Thread: Teatox
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Apr 22, 2015, 11:19 AM #1
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Halo fders smuaaa, halo juga ibu mod
Aku bikin forum teatox ini yaa. soalnya yg forum teh isinya macem2
Teatox ini singkatan dari tea & detox
Efeknya ya gt. Makin cepet ngilangin lemak. Teatox biasanya ada 2 tipe dalam 1paket. Teh yg pagi buat ngilangin lemak gt, Teh yg malem biasanya agak kayak pencahar gt jd BAB nya lancar paginya.
Biasanya famous d ig, mana fotonya before after gt kan jd ngiler
Produk2 nya yg aku tau SkinnyBunny Tea, bootea, skinnysip, skinnyme dll. Nah mreka produksinya kalo gak US ya UK. Jaoh bgt bok. Yg paling deket indo yg aussie kayaknya
Ini ada yg pernah coba ga?
Ada beberapa yg review nya agak2 soalnya. Jd kan serem. Tp pengen beli
Waktu ini smpet liat d IG ad yg jual. dia kayak ud beli banyak trus d jual lg d indo. Nah skrg pas serius mau beli lupa namanya -_-
Jadiii.... Yang udah pernah coba, mohon review dan pengalamannya selama detox ini yaaa. Sama kalo ada yg tau dimana belinya di indo kabarin jugaaa Hidden Content
Apr 24, 2015, 11:21 AM #2
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Re: Teatox
Dari majalah Cosmopolitan Australia Hidden Content
Spit out your skinny tea
4:46AM, Jan 9, 2014
It seems like every other girl is on Insta is #teatoxing, but just how safe is this trend?
Fitspo is nothing new, but in the past few months Stephanie*, 23, a nutrition student from Noosa, noticed a new health trend emerging: diet teas. From personal trainers to models, all her favourite ’grammers were raving about the blend of herbs that promises to reduce bloating and help with weight loss.
So, inspired by the more than 20,000 posts and transformation pics with the “teatox” hashtag, she bought the two-week SkinnyMe Teatox from Melbourne’s SkinnyMe Tea, one of the most popular teatox companies.
But after just 24 hours on it, she had severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Despite this, Stephanie stuck to the program and the symptoms eased slightly, although she still had regular diarrhoea. By the end of the week she looked leaner – but she was also tired, run-down and dehydrated. “My skin lost its glow and I just felt so lethargic I didn’t want to exercise. I was looking skinnier, but after nine days I stopped because I was exhausted,” she says.
Too good to be true
Nutritionist Renée Leonard-Stainton, founder of Hidden Content , says this isn’t an unusual response to senna, a herb that’s in colon cleanser tea bags and other diet tea products. “Senna has a strong laxative effect and it can cause headaches, diarrhoea, vomiting and dehydration,” Leonard-Stainton explains. “In the long-term it can make the bowel reliant on this kind of stimulation to work.”
While the teas can make you lose weight by dehydration and temporary metabolism changes, she explains it’s unlikely to last without changes in diet and exercise. “There’s nothing wrong with the products in the teatox in the short-term – but I wouldn’t advise anyone to be taking them for a long period of time,” she says.
In fact, the Australian Medical Association has expressed concern the company is advocating unhealthy and unrealistic weight loss, and says the tea could lead to electrolyte shortage and nutrient deficiencies. And last June, the brand’s Instagram page was shut down temporarily for promoting self-harm. One customer was even hospitalised after using the tea.
But in the months since the page was reinstated, SkinnyMe Tea’s gained more than 71,000 followers. And it isn’t the only teatox brand trending.
Don’t overdo it…
In its defence, SkinnyMe Tea founder Gretta van Riel says the company is being proactive about the complaints and has a team dedicated to answering questions and giving advice. “Unlike other teatox companies, we direct our customers to use the teas every second night, so that the body doesn’t become reliant on them, and we warn against their long-term use,” she says.
If used as directed, van Riel says the tea shouldn’t produce any negative side effects. SkinnyMe Tea promotes healthy-eating plans and encourages users to make broad changes that will benefit their health.
Leonard-Stainton’s concern is mostly the speed in which diet trends spread across social media. “I’ve seen many clients who’ve tried products or diets they found online that do not work long-term. The problem is they often move on to another ‘miracle’ product without getting the foundations right for a healthy metabolism,” she says.
“Instagram is a great place for sharing health and fitness inspiration, but your body is unique so there’s never going to be that ‘one size fits all’ way to lose weight.”
Don’t trust everything you read on insta
Many popular ’grammers are paid to promote products, and don’t even have to try them. Jane*, 26, a fitness model, has over 5000 followers, and works as an ambassador for a supplement company. She is sent free products so her followers can associate them with her toned body. “I like and use the products, but I don’t have to try them or offer any health advice,” she says. “It makes me question other reviews.”
Have you tried “teatoxing”?
Photography credit: Nick Scott/ *Names have been changed.
Apr 24, 2015, 11:44 AM #3
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Re: Teatox
Instagram effect emang dahsyat yah.. Sering liat emang di akun2 fitness ig sambil ngiklanin produk ini, cuma ya ga yakin juga kalo mereka minum beneran hehe
Apr 25, 2015, 03:09 PM #4
Wah senangnya nemuin threat ini, jadi tau apa itu teatox ini, smpt mikir mau beli tapi hrganya lmyn bikin drooling ya haha
Apr 28, 2015, 01:00 PM #5
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Re: Teatox
Sempet mau beli teatox ini, apalagi ada program 14 hari dan 28 hari nya, bikin ngilerr banget kan..
tapii kayana kalo tea yang buat detox gitu, agak kurang meyakinkan dan takut juga mau nyoba..
