsb. Jadi ini lebih ke soal skill. So kalo kita sering merasa cemas dalam hal bersosialisasi, atau curigaan or susah percaya orang lain, itu namanya issue, bukan ciri2 ka rakter (dalam hal ini karakter introvert).

    Kenapa gw menekankan pentingnya bisa membedakan mana yang issue, mana yang karakter; itu biar kita bisa lebih melihat segalanya dengan lebih jelas. Saat kita tau bahwa yang kita alami itu issue, kita jadi bisa menanggulanginya, dan terutama biar bisa mengatasinya

    Gw prihatin karena banyak yang gw lihat bahwa karakter introvert itu seringkali cuma dijadiin pembenaran aja untuk issues yang kita alami.yang bisa bikin kita sulit berubah. I've been there too, so i know it

    Klo itu jelas bukan bipolar, apalagi kepribadian ganda Hidden Content itu normal kok

    Yang kuliat itu lebih ke masalah penyesuaian aja. Dan sebenernya gini, satu hal, ga usah paksain kalo kita ternyata ga cocok sama orang atau kelompok tertentu. Perhatiin ya gw pake kata 'ternyata' yang berarti lo udah coba beberapa usaha untuk bisa mendekatkan diri sama mereka. Dan kalo ternyata ga bisa juga, berarti emang satu: kamu ga satu frekuensi sama mereka. Ga nyambung. Soo ini bukan salahmu, dan ga perlu dipusingin lagi. Berinteraksi aja seperlunya secara profesional sama orang2 di kantor (gimanapun juga penting ya jaga silaturahmi dan baik ke orang lain)

    kesimpulan yg gw bilang ini juga gw alami sendiri. Sebelumnya di trit ini gw pernah curhat juga kalo gw ga bisa mingle sama temen2 di kos (bahkan setelah gw udah bisa mengatasi issue gw soal kecemasan utk bersosialisasi sama orang lain). Makin kesini gw makin nyadar aja, klo gw ama temen2 kos emang ga nyambung aja! Serta ke beberapa orang lain juga. Yang selama ini bikin gw pusing kepikiran ini karena gw kira gw SEHARUSNYA bisa mingle dan gaul2 cantik sama mereka. Padahal, "SEHARUSNYA" itu ga perlu karena malah bikin gw jadi memaksakan diri

    gw sekarang (lagi) berdamai sama kenyataan kalau gw ga selalu bisa mingle sama semua orang, apalagi cocok dan nyambung sama semua orang

    So, gausah berkecil hati karena persoalan beginian, apalagi sampe menyalahkan diri sendiri yah Hidden Content Coz apparently it's not a big problem!

    Ohya buat yang introvert, atau tertarik sama topik introversion, ada buku bagus banget judulnya "quiet: the power of introverts in the world that can't stop talking" by susan cain. Atau browsing public speakingnya susan cain di youtube tentang introvert ini, terutama saat dia ngomong di TED talks
    Last edited by ecqkch; Sep 2, 2014 at 09:59 PM.

  3. #168

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    Ga sengaja nemu trit ini, menarik banget...
    Gw baru 2x test, hasilnya beda, yg pertama INTP, yg kedua INTJ, ga ngaruh ya, tetep INT.. wkwkw
    Kalo yg kepribadian berdasar SMKP, score melankolis gw yg paling tinggi, disusul phlegmatis, then sanguin n koleris. Tp terkahir test, melan ama pleg gw ampir sama... sanguin ama kolerisnya yg tadinya dikit bangwt, juga jd naik...
    Dari dulu demen baca2 soal karakter dan kepribadian. Suka bacain karakter orang berdasarkan zodiac, shio, golongan darah, dll.. malah kalo lagi iseng, suka jawabin kuis2 koplak di fb, macam tokoh harpot siapakah kamu, bunga apakah kamu, pohon apakah kamu, kualitas terbaik, cocok jadi apa, dll... hahahaah

    Banyak yg bilang gw diem banget, sombong, susah ditebak, dingin. Padahal kalo sama orang2 yg gw rasa klik, dan ud gaul dekat, orang2 ini akan bilang gw error, dalam artian suka becanda, bawel, ceriwis. Gw sendiri emang merasa gitu sih. Abis kalo dilingkungan baru, suka bingung mau lempar topik obrolan apa, ujung2nya kayak wawancara. Lebih suka mendengarkan cerita org daripada suruh ngomong... tp kalo ngomongin hal2 diluar hal yg gw label "private", lancar jaya sih.

