Introduce yourself first here - Page 2
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  1. #16


    Hi ya all.. salam kenal

    Gw Laura umur cukup dewasa lah..Hidden Content dua puluh.......
    Married punya anak 1 umur 4th, yummy mummy, ibu rumah tangga plus kerja part time (admin). Tinggal di East Midlands, UK.
    suka banget cuci mata plus shopping, suka laper mata liat barang2 lutuu2 yg sekiranya cuco gw pake tp ga maksa supaya terlihat spt Kate Moss secara perut gw bergelantungan here and there hehehehe ..Hidden Content

    ok thats all for now


  2. #17

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    Nama onscreen gw Lorelai (palsu lah yaaa).
    Gw tau blog ini baru sebulan yg lalu..

    Gw student di Belanda, tapi sekarang sehubungan dengan internship yg harus gw jalanin, gw berdomisili di Jerman. Umur gw 21 taun and happily attached for 2 years. Belom nikah sih.. denger Hanzky udah berkeluarga (tak kusangka) gw juga jadi ngiler.. gak tau nih kapan dilamarnya.. hahahahahaa...

    Gw pecinta fashion, makanan, anjing dan anak kecil.. gw tergila-gila dengan baju dari 50's dan barang yang sexy elegant. Tapi seringnya pake baju senaknya aja.. hahaha.. ke kantor aja pernah make jeans bolong2 (ok..bye2 sexy elegant!) Tidak suka memakai baju yang orang2 kebanyakan sedang pakai..

    Gw ngambil major business & communication, tapi sbenernya obsesi gw jadi fashion designer.. Gw juga suka ngebuat baju sendiri (most of them are dresses), minjem mesin jahit dari tetangga. Finally after 2 months of internship I got my own sewing machine!

    Biarpun belajarnya otodidak..hasilnya gak jelek2 banget kok..

    salam kenal deh..

    Hidden Content

  3. #18
    Beryl mizzdevi's Avatar
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    Hidden Content Originally Posted by Lorelai

    Nama onscreen gw Lorelai (palsu lah yaaa).
    Gw tau blog ini baru sebulan yg lalu..

    Gw student di Belanda, tapi sekarang sehubungan dengan internship yg harus gw jalanin, gw berdomisili di Jerman. Umur gw 21 taun and happily attached for 2 years. Belom nikah sih.. denger Hanzky udah berkeluarga (tak kusangka) gw juga jadi ngiler.. gak tau nih kapan dilamarnya.. hahahahahaa...
    I know some of those girls on pics!!! PJK ya lo, Lorelai??? Is that you?? Wahhh ga nyangka bisa ketemu disini *loh2* hehe.. Apa kabarmu??? Do you remember me?

    *di sensor by request*

  4. #19
    CEO Female Daily Network Elite Citizen Hanzky's Avatar
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    celia: ya ampun sering mampir ke fashionesedaily juga toh..kok nggak pernah ninggalin komen sih?..hehehe..iya gue inget jamannya elo seneng beli beli make up waktu masih nge blog di livejournal..Hidden Content

    welcome cutie_laura and lorelai..posting baju baju buatan lo dong di sini..Hidden Content

  5. #20

    Join Date
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    Hidden Content Originally Posted by mizzdevi
    Hidden Content Originally Posted by slesta
    as for myself, i'm in my late 20s, will be married in less than a week, currently live in jakarta, but will be moving to spore in less than a month.
    wah congrats ya slesta!! happy ever after.. undang2 donk hihihihi *ngarep*

    btw lekongnya org sg? jadi lo bakal pindah ke sg for good gtu? ah tp sg-jkt begitu dekat.. seperti jkt-bdg lah ya Hidden Content
    thanks devi!! enggak kok, [calon] suami gue bukan orang spore... orang jakarta kok, tapi he's travel and lived outside of jakarta for a while too, and for the past year have moved to singapore to work there. jadi gue ngikutan deeyyy... good reason to leave jakarta's traffic jam!! heheh.. Hidden Content

  6. #21
    Citizen lita's Avatar
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    hi all

    gue lita. seru banget bisa chat soal fashion, shopping, beauty, and all stuffs here. currently living in jakarta. gak bisa terlalu banyak eksperimen soal fashion kalo di kantor, soalnya senin dan kamis gue pake seragam (kayaknya gue perlu input buat seragam tahun depan. yg tahun ini, sucks ! hehehe).

    apa lagi ya ... nanti kita share2 lagi ya ...

    buat shinta, selamat yaaaa ..... salam buat anak2 NY kalo ketemu ....

