ChitChat Suka Duka TTC - Page 264

Thread: Suka Duka TTC

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  1. #3946
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Aku juga lagi ttc.. sedih klo tiap bulan bocor juga.. uda hampir setahun menikah, aku ada masalah miom.. dan dokter bilang miomnya ngabisin ruang di rahim.. mungkin aja sebenernya uda ada sperma yg sampe ke telur tapi ga bisa nempel di rahim karna rahimnya radang gara2 miom..

  2. #3947
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Europe's top betting company Bahigo details about thelocation of Turkey
    Hidden Content Europe-based online betting and casino gaming companynow continues its activities to Turkey. Bahigo acquainted with Turkey's bet by
    logging onto the site.
    Bahigo Sports Betting Company for Turkey

    Bahigo started its activities for the first time in 2013 as agames of chance provider platform. Being one of the addresses with the highest
    number of users today, it provides easy access to advanced service standards in
    every period. Bahigo supports access via desktop web and mobile as it provides
    the opportunity to log in actively 24/7. It brings the experience of being able
    to benefit from the best gaming standards with the value of the technical
    infrastructure created in the quality of Pronetgaming. It not only has an
    innovative service experience, but also allows player satisfaction in modern
    design standards. You can create your new user registration unconditionally by
    logging in.

    Why has the Bahigo login address changed?
    The changes made in the domain name for accessing the Bahigosite are one of the most curious issues for users. The domain name restrictions
    imposed by the State for their entire online gaming platforms available in
    Turkey is concerned. It is not possible to log in if the address changes are
    not made. With the changes made to prevent access problems, it is possible to
    access seamlessly from all platforms as soon as possible.

    Creates reliable usage standards in all current address values
    It keeps the accessibility quality at the highest level inaccordance with all platforms.
    Provides uninterrupted service to ensure the best playerexperience
    With its addresses that have been updated for years, itsupports no problems during the login phase.
    Offers easy access support in all internet browsers

    By following the changes of the current login addresses onour site, you have the opportunity to instantly access by clicking the button.
    It always actively provides service at its current addresses by providing user

    User information
    While address changes do not affect user accounts and thesite, the part where the change is made is limited to the numbers written in
    the domain name. Once the connection is made active through the new Bahigo web
    address, registered users can easily access their accounts. It is valid for all
    players to benefit from the high quality protection standards and the
    infrastructure's compliance with new technology standards.

  3. #3948
    Permanent Resident
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Europe's top betting company Bahigo details about thelocation of Turkey
    Hidden Content Europe-based online betting and casino gaming companynow continues its activities to Turkey. Bahigo acquainted with Turkey's bet by
    logging onto the site.
    Bahigo Sports Betting Company for Turkey

    Bahigo started its activities for the first time in 2013 as agames of chance provider platform. Being one of the addresses with the highest
    number of users today, it provides easy access to advanced service standards in
    every period. Bahigo supports access via desktop web and mobile as it provides
    the opportunity to log in actively 24/7. It brings the experience of being able
    to benefit from the best gaming standards with the value of the technical
    infrastructure created in the quality of Pronetgaming. It not only has an
    innovative service experience, but also allows player satisfaction in modern
    design standards. You can create your new user registration unconditionally by
    logging in.

    Why has the Bahigo login address changed?
    The changes made in the domain name for accessing the Bahigosite are one of the most curious issues for users. The domain name restrictions
    imposed by the State for their entire online gaming platforms available in
    Turkey is concerned. It is not possible to log in if the address changes are
    not made. With the changes made to prevent access problems, it is possible to
    access seamlessly from all platforms as soon as possible.

    Creates reliable usage standards in all current address values
    It keeps the accessibility quality at the highest level inaccordance with all platforms.
    Provides uninterrupted service to ensure the best playerexperience
    With its addresses that have been updated for years, itsupports no problems during the login phase.
    Offers easy access support in all internet browsers

    By following the changes of the current login addresses onour site, you have the opportunity to instantly access by clicking the button.
    It always actively provides service at its current addresses by providing user

    User information
    While address changes do not affect user accounts and thesite, the part where the change is made is limited to the numbers written in
    the domain name. Once the connection is made active through the new Bahigo web
    address, registered users can easily access their accounts. It is valid for all
    players to benefit from the high quality protection standards and the
    infrastructure's compliance with new technology standards.