    Gw juga suka jalan2 sendiri, ngendon dikamar, sambil brosing, or baca or apalah. Tapiii kadang2 bisa diserang rasa bosan juga, apa2 sendiri.. kalo soal presentasi, maju kedepan, dll, pas nunggu giliran, tangan dingin, grogi, deg2an, tp begitu saatnya the show must go on, untungbya lancar jaya... malah kadang2 orang2 pada diem, dan menyimak dengan khyusuk..

    Kalo soal ngumpul2, sebenernya gw suka. Tapiii, begitu selesai, rasanya energi gw abis, capek. Biasany itu terjadi kalo ngumpul2 sama org2 yg "ga sefrekwensi" ama gw.. *bingung jelasinnya*
    Tp kalo ngumpul2 sama yg 1 frekwensi *kok jd kayak radio ya...*, malah hepi banget, dan berasa ke-racharge full...

    Azmumtaz, lilisa,
    Duh mak, gw samaan baget ama kalian... suka curhat sama Tuhan, suka ngobrol sendiri, cuek namun disatu sisi,bisa gw pikirin siang-malem, akhirnya kusut sendiri...

  4. #169
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    gw dulu pertama ikut tes, hasilnya gw melankolis - koleris. udah beberapa lama gw ikut tes lagi, hasilnya malah jadi melankolis - pragmatis Hidden Content

    ohya ini ada kuis intro/ekstro juga dari situsnya susan cain

    Hidden Content

    dan gw quote hasilnya (terutama perhatiin yang gw bold) :

    I = Introvert. If you answered the majority of the questions true, you're probably an introvert. Given the choice, you'll devote your social energy to the people you care about most, preferring a glass of wine with a close friend to a party full of strangers. You think before you speak, and relish solitude. You feel energized when focusing deeply on a subject or activity that really interests you. You have an active inner life, and are at your best when you tap into its riches.

    E/I = Ambivert. If you answered the questions evenly, true and false, you're probably an ambivert - meaning that you fall smack in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum. In many ways, ambiverts have the best of both worlds, able to tap into either pole as needed.

    E = Extrovert. If you answered the majority of the questions false, you’re probably an extrovert. You relish social life, and are energized by interacting with friends and strangers alike. You are assertive, go-getting, and able to seize the day. You're great at thinking on your feet, and are relatively comfortable with conflict. You are actively engaged in the world around you, and are at your best when you tap into its energy.

    Why does it matter where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum? Because introversion and extroversion are at the heart of human nature. And when you make life choices that are congruent with your temperament, you unleash vast stores of energy.

    Conversely, when you spend too much time battling your own nature, the opposite happens—you deplete yourself. Too many people live lives that don't suit them—introverts with frenetic social schedules, extroverts with jobs that require them to sit in front of their computers for hours at a stretch. We all have to do things that don't come naturally—some of the time. But it shouldn't be all the time. It shouldn't even be most of the time.

    (Remember, though, that no one is all introvert or all extrovert. Introverts attend wild parties, and extroverts curl up with their favorite books. As the psychologist Carl Jung put it, "There is no such thing as a pure extrovert or a pure introvert. Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum.")

    hasil kuis gw tentu sajah introvert Hidden Content

    bel canto,
    pernah kepikiran gak untuk mengurangi atau membatasi kontak sama yang ga satu frekuensi itu?
    gw soalnya kayak gitu Hidden Content kontak seperlunya aja, dan ga memaksakan untuk mingle apalagi deket ama mereka. know my limit. ini prinsip konservasi energi gw Hidden Content
    daripada jadi kaya membohongi diri sendiri rasanyaaa... dan capek juga musti mikir gimana gw bisa nyambung or terlihat friendly dan ceria di depan mereka. i hate itttt sebenernya... mending gw jalan sendiri or baca buku aja deh. introverts prefer deep connection
    Last edited by ecqkch; Sep 3, 2014 at 02:29 PM.

  5. #170
    Citizen orangelippen's Avatar
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    Mau tanya doonngg biar bisa ceria terus itu gimana yaaa? aduh dulu jaman smp-sma gue ini ekstrovert sejatiii, masuk kuliah malah jadi ambivert yang mengarah ke introvert Hidden Content bahaya nih, gue lagi magang dan bakal ketemu sama orang2 mulu setiap senin-jumat.. kan ada yg bilang fake it until you make it, jadi ya gue fake smile aja lah demi profesionalisme ajeee.. Soalnya gue moodnya juga gampang berubah.. takutnya kan ngefek ke kerjaan gituuu.. Hadeeeehhhh biar bisa ceria terus itu gimana ya? susah bo', waktu masih smp sma mah gue ketawa ketiwi muluuu.. makin menua gini kok nggak bisaaa.. hiks Hidden Content bagi bagi tipsnya yaaa..