  7. #22
    Beryl putri_bramantyo's Avatar
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    Halo halo semuanyaaaa..duh senangnya bisa gabung di forum ini,

    Nama gue putri, i'm in my 20's, 25 for exact, bekerja sebagai staff marketing di sebuah gedung bilangan sudirman dan selalu berharap bisa menemukan pekerjaan baru yang lebih menyenangkan (don't we all?), happily attached and getting married in about 5 months. a compulsive buyer, kebiasaan buruk laper mata ga kira-kira, i love vintage stuff, ga suka pake baju yang pasaran (still i lurve baby doll, they're so comfy), basically i love fashion!!!

    How i know this blog? simply click the tab on whodoyouthinkheare blog and voila! and now i'm addicted to this blog setelah posting beberapa comment disini Hidden Content

    keep on sharing yah!!!


  8. #23


    hallow, salam kenal semuaa..i'm nannerl (my nick, actually), 19years old, berdomisili di Bandung. Kul di informatics ITB.. Mungkin sebuah anomaly kali yaa, tapi sayah termasuk anak ITB yang freak terhadap fashion! Tapi karena beban kuliah yang super padet, jadi rada2 ga bisa bereksperimen with the nu trend. Hidden Content
    Maap ya bu admin, sebenarnya sayah sering maen ke fashionesedaily, tapi ga pernah komen.. I hope ilmu fashion sayah bisa bertambah dengan join this forum. Hidden Content Ciao!

  9. #24
    Citizen putri duyung's Avatar
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    halo semuaaa... gue bener bener baru nih di sini, dalam arti, baru dua hari yang lalu nemu nih tempat dan ternyata forumnya sekarang udah buka. hehehehe... duh, gue seneng banget deh nemu nih tempat, secara gue selalu haus info tentang fashion n bingung mo diskusi ma sapa...

    anyway, I'm in my late 20s... been married for 4 years, have 9 months baby gal. gue tinggal somewhere di jakarta selatan. I'm a freelance writer, n been fashion n shopper freak since graduated from high school.

    Truss... a bit about fashion... to me fashion is fun. jadi gue termasuk berani coba memakai berbagai macam benda yang mungkin banyak dimasukin ke daftar "barang yang nggak pernah dibeli" hehehee... Gue selalu pengen pake semua warna, tapi gue sangat nggak suka segala sesuatu yang nggak matching (atau mungkin karena gue belom sampe ke taraf berani tabrak2in warna kali yaa.)

    Truss... gue bener bener sangaaattt gilaaa shopping dan ke mall, secara tiga hari nggak ke mall rasanya udah kayak setaon nggak ke mall. my big problem is... gue selalu tergoda belanja tiap ke mall. hehehee...

    itu aja deeeh... udah panjang, ntar kepanjangan pada bosen yang baca... ^__^ salam kenal semua... semoga forum ini bisa sama-sama membuat kita makin sadar fashion dan welldressed...

  10. #25

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    permisii... mau kenalan...

    nama saya loucee. bisa sampe di tempat hanzky lewat slesta *ola, sin!* Hidden Content
    i'm a twenty something girl but always consider my self as ABG at heart.. *tuitt..twiitt...*
    at the moment i'm living in Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK with my french husband,
    juggling between my two professions as an MA student and Graphic Designer.
    hopefully the first one will be put to an end soon, as i'm currently doing my final dissertation and... boy it's hard to do both *colongan curhat, deehh...* hihi...

    sebenernya gue gak fashionista2 amat... :P tapi juga gak cuek-cuek amat.
    i do love fashion but not necessarily following trends, i do love make ups but know nothing about them. that's why i love hanzky's blog and this forum a lot since i can learn so much from here without spending more money to buy fashion magazines. kan mending dananya dipake buat beli flat shoes dong, ah... :P hihi...


  11. #26

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    Woiii.. Woiiii.... MizzDevi!!
    Gw kan udah notice lo duluan di post lainnya..hahahhahaa..
    buset dah.. nama gw di sensor dong cepetan.. jangan ditulis selengkapnya kayak di akte lahir gw.. hahahhahahhaaa..

    lo di mana sih skrg?