  4. #3949
    Banned Resident
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Europe's top betting company Bahigo details about thelocation of Turkey
    Hidden Content Europe-based online betting and casino gaming companynow continues its activities to Turkey. Bahigo acquainted with Turkey's bet by
    logging onto the site.
    Bahigo Sports Betting Company for Turkey

    Bahigo started its activities for the first time in 2013 as agames of chance provider platform. Being one of the addresses with the highest
    number of users today, it provides easy access to advanced service standards in
    every period. Bahigo supports access via desktop web and mobile as it provides
    the opportunity to log in actively 24/7. It brings the experience of being able
    to benefit from the best gaming standards with the value of the technical
    infrastructure created in the quality of Pronetgaming. It not only has an
    innovative service experience, but also allows player satisfaction in modern
    design standards. You can create your new user registration unconditionally by
    logging in.

    Why has the Bahigo login address changed?
    The changes made in the domain name for accessing the Bahigosite are one of the most curious issues for users. The domain name restrictions
    imposed by the State for their entire online gaming platforms available in
    Turkey is concerned. It is not possible to log in if the address changes are
    not made. With the changes made to prevent access problems, it is possible to
    access seamlessly from all platforms as soon as possible.

    Creates reliable usage standards in all current address values
    It keeps the accessibility quality at the highest level inaccordance with all platforms.
    Provides uninterrupted service to ensure the best playerexperience
    With its addresses that have been updated for years, itsupports no problems during the login phase.
    Offers easy access support in all internet browsers

    By following the changes of the current login addresses onour site, you have the opportunity to instantly access by clicking the button.
    It always actively provides service at its current addresses by providing user

    User information
    While address changes do not affect user accounts and thesite, the part where the change is made is limited to the numbers written in
    the domain name. Once the connection is made active through the new Bahigo web
    address, registered users can easily access their accounts. It is valid for all
    players to benefit from the high quality protection standards and the
    infrastructure's compliance with new technology standards.

  5. #3950
    Join Date
    Jul 18, 2020
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Europe's top betting company Bahigo details about thelocation of Turkey
    Hidden Content Europe-based online betting and casino gaming companynow continues its activities to Turkey. Bahigo acquainted with Turkey's bet by
    logging onto the site.
    Bahigo Sports Betting Company for Turkey

    Bahigo started its activities for the first time in 2013 as agames of chance provider platform. Being one of the addresses with the highest
    number of users today, it provides easy access to advanced service standards in
    every period. Bahigo supports access via desktop web and mobile as it provides
    the opportunity to log in actively 24/7. It brings the experience of being able
    to benefit from the best gaming standards with the value of the technical
    infrastructure created in the quality of Pronetgaming. It not only has an
    innovative service experience, but also allows player satisfaction in modern
    design standards. You can create your new user registration unconditionally by
    logging in.

    Why has the Bahigo login address changed?
    The changes made in the domain name for accessing the Bahigosite are one of the most curious issues for users. The domain name restrictions
    imposed by the State for their entire online gaming platforms available in
    Turkey is concerned. It is not possible to log in if the address changes are
    not made. With the changes made to prevent access problems, it is possible to
    access seamlessly from all platforms as soon as possible.

    Creates reliable usage standards in all current address values
    It keeps the accessibility quality at the highest level inaccordance with all platforms.
    Provides uninterrupted service to ensure the best playerexperience
    With its addresses that have been updated for years, itsupports no problems during the login phase.
    Offers easy access support in all internet browsers

    By following the changes of the current login addresses onour site, you have the opportunity to instantly access by clicking the button.
    It always actively provides service at its current addresses by providing user

    User information
    While address changes do not affect user accounts and thesite, the part where the change is made is limited to the numbers written in
    the domain name. Once the connection is made active through the new Bahigo web
    address, registered users can easily access their accounts. It is valid for all
    players to benefit from the high quality protection standards and the
    infrastructure's compliance with new technology standards.

  6. #3951
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Hidden Content Vote cho bạn.

