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  1. #1
    Citizen shinhw4_girl's Avatar
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    Default ASTALIFT

    Ibu Mod, ijin buka thread yah Hidden Content kalo salah format mohon di perbaiki ^^

    ASTALIFT merupakan salah satu produk Skin Care dari Jepang. Kemasan nya di dominasi sama warna merah. Produk ini katanya sudah masuk ke Indonesia sejak 2013 lalu dan bisa di dapatkan di Sogo

    Produk best seller nya adalah ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta dan ASTALIFT Essence Destiny

    Nah, sebenernya saya udah pernah liat produk ini beberapa waktu yang lalu di FB (di FP resmi nya) tapi baru sempet icip2 pas Japan Beauty Week yang di adain di Plaza Senayan tanggal 24-26 Januari 2014.

    Promo produk ini sepertinya lumayan kenceng, karena dengan mengikuti skin test saja saya dapet free Face Wash FULL SIZE (lumayan banget kan) XD trus pas ikut mini facial wash nya dapet 1 set sample.

    adakah yang pernah pake produk ini? so far aku suka sama tekstur si jelly aquarysta nya, lihat di harga si jelly ini 470rb yang mini size dan yang gede nya 1.090rb *ih wow*

    kalo abis pake sample nya ini emang cocok, mau nabung2 buat beli ini deh Hidden Content

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    oh ya selain skin care si astalift ini juga ada kosmetik nya, cuma gak banyak, yang aku liat di brosur nya cuma fondi, twc, pressed powder & consealer

  2. #2

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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    aku udah pake astalift jelly selama 1 tahun ini, dan sekarang sih masih terus pake.
    kalo di aku sih kulitnya jadi kyk seger dan kenyal2 gitu, so far sih so good. hehe

  3. #3
    Elite Citizen angelajess's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    aih udah dibuka thread nya sama Hidden Content
    karena kalo ngga aku yang mau buka thread nya Hidden Content

    i am pretty adventurous with respect to skin care, i want to try all the claims all these beauty companies seem to advertise, especially if the brand and communications appeal for me and what i value
    for skincare (be it facewash, lotion, serum, essence, mask, uv skin protector, eyecream) i have bought and tried:

    Albion, Anna Sui, Avene, Biotherm, BRTC, Clarins, Clinique, The Face Shop, Guerlain, Kiehls, La Neige, L'Occitane, Origins, Shiseido, Shu Uemura

    Some of them are impressive, some of them are so so, biasanya i buy one item as an entry to a brand, then try others if i like, sometimes i stopped with one, sometimes i ended buying set(s) and at times a love story began and i repurchase

    my point is, even after trying all those brands for various products..
    i'd say i am in love with the whole set of FujiFilm's Astalift whole range

    awalnya I saw it from a Japanese magazine, trus browse doang
    then i found out FujiFilm owns it.. hmmm.. interesting, then i dug more information, and hooked!
    and dateng ke counter, ceki ceki.. beli deh Jelly Aquarysta 15G and Essence Destiny
    dapet samples ini itu.. super happy about it went home, tried it..

    and after 8 days using it... the set is AWESOME.
    I use the face wash, jelly, lotion, essence (sometimes essence nya aku switch dengan skin care lain salah satu brand di atas)
    haha Hidden Content
    bottom line nya itu tapi panjang bener awalnya. this is indicating that i love their performance so much. so much that i keep on typing because i am so fond of it. Hidden Content

    Jarang liat efek product within 3 days of usage, and this one did wonder to my skin.
    Acne scars heal really fast. Skin tone brightens. Skin surface obviously looks supple.
    Somehow it calms my skin too, my skin jadi tenang dikasi makeup apapun ga muncul bump sama sekali. ini efek nenangin kulitnya sih asli bagus (i never believe and never like the idea of "purging" - purging? what purge. the skin doesn't like it you should stop forcing it. if it doens't get better for a short period of time it never will. ok) - anyway. i use the set and wake up wash my face and it glows (bahkan lebih glowing and radiant dibanding serum brand yang ngeclaim 7 hari radiant youthful skin haha). i get compliments within this week about how radiant my skin is (but to be fair i've gotten such comment quite a lot - but not for the past few weeks prior to using Astalift - somehow my system went banana been eating too much spicy food skin went banana too).
    Ok i should stop.

    Anyone who wants to ask. shoot. Kayaknya threadnya sepi sepi adem ayem. I am posting in the hope of more people getting to know this brand, use it, so they do not get kicked out of Indo due to insufficient revenue, because i want to keep them here, i love their products.

    Ironisnya i found out they sent out free products to bloggers yang at the end of the day kayaknya kaga beli product mereka juga haha.. karena terlalu sibuk nyobain barang kiriman lain..
    IG: @sidekickjess- BEAUTY, FOOD and TRAVEL

  4. #4
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)


    Jelly nya itu fungsinya seperti serum kah? Dia targeted bwt apa ya? Anti-aging,brightening or what?
    Sama share dong harganya Hidden Content

