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  1. #31
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    iya nih kayaknya mau nyontek caramu deh say, aku udh hampir tiga hari ini pakai cleansing cream.. kayaknya sih aku mau ganti facial washnya deh. Hidden Content

  2. #32
    Citizen pablohoney's Avatar
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    Karinadian, oh berarti kamu double cleansing juga di pagi hari? WSCL ini gak ngeringin di kamu? Aku juga pengen coba ini juga as a toner in the morning, skalian itung2 untuk bantu hilangin bekas jerawat/dark spots. Yang CMiL baru kupakai malem aja. Aku jarang ketemu toner yg cocok, biasanya ngeringin dan malah bikin serum/moisturizer gak terserap dengan baik.

    I agree with your way to wait for one product to absorb properly before adding another layer. That's how I do it too! Patience is virtue. Dan tentunya harus pinter2 cari cara to make the skincare works before we say 'no' to it hehe.

    Boleh banget upload fotomu disini, we would love to see your skin! Udah tau caranya? Ada di Forum Rules ya untuk detail-nya.

    Btw klo postnya masih deketan, gak perlu di quote yah. Post-mu udah aku edit Hidden Content

    yunihuang, bisa jadi memang cleanser-nya yg kurang cocok. Tapi bisa juga pengaruh lifestyle juga lho. Sejak aku mulai hidup lebih sehat, kulitku juga jadi jauh lebih cepet improve. Tapi klo kamu merasa gak cocok, sebaiknya diganti hehe.
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  3. #33
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

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    Thanks buat infonya soal upload foto dan buat editannya yah, photo yg kiri sebelum pake skii yg kanan setelah satu tahun pake skii, Kl pake wscl aku sih gak kering malah moist bgt, selama satu tahun ini aku udah ngabisin 3,5 botol wscl (yg botol ke 4 itu br 1/2 botol kepakai), kl pake CMil malahan aku jerawat dan brutusan, kl kupikir mungkin buat kulitku itu cMil terlalu moist jd malah gak cocok. Aku pake double cleansing sebenarnya emang ktnya BAnya gak perlu tp krn aku suka lebutnya cleanser dikulitku makanya aku tetep pake pagi.

    Iyah coba ganti facial washnya, krn aku juga gak cocok pake facial wash skii, habis cucimuka muka berasa kering bgt.
    Last edited by Karinadian; Nov 16, 2013 at 07:26 AM.

  4. #34
    Citizen pablohoney's Avatar
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    Karinadian, woooow such an improvement in just a year!
    Walaupun fotomu yg pertama pakai flash, I can see the difference. In the second photo your skin looks more even-toned yah, spots juga banyak yg udah hilang and yes I can definitely see the healthy glow.
    Kulitmu terlihat moisturized and supple gitu deh aku suka Hidden Content

    Oh ya untuk hilangin spots, kamu cuma pakai WSCL atau ada pakai other SK-II Whitening range?
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  5. #35
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    aku pakai repair c jadi agak bruntusan di pipi kanan kiri. hiks... ini aku mau hajar trus sampai seminggu, kalau makin parah, mau aku pending dulu sampai baikan baru aku lanjut lagi. hehehehe

  6. #36
    Immigrant tjiamik's Avatar
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    Talking Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    tjiamik, ah iya sih pasti betein banget klo ada purging. And it's a 50-50 chance between that and an actual irritation. Tapi sekarang bekas2 breakout ku udah mulai memudar sih, although it takes a long time.
    Btw, how do you like Cellumination Essence EX?[/QUOTE]

    Cell ess gak ada matinya deh, suka banget..entah sugesti apa gak, klo pake itu kesannya kulitku gak kering gitu jadi ada sinarnya.cell mask in lotion juga suka banget, dibandingin sama Clear lotion.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    Dr seri whitening aku cuman pake wscl dan ws dermdefinition uv lotion spf 50, kl menurutku sih yg paling banyak ngurangi flek hitam diwajahku sih stempowernya, krn aku iseng nyoba dan juga pernah dikasi tau ba skii kl stempo bs ngilangin flek cuman agak lama.

    Aku biasanya pake stempo lebih tebel ditempat ada fleknya ( kyk pake obat jerawat). Sepertinya sih kl kuperhatikan memang mau berkurang fleknya.

    Aku juga lg nyoba serum signs up-lifter dr seri aging care krn kemarin pas belanja fte 330 ml dikasi sampelnya. Setelah make 2 hr yg kupake kl malam hari aja serumnya ( kl pagi aku masih pake repair c) kulit ku keliatan lebih bgs dan soft bgt. Nanti aku bakal kasi review lg setelah aku make lebih lama.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    kulitku keriinngg banget...sejak pake SK II Celum deep surge ex cucok. makin lembut, bercahaya, bersinar, rona wajah rata dan senangnya didapat dalam waktu yang lumayan singkat. its very powerful skincare. dipakeinnya bareng Clear Lotion + FTE. Pada dasarnya kulit muka saya memang tidak bermasalah. Jadi hasilnya ya makin cerah dan bagus Hidden Content
    Last edited by ayesha; Nov 19, 2013 at 10:47 PM.
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  9. #39
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    Salam kenal semuanya.. aku selama ini silent reader aja.. hihi.
    kulit aku juga dry to combi loh, dan dry nya suka super dry sampe flaky,dan oily di T-zone. tapi setelah 5 tahun pake sk2, sekarang udaa g pernah flaky lagi dan pori2 di hidung juga ud mengecil byk . senengnyaaa..
    Produk yg aku pake skrg facial treatment cleansing cream, gentle cleanser,ftcl, fte, cel essence x, facial lift emulsion, stempo sama refining cream. tapi stla 5 tahun pake, kyknya ftclear lotion nya uda g
    a nendang, skrg lagi bingung mau ganti toner.. T.T