    Hidden Content

  7. #3952
    Banned Citizen
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Hidden Content Giá cả rẻ nhất vì không phải qua trung gian.

    Hidden Content

  8. #3953
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    halo bun aku mau share jg tentang perubahan rahim aku dari retro jadi ante, disini ada yang pernah jg kah?
    aku udh udh hampir 1 tahun nikah sampe skrng blm dikasih kepercayaan jg
    bulan januari 2019 sempet usg karna keputihan banyak bgt, diagnosa cuma infeksi aja dikasih antibiotik tapi rahim dinyatakan rahim retro, tp dokter bilang ga ada masalah dari rahim retro, itu cuma variasi bentuk rahim aja.
    bulan februari aku rencana operasi usus buntu tapi HB ku rendah banget karena haid hari ke 7 masih deres padahal biasanya hari ke 6 udh bersih, akhirnya dokter sarinin untuk USG takutnya aku keguguran ternyata hasilnya aku cuma stres jadi hormon terganggu, disini juga rahimku dinyatakan retro
    bulan Juli konsul lagi buat cek sel telur karna sebelumnya tiap usg blm masa subur, hasilnya ada 3 sel telur tp yang bisa dibuahi / diatas 18mm cuma 1, kata dokter normal dan dikasih obat femaplex dan 1 obat lg tapi lupa namanya katanya untuk memperbanyak sel telur diminum setelah hari ke 2 haid
    akhirnya bulan depannya coba kontrol ke dokter lain karna ngerasa dokter yg pertama kurang komunikatif, disini rahimku masih retro, dan ada 3 sel telur yang bisa dibuahi, seneng bgt. dokter yang ke 2 ini tidak menyarankan aku untuk minum obat lagi karna usia pernikahan blm 12 bulan dikhawatirkan mengganggu hormon dan timbulnya kista, dan aku disarankan naikin berat badan karna kurus serta rutin olahraga. tp si merah ternyata dateng bun setelah telat 4 hari
    akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk HSG dan suami analisis sperma, alhamdulillah suami normal. hasil HSG yang bikin aku bingung karena rahimku dinyatakan antefleksi dan kedua tuba paten, seneng bun tapi bingung. aku konfirmasi ulang by phone ke tempat pemeriksaan infonya "memang ante, hasil usg biasanya kurang jelas, beda dengan HSG"
    2 hari lagi aku baru konsul dengan dokter obgyn

    pertanyaanya apa bisa rahim berubah dari retro jadi ante?
    2 minggu belakangan ini aku lagi rutin yoga promil di youtube sih, mungkinkah pengaruh dari yoga tersebut?

  9. #3954
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    [center]Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud Add to playlist - O934225077[/center]

    Dịch vụ tăng follower SoundCloud - O935225O77 Đến thời điểm hiện tại, SoundCloud hoạt động trên 6 nền móng: web (, iOS (miễn ph*, bạn có thể tải về từ AppStore), Android (miễn ph*, bạn có thể tải về từ PlayStore), Windows 10 (hiện đang l* bản beta), Xbox One (miễn ph*, bạn có thể tải về từ Xbox App Store) v* Sonos

    Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud theo dõi - O934225077 SoundCloud Hidden Content cái tên đã nói lên tất t*t - l* một nền tảng đám mây lưu trữ âm thanhHidden Content Với SoundCloudHidden Content bạn có thể khám phá, tải xuống, v* tải lên mọi nội dung can dự đến âm thanh m* bạn th*chHidden Content

    Quá đơn giản! Bạn chỉ cần tạo một t*i khoản hoặc đăng nh*p (nếu đã có trương mục từ trước), sau đó gõ v*o ô quãng nội dung bạn muốn: có thể l* một b*i hát, tên một nhạc sỹ - ca sỹ, tên một podcast... SoundCloud sẽ trả về một danh sách kết quả, từ đó bạn có thể bấm v*o để nghe. Nếu không biết nên nghe gì thì SoundCloud có một bảng xếp hạng gọi l* SoundCloud Top 50, gồm 50 b*i nhạc phổ quát nhất để bạn nghe th* v* phiêu theo âm nhạc.

    Việc đăng ký trương mục trên SoundCloud cũng không thể dễ d*ng hơn. Bạn có thể dùng tải khoản Facebook, Google, hay bất kỳ địa chỉ email n*o.