  6. #171

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    Pernah mak, cm gw tipikal ga enak ati an kalo lsg cut.. Jd biasanya tetep keep contact sebatas basa basi or kalo perlu... Hoho.. Tp kalo diajakin kumpul2, dan gw ga mood, biasanya gw tolak.
    Intorvert nya gw agak nyeleneh.. Ada saat gw bener2 pengen sendiri, sendiri pun noprob, tp dilain waktu, fine2 aja rame2an. Hehe

    Bener, fake it. Kalo lagi ga mood, tp mesti berhdapan ama org lain, biasanya gw tarik napas, passng topeng senyum, n berusaha untuk stop memikirkan hal2 yg bikin gw ga mood.biar senyumnya ga kayak org sakit gigi.. Selama ngobrol or berhadapan ama org lain, gw tetep pasang wajah nyengir-sambil jemur gigi ampe kering..
    Dann biasanya walu awalnya kek akting , setelah ngobrol gitu, kadang2 gw feel better. Akhirnya beneran ilang deh feeling ga mood nya
    Trus kalo lagi konsen depan kerjaan sendiri, gw setel musik n denger pake earphone.. Nyanyi2 or humming2 ikutin musik, mayan membuat gw feel better..

    Or, kalo ga moodnya ud ga ketolongan, gw sendiri yg cut, and tell myself : hey wait, apa untungnya gw tetep ga mood? Nothing. Yg ada gw yg kiatan sangar, cepet tua, jelek, cembetut. Ambil kaca, and cheers to the beautiful meeee *ha, kok ada jerawat baruuu, oh nooo*

  7. #172
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    Pertanyaannya kurang tepat. Jadi ceria terus ga mungkin, bahkan buat orang yang paling berbahagia sekalipun Hidden Content
    Lebih tepat klo "gimana biar bisa lebih ceria" Hidden Content

    Klo menurut gw, karena gw mementingkan authenticity jadi gw ga suka sesuatu yg terlalu dipaksakan. Apalagi lo bilang klo lo ada bipolar, yg berarti pergerakan mood lo cukup ekstrim naik turunnya. Soo ga perlu dipaksakan ceria, apalagi pake terus. Lebih baik ceria itu diganti jadi "gimana biar gw bisa lebih calm & mengurangi mood negatif?". Itu dulu deh, lebih realistis.. istilahnya gini, kondisi mood lo Defaultnya ada di angka 3, nah ceria itu ada di angka 8-9. Kejauhan kan? Mending pelan2 dulu targetnya ke angka 5 or max 6

    dan sebenernya kan ga harus toh jadi ceria biar bisa bersosialisasi dengan baik. Kita cukup jadi orang yang ramah dan bisa didekati.. itu aja

  8. #173
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    Menarik nih tritnya Hidden Content
    dan rata-rata yang di atas masuk ke intovert ya. Gw rasa semua orang rata2 juga demikian entah karena gak cocok dgn lingkungan, karena habbit, bahkan keturuan mungkin. Ada orang2 yang begitu gampang cerita soal dirinya pada org lain, gimana perasaannya, permasalahan dalam hidupnya. IMO, mereka bukanlah introvert. Intovert di mata gw adalah mereka yang tidak suka membicarakan dirinya ato jadi center of view. Mostly karena takut terlihat lemah di hadapan orang lain, mereka cenderung individualis, paranoid, tapi mandiri dan multitasking. wkwkwk..
    Orangnya gak suka konflik, (kecuali konflik batin mungkin ya buuk) and they dont like getting involved with others.
    Kalo gw sih lebih tertarik memperhatikan attitude seseorang, lebih seksi dan challenging gt ;p. Asik gt merhatiin pembawaan seseorang dari gestur, sampe hal2 sepele spt cara dia nulis, bicara, musik yang disuka, buku yg dibaca, perspektifnya.
    Gw rasa memang mempelajari orang lain lebih asik dan menyenangkan drpd sibuk menilai diri sendiri. Dengan sendirinya pikiran jd terbuka kok.. Hidden Content well, at least membuat kita sadar keberadaan org lain gt, dear.

  9. #174
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    7 Hacks An Introvert Must Know To Ace In Life (My humble opinions)

    1. Follow your inner GPS

    Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, Emma Watson. Every single one of them are introverts. Let it now be known that you have models out there, people who have struggled with introversion, humans like you and me who lived their lives in a proudly dignified way, instead of living by the rules and conforming to extroverted personalities.

