Contest Fashionese Daily: Contest - CieL Minerals
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  1. #1
    CEO Female Daily Network Elite Citizen Hanzky's Avatar
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    Default Fashionese Daily: Contest - CieL Minerals

    Just click reply to submit your answer. Winner will be selected randomly. Good luck everyone..Hidden Content

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  2. #2

    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    - mac, mufe
    bagus banget di kulit, looks natural. tidak membuat kulit jd kering, menutup noda2
    hitam n tidak menutup pori2.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    tergantung hasilnya jg, kl hasilnya memuaskan byr lebih jg gpp.
    coz walaupun dimakeup sampe gmn pun tp kl dasarnya jelek jdnya ga bakalan bagus.
    ibaratnya seperti mengambar di kanvas yang kotor;p

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    kurang lebih 3-4 bulan, tergantung abisnya ato tergoda beli yg laen;p

    3. What do you expect from a foundation?
    tidak gatal, look natural ga kyk pake topeng, yang paling penting ga bikin jerawatan

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    aku selalu terbuka utk mencoba sesuatu yg baru asalkan produk barunya bagus

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - terlihat dan terasa lebih alami
    - tidak menyebabkan terjadi komedo
    - anti radang
    - tahan sepanjang hari
    - tabir surya alami
    - sangat cocok utk kulit sensitif

  3. #3

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    - revlon for daily use
    - kryolan for parteeehhh..

    simpe sih, krn they're doin just fine and stick in my skin.. paling sebel sama foundation yg jadi greasy gitu stlh lma dipake.. 2 ini nggak. nempel kaya lem.. Hidden Content

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    i don't care the price if the result is great! revlon murah meriah dan bagus..
    kryolan a bit expensive but, i bought the quality not the price right?

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    oce every 3 months i guess, kalo nemu yg baru and turn out to be faboulous i don't mind buying them instantly!!

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    just... please don't cracked my powder! ngga gatel, ngga mengkilap dan lengket. thats it..
    and oh!! kalo difoto pake flash malem2 ga jadi kaya cat tembok. hihihi.. :P

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    SURE! i wouldn't mind changing my old makeup lines for something new and healthier!

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - Excellent for sensitive skin
    - Natural look and feel
    - Anti-inflammatory
    and of course these 3 main reason for me :
    - Non-comedogenic, VERY-VERY IMPORTANTE!!
    - Stays on all day long, please!
    - Natural sunscreen - times to get off those greasy sunscreen cream yaaayyyy!

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  4. #4

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    loreal true match 2 way cake foundation. gue pake ini krn praktis dan jg krn ga terlalu suka pake liquid foundation.. berasanya kl pake liquid foundation itu terlalu berat..

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    tergantung seberapa bagus hasilnya, tp kl bisa sih jangan terlalu mahal jg, krn gue bukan orang yg suka dandan..

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    4 - 5 bulan sekali

    3. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    coverage-nya bagus tp gak terlalu medok (natural aja), good staying power, nggak lengket wkt dipake dan jg ga bikin kering kulit muka.. intinya, gue mau foundation yg bisa bikin kulit lebih bersinar tp tetap keliatan natural..

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    for sure i'm willing to try new and healthier product..

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals? (click : for some helpful info)
    Natural look and feel, Non-comedogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Stays on all day long, Natural sunscreen, Excellent for sensitive skin.

  5. #5

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    - chanel creme paudre for the total coverage
    - chanel multivitamin for the regular days

    gue dari dulu suka banget pake chanel karena the product really does a wonderful job for coverage and it feels wonderful on my skin. not cakey even after a long time wear. tapi gue selalu coba untuk gak terlalu sering2 make, cuz i believe it should start from the skin. i shouldn't be needing so much coverage if my skin is already good just how it is...

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    obviously yaa... foundation chanel itu mahal.. so, i guess i'm willing to pay more if the result is truly worth the price.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    sekarang udah jarang. dengan alesan di atas.. i'd rather take care of my skin so i don't need to put so much coverage. jadi paling gue beli foundation itu kayak once in 6 months deh kayaknya....

