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  1. #31
    Citizen retrojunkies's Avatar
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    Hi Hanzky, Hi Girls...^_^
    nama saya Mira. Arsitek [yang kebanyakan gaya sampe kadang-kadang bingung sendiri]. I have one son. Bisa nyasar ke sini karena melihat-lihat website temanku: Okky [KandangSapiBuntal].
    I love to browse various inspirational fashion sites like hel-looks, facehunter, thesartorialist and so on. All of those makes me feel not alone in this world, because the rules there is: NO RULES...^_^
    Dan akhirnya nemu ini. Salut untuk Hanzky cs,
    It's nice to know you all here. Hope we can share our fashion interests.


  2. #32

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    Hello semua...

    Nama saya Sissi. Kenal Hanny ato Hanzky waktu kita sama-sama di St. Louis dulu(benernya sih yang satu tinggalnya di Carbondale, yang satu di Edwardsville...tapi kita kalo kluyuran ke St. Louis berhubung kota-kota kita itu ngga ada apa2nya! hihihi =))

    I'm also 20 yo plus plus (ok..ok..udah mulai mepet ke kepala 3 sih). Currently living and working in Paris, France. I've been married to a french guy since 9 months ago, and no babies so far (yet).

    Kalo soal blanja, sebenernya saya lebih cenderung mood-mood-an (kalo moodnya lagi naik emang rada parah sih...), dan ngga terlalu ngikutin mode yang lagi trend2nya juga. But I loooove beauty products. Semuaaaaaaaaa rasanya pingin di cobain. Walopun pada akhirnya product2 itu lebih sering terbengkalai di pojokan, karena saya sering bosen sebelum habis pake. hehehe...

    Apalagi yah? Oh...seneng deh Han..sama websitemu ini. Banyak tips2 yang okeh dan menarik...trima kasih yak!

    Au revoir et à bientot!!

  3. #33

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    waaaaa, ada anak paris juga *nunjuk sissi* Hidden Content

    im Ayu, married, 20an juga, living in paris, temennya loucee ;-)

    slam knaal smuanyaaaa...

  4. #34

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    Waah...Ayu anak paris juga? =D

    Mari berkenalan!! Hi!!! =D

  5. #35
    Platinum manda's Avatar
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    Waa.....! Baru ditinggal bentar udah langsung banyak banget yang masuuk! Congrats ya mbak Hanii...
    Halo2 semuanya, Nama g Manda, anak Bandung yang nyasar di Saint Louis juga (sadly almost every person I've talked to haven't heard of Saint Louis hu hu..g musti bilang klo "St. Louis itu deket Chicago!", baru deh mereka ngangguk2 hehehehe)
    G temen mainnya Hana, mbak Hani, n of course her 3 yr ol boy yg badung but adorable (halah temen maiiin....;p)
    I'm almost 25 and still a student. I am a newcomer in fashion, masih harus belajar banyak nihh..dulu g buta bener deh ttg fashion and agak2 tomboy. Baru pas kuliah di amrik aja nih punya rok dan skrg bukan cm punya, tapi udah mulai suka, dulu sih musti berantem dulu ma nyokap klo g mo dipakein rok hihi.
    Biarpun g jarang comment, tapi g belajar banyak dr sini.
    So.....o fahionistas..educate me! Hidden Content

  6. #36
    Beryl vveen's Avatar
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    hello everyone Hidden Content

    just call me veen, 24 y.o, currently resides in Beijing, China. Been living here for the past eight months and will be leaving for jakarta for good in about 1-2 months.

    about my passion for fashion, sebener2nya sih muncul-ilang-muncul-ilang gt..hihi. like when i used to live in Melbourne (i'd lived there for 4 yrs) my passion was terribly big. I seriously went shopping or browsing from boutiques to boutiques even dept stores each time I had chance to do it! I loveeee Aus fashion mags, they were awesome, i could hardly think which magazine i should buy every month! and i love aussie local designers!

    and now, since i came to beijing 8 months ago i feel like my passion for fashion or shopping has been terribly BAD! even though everything is cheap here, *seriously seriously cheap...omg, no wonder mangdu di jkt makmur bgt..haha* but the style is just so bad! and the worst of all is the fact that they copy every single thing *even zara, mng* the quality is also not something to be mentioned, every time i go shopping here, i have to prepare for the worst case, because I literally have to shout and putting long face to get the stuff cheaper. believe me, the seller's attitude here is the worst you'd find! [mereka suka buka harganya tinggi bgt, ga mikir, and i just think it's ridiculous to buy 300-1000RMB = Rp.350.000 -1.200.000 di pasar, mending g beli zara aja...udah adem di mall pake ac, shop assistantnya juga ok!]

    aduh, kok jadi curhat nih..hihi. ya udah deh, intinya seneng bgt bs join di forum ini, seeing other people passion for fashion from around the world Hidden Content hanzky has done a super good job and hello again for all of you girlsss Hidden Content


  7. #37

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    Hi all,

    Duh.. baca di umur kok kebanyakan 20 something.. hiks..hiks... berasa udah emak-emak banget...
    30 something stay at home mom with 4.5 y.o boy. Currently living in Italy.. .. fashion.. fashion... fashion.. everthing is fashion here in Italy.. gimana aku gak pusinggg..

