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May 24, 2011, 10:03 PM #1
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IYCE Awards 2012- Any participant?
Mungkin udah pernah denger ya programnya British Council yang namanya Hidden Content , yang diadakan tiap tahun. Tahun ini mereka ngadain lagi. Kategorinya ada 4: design, screen, fashion dan interactive. Pemenangnya akan dikirim ke London selama seminggu untuk ikut berbagai workshop dan networking events. Ini yang menarik banget!
Ini gue copy paste FAQ dari website British Council ya:
First, we’re partnering with Nokia to create an even more exciting programme that include the IYCE Awards and a-newly established Nokia Fellowship for start-ups.
Second, we’ve expanded the age limit of applicants. Creative entrepreneurs who are between the age of 21 and 40 years can now join the competition!
Third, we’ve improved our UK creative industry visits to include more international festivals and masterclasses for you to expand your network and business!
Fourth, you get time to arrange some individual business meetings with the UK network of your choice (based on their availability)
Fifth, the IYCE Awards 2011 is now open for entrepreneurs in the design, fashion, interactive and screen sectors.
You’re an Indonesian citizen who own or work in the creative sector either for profit or not-for-profit. You help bridge talents and consumers, link creative ideas to the market, and empower communities to develop economic potentials of the creative sectors. Winners of IYCE Awards have always been young entrepreneurs who are able to combine business success, creative achievements, social mission and keen to collaborate internationally.
See Indonesia’s Hidden Content
Yes. Although IYCE supports independent businesses it is not necessary for you to run your own company to apply. You need only to show strong entrepreneurial initiatives, market awareness, and leadership potential in your current job. A number of Indonesia’s IYCE champions like Yoris Sebastian and Aldo Sianturi were or are still employees in other companies.
Yes. Although many applicants will have strong creative backgrounds you will be judged first and foremost on your leadership quality, entrepreneurial skills, social outlook and enthusiasm for international collaboration.
You’ll get a 7-day all-expenses-paid industry visit to UK to develop opportunities for commercial and collaborative work in future. The programme will include:
Curated group meetings to give an overview of what’s happening in the UK that’s relevant to your industry
Peer networking with other international participants and UK young creative entrepreneurs
Access to senior UK industry figures (master-class and a lunch for select invitees), including potential advice/ongoing mentoring and investment
Time for individual business meetings
Attendance at international festivals. Design and Fashion winners will join the London Design Festival and London Fashion Week in September while Screen and Interactive winners get to participate in Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival and London Games Festival in October
International networking reception where participants give a short pitch about their work to delegates
There are three rounds:
We will select first-round applicants based on whether they have passed the administrative prerequisites regarding age limits, years in business, and type of business as stated in your online registration. We will send you a more comprehensive application form if you pass this first-round.
An independent panel of jury from Indonesia’s creative industry, media, and academia will select 10 finalists for each specific creative sector based on their applications forms. There will be separate panels of jury for each specific sector. Finalists will be invited to Jakarta for interview with the jury.
Each panel of jury will select the National Winner for each specific creative sector based on their interview of the 10 finalists’ creative and business vision of the future in Jakarta. National winners get to win the all-expenses-paid creative industry visit to UK.
Daftarnya bisa online Hidden Content dan deadline sampai tgl 5 Juni 2011.
Gue udah daftar sih dan udah dinyatakan lolos administration screeningnya, dan udah dikirimin complete registration form yang ternyata puanjang dan banyak yang mesti diisi Hidden Content So I think I'm gonna need time to fill it out correctly.
Anyone interested to apply?
May 26, 2011, 01:33 AM #2
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Re: IYCE Awards 2011- Any participant?
nantinya buat pemilihannya,
disuruh ngapain aja sih?
*minat dehhh*
May 26, 2011, 02:34 AM #3
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Re: IYCE Awards 2011- Any participant?
wah seru nih akhirnya buka lagi yang untuk tahun 2011... pengen nyoba deh, tapi gak boleh team ya...
btw salam kenal, and goodluck buat yang pada udah daftar Hidden Content
May 27, 2011, 10:34 AM #4
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Re: IYCE Awards 2011- Any participant?
thank you for your information and good luck for those who's joining!