  5. #5
    Elite Citizen angelajess's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    hi there
    itu pre serum, but it actually functions as moisturizer and base, it makes your complexion a bit more coral-y though, so i don't really use it on a daytime, nighttime only, but i use extra Hidden Content
    targeted especially for anti aging sebenernya
    tapi efeknya jadi ke smooth, plumpness, and brightness! jadi kayak do-it-all

    yang buat younger generation they have Lunamer - now i am interested to actually try Lunamer
    tapi astalift jadi kenceng dan supple banget sih kulitnya
    dan brighteningnya kulihat dari mana.. my acne scars, they heal in just a few days - jarang banget kayak gini usually it takes 2x longer (e.g. a week)

    aku pake jelly nya combined with after skin care, setelah jellynya ngeresep
    aku timpa pake yang lain e.g. astalift's own essence destiny, shu uemura tsuya skin, biotherm blue therapy, anna sui whitening serum
    performance subsequent productnya jadi jauh lebih berasa (keliatan the morning after) karena jelly nya itu, i compare between wearing and not wearing

    harganya 470k for 15G, 1,000k for 40G
    very steep price sih memang, tapi aku suka product yang aku bisa liat efek the morning after i put it on my skin at night
    IG: @sidekickjess- BEAUTY, FOOD and TRAVEL

  6. #6
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)


    Hmmm...interesting Hidden Content
    Nambah rutinitas satu lagi kalo pake jelly ini pas malem ya. Makin lama aja berbenahnya.hahahaha
    Kalau moisturizer nya recommended kah?
    I tend to stick to 1 brand at a time.

  7. #7
    Immigrant shoesun's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    Akhirnya ada yg buka juga theadnya astalift. Gw baru pake selama 8bln. Yahhh pakenya on off. Awalnya cmn nyoba2 aja, beli trial set-nya. Ternyata cocok. Pori2 mengecil. Kalo masalah acne scar blom keliatan sih.. Dagu gw lagi jerawatan, ga sembuh2, uda kempes muncul lagi. Jadi astalift ga bs nyembuhin jerawat. Kayaknya lebih konsen ke anti-aging kali ya..
    Produk yg gw suka dr astalift, cleansing gel sama jelly aquaristanya..

  8. #8
    Elite Citizen angelajess's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    if you tend to stick to one brand at a time, then just get the Jelly Aquarysta, jadi bisa pake itu sebelum your other brand
    because i do that too, jelly baru serum brand lain.. selang selingin sama astalift essence sendiri
    moisturizernya as in.. day and/or night creamnya gitu? aku ga pake sih
    pake jelly, lotion ama essence nya ajah.. kebanyakan nanti.. tapi aku dari brand lain juga emang ga perna pake moisturizer


    iyaa pori2 mengecil
    mmmm kalo di aku dia bikin kalem kulit sih, bumps ga keluar
    terakhir pake lagi ada pimple satu and it dried out faster than usual, i suspected justru karena astalift jelly ini! makanya hepi. ga tau kebetulan apa ngga tapi healed really fast aja
    IG: @sidekickjess- BEAUTY, FOOD and TRAVEL

  9. #9
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)


    Jelly - lotion - essence?
    Lotion fungsinya apa say? Kok dipakai sebelum essence.
    Essencenya spt miracle water brand sebelah ya?
    Sorry banyak nanya.mau make sure sebelum ke counter Hidden Content

  10. #10
    Elite Citizen angelajess's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    Gpp kokkk
    Namanya jg forum buat ngobrol bagi info

    Essence nya astalift macem serum.. concentrated thick liquid

    Not sure about merk sebelah maksudnya sk-ii? Soalnya saya ngga cocok pake sk ii hahaa doesnt do anything at all to my skin yg ada malah muncul bumps ama menguning pake sk-ii tapi cocok2an lah ya.. ga bisa generalisasi Hidden Content

    Kalo astalift

    Jelly nya pake abis bersihin cuci muka.. trus dia jadi kayak preserum.
    Lotion ini toner sebenernya..japanese always refer toner jd lotion hahaha bikin bingung kalo ga familiar
    Baru deh pake Essence destiny atau serum brand lain..

    Wanginya enak bgt damask rose
    Reminds me like anna sui sih.. ♡♡♡

  11. #11
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)


    Iya skii...
    Hahaha...i feel you. Makanya mau berpindah nih. Atau nambahin regime so my skin doesn't feel so dehydrated.
    Okay...definitely will try the jelly 1st then.

  12. #12
    Elite Citizen angelajess's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    yeah.. go for it
    i just repurchased for stocks karena lagi promo gitu buy 2 get 1 (as in.. you bring home 3 products - the cheapest one) haha

    i am addicted to the scent. enak. (why in the first place i bought anna sui skin care karena scent nya - but they don't work as i expected. anyway.)
    IG: @sidekickjess- BEAUTY, FOOD and TRAVEL

  13. #13
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)


    Promonya sampe kapankah?
    Di semua astalift?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    ya ampuun, baca review nya angelajess sungguh menggoda.

    oh iya, selama 3 bulan ini aku lg pake krim dokter + skII untuk ngobatin jerawatan krn efek rebound pake krim gajebo..
    tertarik bgt pengen nyoba astalift, minimal beli starter kit nya dulu deh.. penasaran sm si jelly ini..

    kalo astalift ini aku combine dgn krim dr dokter bs gak ya?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: ASTALIFT (Japan Skin Care)

    Kemarin baca thread ini lalu ga sengaja buka buka zalora ternyata jual astalift juga Hidden Content

    Terus iseng buka gugel ketik astalift review
    Muncul mainly tentang yang astalift jelly

    Very interesting!

    Di zalora jelly 15gram nya 470K. Sama kah seperti di counter?

    Anyway yang udah pada make, do you think the jelly only - single use - is enough to give our skin nutrition?

    Lalu boros kah pemakaiannya? Untuk yang jelly 15g bisa kepake berapa bulan yah

    T.I.A Hidden Content

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