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    simple... gives coverage as if i don't wear foundation at all... Hidden Content

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    of course i wouldn't mind! as long as it gives the similar result with my old fave one.. why not? it's healther, so that's even a big plus...!!

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - ecellent for sensitive skin --> which i can't wait to try cuz i have sensitive skin myself
    - natural look and feel --> very important for me, i don't like putting heavy make up and let people know that i'm putting so much stuff on my face
    - anti-inflammatory
    - stays all day long --> this is also a big plus for me, cuz i don't like to do touch-ups
    - non-comedogenic --> really?? i have to try!!
    - natural sunscreen --> definitely a must have...!!

  6. #6

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    Exclamation RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)

    Oriflame Flawless foundation (SPF 8) for all skin types.

    Soalnya foundationnya Oriflame ini paling cocok di kulitku yang cenderung alergian, kan foundation ini juga buat segala jenis tipe kulit so aku gak perlu takut gatel-gatel pas make.
    Selain itu, foundation ini juga gak lengket di kulit plus dingin rasanya pas dipakai Hidden Content

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?

    Dulu sih sebenarnya gak pernah make, eeeh tapi pas kenalan sama foundationnya Oriflame ini jadi tertarik buat make deeh. Harganya cuman Rp.55.000 saja Hidden Content

    Gak berani make yang mahal-mahal, takut gak cocok juga sama kulitku.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?

    Gak sering juga sih, intinya...kalo habis baru beli lagi.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)

    -Yang jelas, harus cocok sama kulitku doonk Hidden Content Meaning: gak bikin alergi/gatel2
    -Yang gak lengket di kulit.
    -Yang jelas sih, foundationnya gak bikin wajah jadi gonjreng..tapi lebih tampak alami aja Hidden Content

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?

    Kalo produknya emang kualitasnya bagus, why not? Yang jelas ingredientsnya gak boleh ada lemak2 hewan atau bahan2 kimia, alami ajah.

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?

    a.Natural look and feel
    Mineral foundation looks and feels much more natural, without sacrificing any of the coverage! It smooths and evens out skin tone, giving the look of naturally flawless skin, rather than the look of a thick mask of traditional liquid foundation.

    The most irritating ingredients in cosmetics are talc, dye, and perfume. Most Mineral products are free of all of these irritants and won't clog pores.

    Two of our ingredients, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are anti-inflammatory and actually help calm the skin. Zinc oxide also has antimicrobial properties. In fact, plastic surgeons and dermatologists routinely recommend mineral makeup to patients who have had laser treatments, micro-dermabrasion, peels or plastic surgery.

    d.Stays on all day long.
    Feather-light mineral pigment particles bind to clean, moisturized skin. It doesn’t wear off or sweat off. It's perfect for women who live in hot and humid places.

    e.Natural sunscreen
    Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide offer natural, broad-spectrum sun protection.

    f.Excellent for sensitive skin
    Traditional liquid foundations contain unnatural ingredients that can produce a state of imbalance or irritation in many skin types. Mineral cosmetics are the simplest, most natural and non-reactive form of cosmetics in existence.

  7. #7
    Emerald Feliz-ku's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    : ultima, cocok sama kulit muka gue, ringan dan gak lengket

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    : yg murah meriah tapi bagus, karena buat dipake sehari-hari

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    : tiga bulan sekali

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    : aplikasinya gampang, rata, gak mengkilap, ringan, gak lenget dan tahan lama

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    : yups, kalo ada yg lebih bagus kenapa enggak...