    Sau khi đăng ký, bạn có thể tìm v* theo dõi (follow) những nhạc sỹ, ca sỹ m* mình th*ch, hay nghe th* những đề xuất của SoundCloud (dựa trên những gì bạn đã từng nghe, v* từng th*ch trước đây)Hidden Content

    Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud người xem - O935225O77 SoundCloud có t* chút giống YouTube (tất nhiên l* chỉ chuyên về nhạc chứ không có video) ở chỗ mọi người đều có thể tải lên nội dung của họ, v* khi để ở chế độ public thì mọi người khác có thể tìm thấy v* nghe nội dung đó. Những nhạc sỹ mới nổi thường đưa bản nhạc của họ lên SoundCloud; những người phát podcast thì thường san sớt các show của họ lên SoundCloud; trong khi những "kỹ sư âm thanh" (audio engineers) thì thường tải lên các dự án hay các th* nghiệm hệ trọng đến âm thanh của họ.

    SoundCloud Go v* Go+ l* hai dịch vụ stream nhạc của SoundCloud. Nó cung cấp t*nh năng rưa rứa như Spotify hay Apple Music, nghĩa l* bạn có thể stream nhạc v* âm thanh trong ứng dụng SoundCloud v* trên trang web SoundCloud. Hầu hết các t*nh năng n*y được SoundCloud cung cấp miễn ph* cho người dùng, nhưng nếu muốn tải nhạc về nghe offline v* loại bỏ lăng xê thì bạn sẽ phải trả ph*Hidden Content

    Dịch vụ tăng Add to playlist SoundCloud Hidden Content O935225O77 SoundCloud l* một nền tảng mở. Một số dịch vụ stream v* lưu trữ âm thanh có các điều khoản s* dụng chặt chẽ, tạo ra nhiều r*o cản phức tạp giữ người dùng v* các nội dung của họHidden Content Còn đối với SoundCloud, họ luôn tìm cách để tối ưu hóa v* khiến việc san sớt v* stream âm thanh trở nên dễ d*ngHidden Content minh bạch

    Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud Yêu Hidden Content 0934225077 SoundCloud l* một nền móng nhạc v* âm thanh cực kỳ phổ thông, cho phép bạn tải lên v* lưu trữ các nội dung audio, khám phá nhiều b*i hát v* podcast mới, hay kết nối với người hâm mộ (nếu bạn l* ca sĩ, chuyên nghiệp hay nghiệp dư) v* các nhạc sỹ khácHidden Content Bạn th*m ch* còn có thể stream nhạc nếu dùng SoundCloud Go+Hidden Content Nếu bạn mới mò mẫm l*m quen với SoundCloudHidden Content thì b*i viết n*y sẽ giúp bạn nắm rõ hơn một số thông báo về SoundCloud

    SoundCloud Pro v* Pro Unlimited l* các dịch vụ trả ph* d*nh riêng cho những người tạo nội dung. Theo SoundCloud thì có 175 triệu người dùng nghe nhạc trên nền móng của họ mỗi tháng. Những người tạo nội dung có thể trả ph* để tải lên nhiều nội dung hơn, cũng như theo dõi được thêm nhiều thông tin thống kê về các nội dung của mình. Nếu bạn muốn phát song một nội dung podcast định kỳ h*ng tuần, hay muốn chia sẻ một album nhạc rock đinh *** nhức óc xuất quỷ nh*p thần m* bạn mới bỏ bao công sức để ho*n tất thì bạn nên đăng ký SoundCloud ProHidden Content

    Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud Th*ch - 0934225077 Danh sách n*y tất nhiên không dừng ở đây, bạn có thể khám phá dần trong quá trình s* dụng SoundCloud. Nói tóm lại, SoundCloud l* một kho nội dung liên quan đến mọi thể loại âm thanh m* bạn có thể dễ d*ng tìm v* stream bất kỳ lúc n*o bạn có mạng Internet