Jun 4, 2011, 12:38 PM #5
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Re: IYCE Awards 2011- Any participant?
chi_chat kita daftar dulu, dari formulir yg kita submit itu akan terpilih 10 finalis. Nanti 10 finalis itu akan disuruh presentasi di depan juri untuk menentukan pemenang. Kalo menang dan terpilih utk berangkat ke London, nanti di sana kompetisi lagi sama negara2 lain.
mukasorehari hehehe iya sayang gak bisa team yah. Gimana udah daftar belum?
mochiiee thank you!
Jun 13, 2011, 05:55 PM #6
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Business Connect: Mempertemukan Start ups/UKM dengan Investor, Retailers, Mentor
Hello para wirausahawati Hidden Content
Female Daily Network bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Perdagangan, nih. Jadi Kementerian Perdagangan akan menyelenggarakan Konvensi PPKI (Pekan Produk Kreatif Indonesia) di bulan Juli, tujuannya menjembatani antara para pengusaha dengan investor, retailers & mentors. Kesempatan yang bagus sekali untuk para pemilik bisnis kecil karena biasanya kalo bisnisnya kurang berkembang pasti karena stuck di modal, distribution channel, atau memang bekal perbisnis-annya kurang.
Sebenarnya ada beberapa macam jenis usaha yang boleh ikut. Tapi yang pendaftarannya lewat kita hanya yang bergerak di bidang Fashion & Kerajinan.
Definisi usaha fashion: adalah kegiatan kreatif yang terkait dengan kreasi desain pakaian, desain alas kaki, dan desain aksesoris mode lainnya, produksi pakaian mode dan aksesorisnya, konsultansi lini produk fesyen, serta distribusi produk fesyen.
Definisi usaha kerajinan: Kerajinan merupakan kegiatan kreatif yang berkaitan dengan kreasi, produksi dan distribusi produk yang di buat dan dihasilkan oleh tenaga pengrajin yang berawal dari desain awal sampai dengan proses penyelesaian produknya, antara lain meliputi barang kerajinan yang terbuat dari: batu berharga, serat alam maupun buatan, kulit, rotan bambu, kayu
Jadi, siapa saja yang boleh ikut?
Pemilik usaha Fashion & Kerajinan (maksimal sudah berjalan selama 5 tahun) yang produknya adalah produksi sendiri.
Bagaimana cara untuk ikut serta?
- Kirimkan Profil Bisnis dalam bentuk PDF/word ke Hidden Content paling lambat 25 Juni pukul 24.00 WIB. Subject: Business Connect
- Cantumkan data diri pemilik/tim manajemen, deskripsi dan contoh desain produk/jasa yang ditawarkan, prestasi (jika ada) dan pengalaman yang pernah diraih terkait bisnis yang dijalankan, serta alamat website dan data lain perusahaan.
Peserta yang masuk akan diseleksi dan FD akan memilih 15 usaha kecil untuk diberi kesempatan presentasi tentang bisnisnya di acara PPKI yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Sabtu, 9 Juli 2011
09.30 – 15.30
Ruang Cendrawasih 2, JCC
Nanti juga akan disediakan 1 meja untuk product display.
Nah, kapan lagi kan ada kesempatan seperti ini, bisa mempromosikan produk/bisnis sendiri tanpa mengeluarkan dana dan bisa bertemu calon-calon investor dari dalam dan luat negeri? Makanya ikutan, yuk. Siapa tau bisnisnya jadi makin hits Hidden Content .
Kalau ada pertanyaan, silahkan tanya di thread ini ya. Ditunggu partisipasinya Hidden ContentLast edited by sanetya; Jun 13, 2011 at 06:08 PM.
Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in --
Jul 4, 2011, 03:21 PM #7
IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
Come and join the biggest digital event in Indonesia! IDBYTE 2011
Find out all about digital industry happening in Indonesia at IDBYTE, the biggest digital event in the country. It is a 4-day event consists of conference, workshop, exhibition, andBubu Awards v.07 that covers the hottest topics in the digital industry. IDBYTE will be held on 11-14 July 2011 at Pacific Place, Jakarta.