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    : - Natural look and feel
    - Non-comedogenic
    - Anti-inflammatory
    - Stays on all day long
    - Natural sunscreen
    - Excellent for sensitive skin

  8. #8
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    Liquid foundationnya Body Shop (with SPF), karena cuma foundation ini yang bisa gw pake. kulit gw sangat sensitif, jadai udah nyoba beberapan foundation tapi yang bisa bagus dan ga bikin kering atau gatel-gatel ya cuma foundationnya TBS ini.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    depends on the result, if it matches my skin condition (ga bikin kering atau gatel), I'm willing to pay the price.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Not that often, since I don't use them on daily basis (about 6 mo or so)

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    Does not crack or give that uncompleted make up result, does not dry out my skin (my skin is super dry and sensitive so I really..really need a foundation that won't make my skin dry).

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    of course! Love to try on anything that is healthier for my skin.

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?

    1. No preservatives
    2. no oils
    3. no dye
    4. no talc
    5. no cornstarch
    6. no fragrance
    7. virtually no allergy risk
    perfect for women with sensitive skin.

    it also provides great coverage and able to reduce the appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles (huhuhu..sounds terrific doesn't it?jd ga perlu all those anti-ageing products)

    overall I think it's a great new product for women with sensitive and prone to allergy skin type (c'est moi) Hidden Content

  9. #9
    Citizen diva_hihihi's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    --> MUFE face n body, my first foundie juga sih..bisa pake tipis atau tebel (sesuai kebutuhan), waterproof jadi ga takut kalo maen aer hehe, warnanya cocok sama kulit gw Hidden Content (bisa bikin cerah bo!)

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    --> kl bsa sih semurah mungkin hehe.. 200k cukup kali yah u/ kualitas yg bagus
    kalo kualitasnya jelek, berapapun murahnya gw ga akan coba n beli

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    --> jarang.. ini juga baru nyoba.. dari dulu takut pake foundie, takut jerawatan..

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    --> yang pasti bisa memperbaiki segala hal2 yg kurang bagus di wajah.. dan ga ada efek buruknya dalam jangka pendek ataupun jangka panjang

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    --> jujur aja sih.. masih mencari yg lebih aman lagi.. masih takut2 pake foundie MUFE.. kadang2 abis pake suka jadi nongol deh tuh jrawat kecil2

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    --> kalo buat gw sih.. benefitnya bisa pesen dari indo dengan transaksi pembayaran bisa lewat atm hehe..

    -->secara produk, kosmetik yang ga cuma berfungsi kosmetik aja.. (cuma bisa bikin perfect penampilan spt: tahan lama, keliatan natural etc2) tapi juga bisa berfungsi u/ perlindungan (sunscreens, ga bikin jerawatan, n ok buat kulit sensi)

    --> kandungan nya alami ga kayak mineral make up yg lain, cielminerals ga mengandung :Bismuth Oxychloride(yg emang g hindarin) & Nano-Particles
    “If I set my mind to something I do it. My biggest wish for all of us is that we are happy, successful, and that we stay true to ourselves.” By Victoria Beckham

  10. #10
    Citizen happineesh's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    yang cashmere apa gtu, rasanya pake bedak malahan karena berubah jadi seperti bedak saat dioles. Tapi teuteup aja foundation takut bikin clog pori2 trus jadi jerawat...

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    maks 200 ribu aja deh :-)

    ter3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Jarang..make foundie aja kalo untuk pesta doank kok atau acara2 tertentu.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    menutupi kekurangan ato bekas jerawat dan tidak bikin berminyak atau tambah jerawatan!<--penting

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    Jelas mau donk...kalo ada yang lebih baik kenapa ga? apalagi yang jelas2 aman dan bikin kulit lebih baik

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    100% natural jadi aman bagi kulit sensi sekalipun kandungannya bisa mengurangi penampakkan pori2, garis2 atau kerutan dan juga bisa berfungsi sebagai penangkal dari sinar matahari yang membahayakan.
    Membantu kulit yang iritasi karena kandungannya alami selain cocok untuk kulit sensi ternyata cocok juga untuk kulit bermasalah.