    Dịch vụ tăng SoundCloud Views Hidden Content 0934225077 Như đã nói ở trên, SoundCloud l* một nền móng trực tuyến chuyên về nhạc v* âm thanh, m* theo họ tự nh*n l* "nền móng lớn nhất thế giới về nhạc v* âm thanh"Hidden Content ch*nh thức đi v*o hoạt động từ năm 2008. SoundCloud phục vụ nhiều người, với nhiều mục đ*ch khác nhau. Một số sẽ dùng nó để lưu trữ nhạc v* âm thanh; số khác thì xem đây l* một nơi tuyệt trần để tải lên v* phát sóng các podcast; ngoại giảHidden Content SoundCloud còn đóng vai trò l* nơi các nhạc sỹ có thể kết nối trực tiếp với người hâm mộ v* nghe những ý kiến của họ về các b*i hát m* mình vừa đưa lên officeHidden Content

    SoundCloud về căn bản l* một dịch vụ miễn ph* cho mọi người nghe v* người tạo nội dung. Mọi người đều có thể nghe v* tải lên các b*i nhạc m* không tốn bất kỳ uổng n*o. Nhưng nó cũng cung cấp những t*nh năng "premium" m* nếu muốn dùng thì bạn phải bỏ chút uổng thêmHidden Content

  10. #3955
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Halo, newbie izin curcol di sini.
    gw nikah udah 11 bulan, dan selama ini udah mencoba berbagai macam promil. bulan ke 3 pernikahan, mulai cek ke dokter kandungan, ketahuan qlo ada endometriosis yg besarnya 3,4cm. pdhl selama ini haid rutin 28 hari.
    kata dokter sih, akan sulit u/ hamil tapi bisa hamil.
    bulan ke 6 pernikahan terpaksa harus kuret, karena suspect abortus alami usia 3 weeks (gak jelas dokternya).
    bulan ke 8 Pernikahan, ganti dokter terus dan pertama USG Transvaginal. kelihatan ada adenomiosis dan kista. sel telur baik. mulai diresepkan Blesifen dan Santa E
    bulan ke 9 belum hamil juga, USG Transv adenomiosis dan kista tiba2 lenyap, dokter optimis bakal hamil bulan depan, suami analisa sperma hasil teratoo
    bulan ke 10 ternyata belum hamil, HSG (sakit banget), hasil rahim baik, kedua tuba paten. optimis bisa hamil
    bulan ke 11 ternyata haid lagi.
    bingung harus promil kaya apa lagi

  11. #3956
    Join Date
    Jan 16, 2021
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    Default Re: Suka Duka TTC

    Hidden Content Originally Posted by Ecce Hidden Content
    Halo, newbie izin curcol di sini.
    gw nikah udah 11 bulan, dan selama ini udah mencoba berbagai macam promil. bulan ke 3 pernikahan, mulai cek ke dokter kandungan, ketahuan qlo ada endometriosis yg besarnya 3,4cm. pdhl selama ini haid rutin 28 hari.
    kata dokter sih, akan sulit u/ hamil tapi bisa hamil.
    bulan ke 6 pernikahan terpaksa harus kuret, karena suspect abortus alami usia 3 weeks (gak jelas dokternya).
    bulan ke 8 Pernikahan, ganti dokter terus dan pertama USG Transvaginal. kelihatan ada adenomiosis dan kista. sel telur baik. mulai diresepkan Blesifen dan Santa E
    bulan ke 9 belum hamil juga, USG Transv adenomiosis dan kista tiba2 lenyap, dokter optimis bakal hamil bulan depan, suami analisa sperma hasil teratoo
    bulan ke 10 ternyata belum hamil, HSG (sakit banget), hasil rahim baik, kedua tuba paten. optimis bisa hamil
    bulan ke 11 ternyata haid lagi.
    bingung harus promil kaya apa lagi
    Hai momstobe Hidden Content
    Salam kenal yah..
    kita sama2 sdg berjuang utk mendapatkan buah hati.
    Aku jg uda nikah lebih dr setaun tetap semangat moms.
    Aku pengalaman pernah hamil alami tp keguguran.
    Dan coba promil alami dgn obat minum selama 3x siklus tp belum jg positif. Dan skg berencana utk HSG , lalu inseminasi.
    Klo mba mau bergabung dgn group WA inseminasi bole join ya disini :

    Hidden Content

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