  10. #40
    Citizen pablohoney's Avatar
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    yunihuang, kamu pakai berapa tetes? Abis itu masih pakai moisturizer lagi gak?

    tjiamik, ahh glad to hear this. One of my wishlist is to get Celluminaton Essence EX ini, soalnya aku suka banget sama CMiL. And we all could use some 'light' on our face, don't you think? Hidden Content

    Karinadian , hoo jadi Stempower Cream ini yang lebih ngefek di kamu ya. I still have other moisturizers so I have to finish at least one up before going for this. Tapi memang aku gak nyari miracle product yg bisa banish spots instantly, malah takut klo terlalu cepet. Yang penting pelan dan gradual aja.

    ayesha, wow kayaknya Cellumination range ini rata2 have good reviews ya. Kamu gak pakai serum lagi?

    ciadiana, maksudmu gak nendang gimana ya? Do you have anything specific you're looking for in a toner?
    Cobain CMiL deh, itu hydrating banget di kulit yg butuh extra moisture after cleansing the face.
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  11. #41
    Superstar in Training DesZeLL's Avatar
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    Ahhh dry skin! That's so me.

    I wanna write lengthy review here, tapi setelah dipikir-pikir tulis artikel aja kali yah.

    For me it's almost the same kayak Pablohoney Hidden Content

    Cellumination Mask in Lotion, FTE, Repair C, (moisturiser anything asal udah ada Repair C kayaknya langsung hydrating) tapi kalau udah malem I love LXP to bits!

    Kalau untuk serum untuk ngilangin dullness akibat dry skin pakai Cellumination EX.

  12. #42
    Resident sta28's Avatar
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    After a set of hormone therapy (reduce estrogen to treat my adenomyosis) my skin gets dry and dull, make up didn’t stick well to my face . Be carefull if a doctor told you to have an estrogen control /reduction therapy. Less estrogen will bring negative impact to skin and we gain weight more easily (I put on about 3kg).

    My dryness was specially around cheek , forehead, eyes area. A light smile will already expose those fine lines and creepy under eyes, and crowfeet. I was so panicked and decided to overhaul my existing skincare (Korean brand). After some review and comparing, I was tempted to try this often praised brand SKII. Started with FTE and CL (am pm).

    I experienced on and off light purging in the first 3 month, a skinrash like in my cheeks. But hell..I spent so much money, so I continued using it. While the purging was off, I add new range. First lifting emulsion (am pm) and then repair C (pm). I also experienced darker and more dull skin due to using too much CL. I used to exfoliate with AHA based product twice/month, so my skin basically is familiar with AHA. Therefore I didn’t drop CL , but only stop using it for AM .

    After counter consultation , I bought home wscl and wsdb for AM, to help improve my darkening skin. Still do not use repair c for morning coz I was afraid over moisturized will bring shiny look, my T zone was still oilier and tend to overshine. Therefore AM: cleanser+wscl+fte+wsdb+sunblock.

    After about a month, I’m sure this wsdb is not moist enough (may be whitening series is less suitable for dry skin). Considering it’s price , what a waste if I stop using this Hidden Content I brought repair c in the am regime , just before wsdb. About 2 months later, my friend did say my skin is whiter , fresher.

    Since I ‘ve decided to discontinue using whitening series , I sometime switch to cellum series ( sample size 15gr+2 bottle cellum ess 7ml ) in the morning, to see if my skin can accept this series. Yes, my skin like cellum series better than whitening.

    I also converted to stempower cream (SC) and ss eye cream for pm regime. (PM : double cleansing+CL+fte+rep C+SC+ss eye). Smiling fine lines , creepy eyes, crow feet does significantly reduced.

    What intrigued me was those finelines on top of my forehead (already rubbing rep c + SC in that area).

    After stempower essence (SE) is launched, I bought some sample sachet and use it at night to replace repair c. Waking up with this SE , my skin looks plumper and more glowing. Yes, I must have this product! After 1 wk , I also found that my top forehead finelines less happy…saying goodbye to repair c Hidden Content . So my skin now is far much better than last year,plumper, less fine lines and brighter.

    My best friend compliment my skin condition , she said though I have major family problem , my skin doesn’t show it. “Usually if we’re stressed, our skin will feel it and show it”, she said. Well happy to hear that, I don’t add more wrinkles though this family issues still going on Hidden Content

    PS: I’m 38 ys.
    since using skii I no longer get facial treatment. Comedo is easily comes out with light squeeze.

    Sorry using full english coz this is also written to post in my blog.
    Last edited by sta28; Dec 11, 2013 at 10:56 AM.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    aku pakai 1-2 tetes aja say, pakai am pm. Abis itu udh ga aku pakein apa-apa lagi. Aku stop pakai stempower dulu soalnya pengen lihat kalau FTE + repair c gimana hasilnya di kulit aku. Hadduh, gimana yaaa... Kok kayaknya pada asik-asik aja pakai repair c ya.

    kamu pakai repair c pernah bruntusan juga ga say??

  14. #44
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    yunihuang beruntusan kalau pakainya nggak bener biasanya. Kalau lagi buru-buru make seenaknya. Kalau pakai serum Repair C harus dipakai sambil di massage sampai kering gitu rasanya di kulit dan menyerap semuanya. Kalau masih bersisa dipermukaan biasanya nyebabin beruntusan kalau dari pengalaman.

  15. #45
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    Default Re: SK-II Products for Dry/Combination Skin

    Aku makenya misalnya di kening, aku olesin dulu trus di massage bentaran trus di tap-tap gitu. Kurang tepat ya kayaknya. Apa harusnya di ratain di tangan baru dulu baru massage k seluruh muka?

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