    2. You don’t have to be an extrovert to be a good leader

    It’s high time to uncouple leadership from extroversion. Wharton management professor Adam Grant and his colleagues found that introverted leaders make better leaders when leading proactive people and extroverted leaders do better when in charge of less proactive people. This is because some extroverted leaders might feel what is known as “status uncertainty” and feel challenged by the proactive employees, while introverted leaders are less concerned with their egos and are generally more receptive to advice.

    3. Introverted extroversion

    Susan Cain’s book “Quiet” mentions an interested little theory known as the “Free Trait Theory” which states that introverts are sometimes able to display “extroverted” behavior when doing something close to their hearts and deepest passions. That’s why some of you may feel energized, brimming with seemingly boundless energy when doing something you love. Understanding this little theory goes a big way in helping you direct your social electricity to things that you love and help channel them away from things that you don’t really like.

    4. Don’t make introversion an excuse

    Sometimes it’s a cinch to blame genetics, to blame fate. Because that implies a final resolution, something that cannot be changed and is forever rendered static. So don’t use introversion as an excuse. Don’t use it for an excuse for not socializing: introverts love to socialize, it’s just that we get weary afterwards. And that’s okay, we can recharge. My point is: get out there and meet people, don’t use introversion for self-reclusive, anti-social behavior. Once you take the first step, it’s always easier. Trust me. I was once like that.

    5. Incentivize yourself

    Sometimes you just want to give yourself a break and escape from the world. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, we introverts have to sometimes retreat into our personal world and recharge silently (if only it were as easy as how Green Lantern does it). But sometimes, it’s easy to let loose and fall into a deeper trench and even easier to just stay there and not venture. So set targets, incentivize yourself. For example, you were saving this book for a quiet Saturday evening ensconced in your sofa, buried deep inside the warmth of its leathery hide. BUT WAIT. How about making an effort to go for this mini-meetup with some friends? You will end up appreciating the book even more, i bet. And moreover, I sometimes enjoy myself at a social gathering even more than I imagined.

    6. Small talk the introvert way

    A dictum that has been going around, or at least what I perceive, is that introverts dislike small talk. It might appear queer then when I say that I actually do enjoy small talk. But there’s a caveat, as you might have guessed. I enjoy small talk only when it pertains to an interest. So if you can, try to direct the trajectory of the discussion to stuff that you are interested in to make small talk less tedious. However, when your friend starts talking about something that holds little interest to you, a neat trick that I learnt is to try framing the conversation as one to know that person better, if he or she is a valued friend whom you are trying to build a meaningful relationship. In this case, it would be a change from a topic of interest to a person of interest, and it’s easier to input energy into the conversation.

    7. ASK

    “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” Questions are powerful weapons that are capable of building upon the intrinsic strengths of introverts who are generally more sensitive and empathetic. A good question then, is one that conflates genuine concern and sincere curiosity and can be directed to anything or anyone, for that matter. I have too discovered that asking is a way of making yourself heard, especially amidst the noise and energy that is generated mostly by extroverts.

    from: Hidden Content

  10. #175
    Citizen miss.vampz's Avatar
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    I took personality test about a year ago. result: ISTP.. trs googling2 dan baca2 seputaran ISTP ini.conclusion: 98% penjabaran ISTP really represent my characters and personality.

    kyk para ISTP itu hidupnya at the moment aja, here and now.kadang ga mikir panjang dan suka ngambil resiko. "klo ga dilakuin skr ntar gw nyesel"..nekad dan fearless dlm ngambil tetep sih logical and common sense tetep jalan.trs gw jg orangnya demen bgt yg namanya ngulik, doing intensive research, solving puzzle dan ngestalk Hidden Content wkwkwkwkwkwk..suka PD cocoknya jd detektif atau agen rahasia bahhahahhha Hidden Content

  11. #176
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    Bel canto

    I read your post. how you describe yourself,
    Its as if I'm the one who wrote it. Lol.
    Mirip banget ih.
    Apalg tentang yang ngumpul sama orang ga se frekwensi,stlh kumpul2 energi habis. Haha.