The main conference will happen onThursday, 14th of July, 2011. We bring you all the top global speakers in the digital industry:
Michelle Guthrie | JAPAC Director, Strategic Business Development at Google
Javier Olivan | Head of International Growth at Facebook
Cliff Rosenberg | Managing Director at LinkedIn Australia & New Zealand
Oliver Hua | COO, Greater China, South East Asia and Japan at eBay Marketplace
Yvonne Chang | Vice President & Managing Director at Yahoo! Southeast Asia
Hermawan Kartajaya | President at MarkPlus, Inc.
If you're a developer, a tech-geek, a digital enthusiast, a businessman, a marketer, an advertiser, an online shopper, a social media user, if you're someone with interest in digital,come and join IDBYTE!
RESERVE your seat now, contact: Hidden Content or visit Hidden ContentLast edited by vanya; Jul 4, 2011 at 03:42 PM.
Jul 4, 2011, 03:45 PM #8
Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
teman-teman adakah yang tertarik datang ke acara ini?
Kalo ngeliat pembicaranya kayaknya event yang bagus, ya...
Ada workshop-workshop juga, lho. Bisa dilihat di Hidden Content detailnya.
Untuk para entrepreneur kayaknya ini acara yang ga boleh dilewatkan Hidden Content
Anyway, workshopnya itu for invitation only. Tapi karena Female Daily jadi media partner, kalo ada yang mau pesen tiket conferencenya bisa kita kasih undangan ke workshopnya jugaa
Jul 4, 2011, 04:13 PM #9
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Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
I'm so gonna camp there from 12 to 14 of July. Who else is gonna be there? Janjian yuk Hidden Content
Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in --
Jul 4, 2011, 11:20 PM #10
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Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
vanya tertarik buat ikut conferencenya tapi mahal ya booo.. Hidden Content tp speakernya bagus2 aihhh pengen ikutttt Hidden Content
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle
Jul 5, 2011, 07:13 AM #11
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Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
pengen sih.. keren banget lg nih pembicaranya. Hidden Content
Kalo bisa I prolly mite come dari 12-14.
Btw, harga segitu 2,5jt untuk 11-14 june ya? ada ga ya yg per day pass?
I havent really dig thru the website sih, mau siap2 kerja dl. lolsss..
Jul 5, 2011, 10:49 AM #12
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Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
adududuududuuuuuu.. iini gokil bangetttt.... vanya, kalo jadi member FD, dapet disc gak buat tiket? *, hehehehe*
tapi on a more serius line, ini acara bagus banget... hanzky i'm gonna be there!, vanya mau ikutan ini mah aku mau ikutan banget!
wait.. aku baru liat ticektingnya, hampir semua-nya sold out, anyone, can please help?Last edited by Lila; Jul 5, 2011 at 11:43 AM.
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Jul 5, 2011, 05:28 PM #13
Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
pencil_skirt: untuk workshop"nya invitation only. Sebenernya itu tiket cuma untuk 1 hari conference di tanggal 14 itu. Tapi, gw barusan ngobrol sama orang tiketingnya, kalo misalnya loe beli tiket conferencenya, mungkin masih bisa dimasukkin untuk workshop tanggal 12.
Lila: Ayo dateng, Din. Penting banget nih acaranya. Untuk tiketing coba kontak Hidden Content deh. Tadi gw udah telepon dia dan dia bilang masih ada kok seatnya.
Ketemu di sana, yaaaa Hidden Content
Jul 6, 2011, 11:55 AM #14
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Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
vanya ok, aku email si Mbak Joan ini asap. kalo sekalian beli tiket trus ambil workshop 12 n 13 bisa gak ya? kalo bisa.. senangnyaa!
[B][COLOR="#ff6666"]Need New Stylish Kaftan for Lebaran? Check [url][/url][/COLOR][/B]
Jul 6, 2011, 05:50 PM #15
Re: IDBYTE - The Best Digital Event in Indonesia
Din, coba aja emailin dan bilang loe anak FD. Nnti gw bilang juga kalo loe mau ikutan workshopnya yaaa Hidden Content