- - - Updated - - -
Sempet mau beli teatox ini, apalagi ada program 14 hari dan 28 hari nya, bikin ngilerr banget kan..
tapii kayana kalo tea yang buat detox gitu, agak kurang meyakinkan dan takut juga mau nyoba..
Apr 30, 2015, 09:35 AM #6
Re: Teatox
Awalnya aku tertarik karena aku suka minum teh tapi masih mikir panjang banget, it seems promising tapi juga khawatir juga sih abis baca post dari @Hidden Content apalagi aku ada maag juga.. takut memperparah juga..
May 1, 2015, 06:34 PM #7
Re: Teatox
aku korban IG haha udah coba Skinnysip tea, aku sih ngerasa oke oke aja. beda sama slimming tea lainnya yang bikin perut mules,, kalo teh yang ini sih ga nerasa mules..
lumayan juga turunnya.. baru hari ke 3 udah turun 1.5kg. bukan cuma faktor tehnya aja sih, ada faktor lain, yaitu pas mau nyemil ngerasa : "aduh sayang, udah beli teh mahal2, masih nyemil juga. sama aja boong". ga jadi nyemil deh haahaDIY wedding on my instagram:
May 1, 2015, 09:27 PM #8
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Re: Teatox
Sama kayak @Hidden Content aku juga kemaren udah nyobaiin Sk1nny S1p T34 tetapi stop half way yang 28 days program karena gak ngerasa ada perubahan sama sekali. Karena dasarnya memang juga aku gak bisa control appetite *blame myself*. Soal efek habis minum yang Night sih di aku engak ngefek di paginya, kontras dengan SIL ku sih dia ngerasa paginya perut mules sampai bolak balek WC beberapa kali. Biasanya dia susah BAB sih.
Sampai nanyaiin ke ownernya, di suruh aku infuse tea nya 3 mins cuba and the result juga sama, tetap ngak ngefek buat BAB di pagi hari nya Hidden Content FYI, syukurnya sih memang aku tiap pagi tetap akan BAB jadi ekspetasinya habis minum teh ini frekuensi ke WC nya akan lebih sering Hidden Content
May 2, 2015, 05:36 PM #9
Re: Teatox
@Hidden Content dan @Hidden Content kalian beli di mana? harganya? Hmm.. kalau Skinnysip Tea di kalian nggak bikin mules-mules yah..
May 2, 2015, 07:56 PM #10
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Re: Teatox
@Hidden Content , beli yang di Indo langsung yang baru launch gak lama ini Hidden Content
May 3, 2015, 12:29 AM #11
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Re: Teatox
@Hidden Content @Hidden Content bisikin nama IG nya donk hehe.. Soalnya yg sering liat tuh yg merk Bootea ama SMT.. Rada penasaran pengen nyobain, cuma ya maju mundur cantik.. Hehe
May 3, 2015, 06:03 AM #12
Re: Teatox
nama IG nya @Hidden Content siptea @Hidden Content
ladies, ada yang tau ga sih kalo kita infused tea nya lebih lama, dampaknya apa?
kan kalo teh pagi, ada tulisannya di infused 3-5 menit. kadang suka kelupaan, sampe 8 menit. kadang aku buang, takut ada apa2.. heeheeDIY wedding on my instagram:
May 4, 2015, 12:51 PM #13
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Re: Teatox
Teh kayak gini biasanya ada diet plannya
jadi menurutku tetep aja namanya mau langsing yah musti ngurangin porsi makan dan olahraga.
Kalau supaya ga bloating minum teh lain yg mengandung peppermint atau ginger juga ngefek kok. Klo BAB ga lancar minum y*kult sehari 2x jg besoknya uda poop. Ga perlu sih buang uang utk teh begini. Tapi biasa orang beli juga utk mendorong mereka lebih semangat diet karna ada "supporter"nya which is si teh ini. Ini berdasarkan pengalamanku sendiri yg dulu pernah minum ini itu segala yg perlu biar langsing hehe..My IG : @merismakeupjournal
May 4, 2015, 02:06 PM #14
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Re: Teatox
SIL ku udah habisin 28 days nya sk1nnys1pt3a ini and katanya juga gak ada efek signifikan cumen kalau dia treadmill di sore hari lebih berkeringatan tanpa harus pakai baju "astronot" nya Hidden Content Hidden Content Hidden Content
May 5, 2015, 11:02 PM #15
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Re: Teatox
ahaha.... dirikuw juga penasaran tentang teatix inih..... gegara follow ig tentang healthy meals yg sering endorse skinny tea something....
thanks reviewnya @Hidden Content , @Hidden Content nampaknya diriku ga perlu ikut nyobain aja dah, haha..... Hidden Content
masih trauma produk sebelah yg mahal, tp begiru kita loose control makan, ya tetep aja berat merangkak naik. IMHO, solusi terbaik turun berat tuh ya cuma mengatur asupan kalori dan olah raha, hehe....