    Anyway.. salam kenal semuanya...

  8. #38

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    tari: halloooo Hidden Content ) dah masuk sini yaa..... Hidden Content

  9. #39


    Salam kenal smuaa...

    Gue Melissa, lahir di Jkt tp udah 5 taon terakhir tinggal di Melbourne (sengaja milih melb gara2 melb is the fashion capital of aussie). Early twenties, ambil chemical engineering tapi demen bgt sama Fashion & accessories. Paling demen berlama-lama di news agent gara2 gak bisa decide mau beli majalah yang mana.
    Kalo di rumah bisa bengong seharian di depan FashionTV. Trus muterin mall window-shopping ^_^ Belanjanya kalo ada sale doank.. hahaha

    Oh, kenal website ini dr MizzDevi.. Horaahh!! Love it!!

  10. #40

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    g tau ni forum gara2 sering baca

    me 22, anak jakarta, hometown di cinere.
    mahasiswi food tech yang berasa nyasar.. tapi untungnya tinggal skripsi jadi dikit lagi bebasssss!!! hehe..

    suka banget ama fashion bisa lamaaaa deh kalo browsing cari tas sepatu baju, tapi gak mampu semua mahal2 bo.. hehe..
    tapi kalo dandanan sih yang aman2 juga hehe..

    doyan makan juga tapi gampang ndut jadi kalo abis makan banyak diet deh huhuhu..

    nice to meet y'all! muachh muachh

  11. #41
    Beryl mizzdevi's Avatar
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    Hidden Content Originally Posted by Lorelai
    Woiii.. Woiiii.... MizzDevi!!
    Gw kan udah notice lo duluan di post lainnya..hahahhahaa..
    buset dah.. nama gw di sensor dong cepetan.. jangan ditulis selengkapnya kayak di akte lahir gw.. hahahhahahhaaa..

    lo di mana sih skrg?
    uda disensor ASAP. Hidden Content sori2 ga ngeliat hihihi. gw di jakarta dunkz, terperangkap di med-school huhu.. ga nyangka loh lo bisa studi sambil berkarier disana. *I'm jealous*

    Hidden Content Originally Posted by tje2p
    gawe sebagai buruh pabrik tekstil, yang kerjaannya jualan kain Hidden Content
    sebenernya gak terlalu ngeh sama fashion (dan tetek bengeknya) karna suka asik sendiri tapi sekarang mau nggak mau kudu ngeh sama fashion industri, karena pegang account PVH, Haggar, GNA, Perry Ellis, CV juga beberapa brand kecil dari USA, Canada & Spain. sekarang lagi dipindahin ke functional fabric (kaya Gore-Tex gitu), trus lagi 'serius' untuk 'memasyarakatkan' functional fabric ke brand fashion bukan brand sportwear Hidden Content (ya begitulah...)
    lagi tertatih-tatih mengerjakan my 1st book Hidden Content doakan saya kawan-kawan....
    wah lagi ngerjain buku apa nih? tentang fashion juga kah? sukses yaaa!

  12. #42
    Co-founder & Business Director NewcomerCitizen
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    Hi ladies! Duh gue juga telat ya say hi di lounge ini...gpp deh ya, mudah2an newcomers di forum ini masih bisa baca.

    My name is Koukla, not a real name obviously (Koukla is doll in Greek) tapi karena satu dan lain hal gue belum bisa reveal my true identity di blog ini (cieeh kayak apa aja deh). So just call me Koukla!

    I'm in my very late 20's - desperately hanging on to it because it will soon be over (hiksss!) - newly married and happily pregnant with my first baby! Hanzky and I actually went to the same high school in Jakarta tapi dia adek kelas gue (yah ketauan deh gue tuaaaaaa). We recently reconnected through blogs and after I told her about my passion for makeup and beauty products, she invited me to write for! I have to say that it's been super fun writing here and it is now even more fun because I get to meet you all - fashion and beauty addicts who live around the world!