    Wa lagi seru post tentang introvert ya.
    Aku stuju banget d tentang introvert blum tntu ga bisa pub speaking,blum tentu g bisa jd leader. Soalny I'm a total introvert, tapi I'm fine with pub speaking, presentating something, dan I always choose to be the leader kalo misal dulu di kampus lg ada teamwork activities gitu.. Id rather lead and arrange everything and heboh sendiri daripada ngikut2 doang order dari orang lain. Tapi aku males ikut organisasi,apapun bentuknya..
    Btw bener kata kamu, introversion ga ada hubungannya sama pinter tidaknya seseorang bersosialisasi ataupun tampil d depan umum.
    Kamu mendalami bener tentang ini. Jadi inget mak qeqe75 . Km anak psikologi kah

  12. #177
    Elite Citizen irene87's Avatar
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    Introvert tuh ky hidup di timeline sendiri. Wkt lo pikir semuanya baik2 aja, suddenly you realize you're missing much. Other ppl especially within family, bond deeper, stronger, with more people.
    You can see it in their eyes when the bonds gets weaker, realizing you're the one that still remain holding that bond, unchanged, regardless the frequencies.
    Cause in the end it's not about personalities, in the end everyone would attached more to the ones whose always there. Something an introvert can't always do.

  13. #178
    Permanent Resident slavine's Avatar
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    Bener suka ma istilah "ga sefrekwensi"

    G jg gitu maakk
    Dpt temen baru di ajaklah arisan
    N ternyata ini jd ajang jelekin temen sesama genkz aib sohib sendiri di jelekin di belakang

    g shock berattss even bkn g yg di gosipin
    Tp g gak suka punya temen hang out kaya gt

    Finally pelan2 g mundur teratur kl hang out ma mereka
    watever g udh pasrah di jelekin gimana ntr
    Tp ada saat nya g ga bs menghindar

    N ituu bener2 menguras energi g buat nyamain frekwensi yg jelas beda2
    G jd males ngomong.. lebi banyak diam
    Lebi keliatan enjoy di mknan
    Trus sering telat kl udh hang out gituu

    Hahahahah bener2 deee bikin capek

    mmg lebi enak sendiri deee
    Deket ma 2 3 org sohib it's enuff
    N 1 tips jg g skr lebi nyoba utk ga keliatan royal lg
    Itu bener2 tips ampuh buat nyeleksi temen sejati

    Bukan dlm arti medit sie.. ttp tau diri lahh
    Kl mkn ya byr, kl nebeng ya byr bensin, kl minta tolong yg kasi gift

    Tp yaaa
    Ada jg g nemu dlm satu genk itu yg maksain keadaan biar bs dia di terima n itu bener2 bikin muak g liat nya

    Hal yg ga penting jd keliatan must have bgt
    Tp yaa susah sie...

    Pemikiran org beda2
    Yg jelas g males ikut arus gitu

  14. #179
    Immigrant Nefertari's Avatar
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    damn. masa gw extrovert sih Hidden Content *udah coba kuis di atas.

    tapi emang aslinya gw bisa jadi introvert banget, bisa jadi extrovert banget sih.

    kalo dalam urusan personal, gw lebih ke introvert. lebih suka sendiri. kalo ngobrol sukanya one by one aja, lebih fokus. dan gw punya pemikiran sendiri, punya timeline sendiri, kayak yg diobrolin di atas. pokoknya kalo di tempat kerja, yg lain pada ngumpul lagi ngerumpi masalah yang gajelas.. gw gapernah ikutan, sendiri aja tuh. males aja gitu ga cocok. gw juga gak suka curhat atau denger curhat2an. hahah.

    ada gak sih introvert yg ikut organisasi?

    nah gw justru suka banget organisasi, suka public speaking, sering jadi koordinator/leader. tapi setelah gw perhatiin, gw jadi extrovert dalam sesuatu yang ada "topik" tertentu, entah itu meeting/apapun, disuruh maju ke depan gw nomor 1 deh. dari kecil gw udah kayak gitu. nah tapiii di saat gak ngapa2in, misalnya lagi main2 aja sama temen sepermainan, gw tuh paling kalem. ditinggal sendirian gw juga ga masalah lho, enjoy aja, bahkan seneng, apalagi kalo ada moment sendiri gitu gw bisaaa aja dapat kenalan baru Hidden Content

    jadi inget security di kantor gw, jadi ada bapak yg super gaalaak dan heboh dan cerewet gila.. tapi katanya dia mah heboh kalo diluar aja. kalo misalnya ada perkumpulan/meeting/pertemuan dan dia diminta untuk menyampaikan pendapat, dia langsung diem samasekali gak ngomong apa2. nah gw kebalikan dari si bapak itu kali ya haha.

  15. #180
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    Default Re: Human Personalities and Characters

    Saya? Introvert sudah jelas wakakakak. Walaupun kalau baru kenal, ada yang ngira saya ekstrovert :P

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