  12. #27
    Beryl ruthwijaya's Avatar
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    hi all...
    'mengunjungi' cukup sering, tapi duduk aja di pojokan Hidden Content
    gw twenty something-deket to thirty seh.... masih jomblo dan punya motto being single is happy asal punya pacar :P
    tinggal di Bandung, tapi akhir-akhir ini terancam untuk menjadi penduduk Jakarta selama tiga hari dalam seminggu.
    gawe sebagai buruh pabrik tekstil, yang kerjaannya jualan kain Hidden Content
    sebenernya gak terlalu ngeh sama fashion (dan tetek bengeknya) karna suka asik sendiri tapi sekarang mau nggak mau kudu ngeh sama fashion industri, karena pegang account PVH, Haggar, GNA, Perry Ellis, CV juga beberapa brand kecil dari USA, Canada & Spain. sekarang lagi dipindahin ke functional fabric (kaya Gore-Tex gitu), trus lagi 'serius' untuk 'memasyarakatkan' functional fabric ke brand fashion bukan brand sportwear Hidden Content (ya begitulah...)
    lagi tertatih-tatih mengerjakan my 1st book Hidden Content doakan saya kawan-kawan....

    Congrats ya Hanzky.... atas forumnya... Hidden Content

  13. #28
    CEO Female Daily Network Elite Citizen Hanzky's Avatar
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    lita dulu di new york juga ya sama kaya shinta?

    putri good luck with the wedding preparation ya..Hidden Content

    nanerl hihi nggak pa pa kok nggak pernah komen, tapi rajin2 posting di forum yaa...Hidden Content ..

    putri duyung your outfit sounds interesting...jangan lupa posting daily outfit nya di pret-a-porter yaa..Hidden Content

    loucee banyak ex new yorker juga yaa di sini, hehe...ya ya betul we can always use more $$ for our shopping fund..

    lorelai ahhhh mana namanya mana mana...telat yaa gue?..hehehe

    the2p wahhh pasti lo banyak tau fashion/textile glossary yaa..ntar bagi2 ilmu nya di thread fashion glossary yaa..Hidden Content

  14. #29

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    Halo, I am Juli and currently studying/living in the Netherlands. I stumbled upon this forum courtesy to Modjo (cheers girl, I really miss our lunch time gossips hueheu). I’m turning 22 this year and have just become comfortable with my own skins lately. The main culprit is as usual the body image issue that has yoyo-ed after I left my teen hood, don’t you all miss your fast metabolisms? Being able to pig out without having to worry that the scale will rise or adding an extra cellulite. Thank goodness nowadays I come to accept my womanly body with all of its curves and bounciness. Always been the girl with breasts and hips, I am quite glad that I have tons of options here compared to stick-thin Indo’s fashion. Now what do you lots think about it?

    I’m diverting again Hidden Content . Err when it comes to fashion, I passionately love it! I think that we have to put it in the constitution: “All shall be aware that shopping and fashion are part of basic human rights!” hehe if I have to describe my fashion signature style, I’ll say eclectic, depending on my mood: boyish, androgynous, or feminine. My muse is the old days in the 20’s to the 40’s, the swing jazz era especially, and if I have to choose a fashion icon, it will be Dita von Teese. She is good! But since I am too lazy to put that much of efforts for myself, I’ll be content with my current wardrobes. Another marvellous inspiration is from the European’s much diverse style: the glamorous Italian, the laidback Spaniards, the chic Parisians, the funky Londoners, or the experimental Scandinavians. I hope that I can be a good addition to the forum or I must say “salam kenal!” Hidden Content

  15. #30

    Join Date
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    hi everyone!!!

    hehe, telat neh perkenalannya, biez ga tau ada ajang beginian sebelom dnudge mizzdevi hehehe....

    k, gw Ale dan biasa di dunia maya ngakunya LavanyaLea haha.... turning 21 in July, dan setelah 17 taon di Jakarta gw bosen so angkat kaki ke UK Hidden Content currently resides in Liverpool... dan in abt 10 days gw bakal pindah rumah ke the heart of Liverpool that is Cavern Quarter tempat The Beatles used to play!!!! wuihhhhh....

    I'm doing Medicine, jadi klo daytime itu klo bukannya berSMART ria gara2 ke hospital dan mesti ketemu patients dan mesti rapi-rapi gituw... ato klo lagi ga di hospital itu paling ada lectures dan biasanya gw itu bangunnya telat buangeth, jadi langsung aja grab medics hoodie gw tercintaaaa (yg kian hari ukurannya menyusut gara2 dicuci mesin LOL), so baru centil-centilan paling pas malam harii ato weekend Hidden Content

    Oh and to slesta congrats yaaaa!!!!!!!!

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