    I guess it goes without saying that I'm a makeup junkie. I dont remember when or how it started, but from as long as I remember, I've always been crazy about beauty products. Cara tercepat gue untuk menghilangkan stress adalah mengunjungi beauty floor at any dept. store and play with the products. Gue juga bisa dibilang brand-whore alias nggak terlalu setia sama satu brand aja karena....well there are simply too many good things out there for me to be loyal!! So if I read or hear about something good, I will try it. This addiction also includes perfumes. Kalo ini sih nurun kayaknya dari nyokap. Nyokap gue aja parfumnya satu lemari sendiri, sehingga kadang2 gue gak perlu beli, cukup 'minjem' dari nyokap. My mom and I also exchanged perfumes as gifts karena kita sama2 tau kalo dikadoin parfum pasti gak bakal kecewa deh! (So girls, you know what to give me on my next b'day, hee hee)

    Soal fashion, gue bukan orang yg selalu ngikutin trend bcause I hate to look like a lot of people. I tend to stick to classic pieces (again, something I inherit from my mom) that I add with interesting jewelries, shoes or bags. I LOVE wearing dresses. My inspiration is also women from 20's - 50's although I don't replicate the whole look. I would like my style to be chic, ladylike but with a little edge to it (like wearing knee-high boots for example - I know I know Jakarta is hardly the place to wear boots but I live in AC most of the time so I don't feel that hot). I also want to start collecting vintage jewelries. Saat ini sih koleksi gue masih memalukan so to those of you who know where I can buy vintage jewelries, pleeeeeeease let me know!

    Buset udah panjang bgt ya? Ya sudlah, once again, it's great to meet you all. Keep reading fashionesedaily and do let me know if you want me to review a certain product / trend in makeup or beauty, ok? See you all around!

  13. #43
    Elite Citizen mskellybag's Avatar
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    Heyylooo semuanya Hidden Content

    just call me kelly...i'm married for almost 3 years now, a housewife, and 30 sumthin', trying to get pregnant...hehehe. i live in Jakarta. I love bags and shoes. Kalo utk baju dan make up ga terlalu ngikutin trend kalo emang trendnya cocok dan gw suka. I'm so glad ada forum kayak gini....keep up the good work Hanzky Hidden Content

    Cheerss everybody Hidden Content

  14. #44
    Partner & Director,
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    Baru join, udah beberapa bulan sih baca-baca di fashionesedaily. Trus pas forum ini launching, pas lagi gak di Jkt dan berhubung lagi liburan jadi males buka-buka komputer. Baru balik dan langsung diserbu kerjaan, jadi pas buka lagi, seneng banget dah ada forum dan bisa ikutan nimbrung.

    Eh, pembukaannya panjang amat. Gue Nopai dan udah 13 tahun idup di Jkt. Berasa tua di sini karena gue udah 31, married, dan lagi berjuang punya baby Hidden Content
    Rasanya gue shopaholic, sampe bisa empati ama Becky dari Shopaholic Series Hidden Content walo gue gak stylish2 amat. Malah adek gue ama Nyokap gue suka comment kalo gue ini terlalu konservatif, bajunya lempeng2 aja (maksud gue sih klasik!), warnanya gak variatif.. hehehe.. tapi tetep aja suka banget ngikutin fashionesedaily, walo kadang gak berani ikut pake.

    Paling hobby ke salon dan make up. Rasanya tiap abis dari salon berasa ringan kepala dan cantik.. hehehhe... Sempet les make up ama Gusnaldi, walo bukan profesional, tapi cuman buat diri sendiri. Dan, at least seminggu sekali, biasanya seminggu 2 kali ke salon cuman buat blow ato treatment... boros bok!

    Hani dan Koukla, congrats ya!
    Should I buy this one or that one?

    Save yourself from the headache and READ REVIEWS from thousand of our members!

  15. #45
    NewcomerPermanent Resident nittaya's Avatar
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    Hi semua.. Gue Nittaya. Ibu dari (baru) 1 anak yang skr umurnya 2 tahun.
    Gue skr 31, tahun depan 32, tahun depannya 33.. dst.. hehe *garing*.
    Skr domisili gue lagi puter-puter antara bandung-jakarta-bangkok. Mudah2an by the end of this year, bakal cuman puter2 di bandung-jakarta aja.

    Gue sama sekali gak modis.. hehe. Sederhana iya kali. Ikutan sini liat dr link di blognya shinta aka slesta. Trus trus.. merasa kenal hanzky, slesta, ayufi.. pemain2 blogger sejak jaman dulu (kaya gue) hehe..

    Jadi mudah2an, bisa dapet banyak inspirasi di sini dr para fashionese.. Hidden Content

    Segitu dulu kali ya, Hidden Content .

    Buat hani, nice job han! Hidden Content

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