  11. #11

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    I never stick to one brand, since I haven't found 'the one'. I've tried Chanel, Mac, Smashbox, Stila, Cliniq, etc, but recently I use bare minerals for my daily wear. enak aja, ringan kayak gak pake make up dan cepet application-nya.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    I don't mind to cough up some extra money if I can get what I am looking for in a foundation,

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Jarang banget hahaha. Since I don't put on make up regularly, jadinya hemat banget. I'd say between once every 6 months to a year (I know..i know it's not good *kecut*)

    3. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage, staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    To give me that flawless looking skin. As simple as that!
    Of course, it should be skin and health friendly. if it can give my skin a boost to a better younger looking, that would be a great bonus! harus gampang makenya, and stay on jadi gak perlu retouch.

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    Hell yeah! I am up for new things...

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals? (click : for some helpful info)
    Denger2 sih, Ciel Minerals cuman mengandung 5 mineral, and all 100% pure and uses only natural ingredients. Moreover, it doesn't contain Bismuth Oxychloride, which is super good, considering that my skin gets really dry and flaky, as well as breaks out and sometimes gatel-gatel kalo pake Bare Minerals. So, I am eager to give Ciel Minerals a shot, trough winning this contest or shell out my own money (God forbid!). I just have to have it! Hidden Content

  12. #12
    Superstar in Training Lena's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    Currently using Maybelline mouse foundation for daily or indoor events (just trying it out. It's actually a pain to blend, no easier than the cream/lotion foundation), L'oreal UV perfect SPF 50 if moving around outdoor.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    Max Rp100k every few months maybe? My skin is truly badak, I can use Viva or Shiseido or YSL or whatev and most times I can't tell the difference. In one way this is good, I can safely try out new products. On the other hand, why do I even bother trying it won't make a difference anyway... *mikir*

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Once or twice a year

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    Coverage, even out skin tone

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    I'll give anything a try.

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    Lots and lots, but what I notice is easy to blend using a brush! I don't like the process of blending foundation to the face, so boooring....zzzzz

  13. #13
    Elite Citizen ngelzz's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    gue sebenernya ga pake foundation buat sehari2, tp di rumah ada maybelline clear smooth.. pake kalo perlu aja, seringnya malah buat dipake as a concealer.. heuheuue..

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    kurang dari 300deh..

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    ini baru beli sekali yg maybelline ini, soalnya tadinya gue anti juga ama make-up.. hehehee

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    nutupin yg perlu ditutupin.. bikin muka sempurna! haha.. tp yg penting ga bikin jerawatan juga sih.. Hidden Content

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    yep.. gue bersedia mencoba kok

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    natural.. ngga pake bahan kimia yah, trus isinya mineral2 gtu.. da gt ga terlalu mahal juga sih. ermm.. enteng yah kayanya jadi bisa bikin ngerasa ga pake foundation.. Hidden Content tahan ampe sore ! ^^

  14. #14
    Beryl ruthwijaya's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    Gw baru beberapa bulan ini make foundation, seriously, itupun setelah gw baca bahwa kulit yg tidak dicover fond. jadi lebih cepet keriput & rusak. Gw pake maybelline yg matte itu loh...

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    nggak punya budget, ngga jelas berapa gitu maksudnya. bagusnya brapa sih? gw masih mencari-cari yg cocok dan yg bagus

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    seumur hidup, baru sekali, ya 3-4 bln yg lalu itu :P tapi setelah baca2 thread beauty school subject foundation... kayanya gw mesti ganti Hidden Content

    4. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage, staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    apa ya?! biar kulitnya kelihatan halus, tercover dengan baik jugak jadi kulitnya sehat...

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    Ya iyalah!!! gw memang sedang mencari yang terbaik sekarang... halah!

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals? (click : for some helpful info)
    nggak mengandung bismuth! jadi bikin muka teh gak oilly. trus powdernya gak terlalu kecil yang mana klo molekulnya kekecilan malah bisa mengakibatkan cancer... dah gitu, Ciel Minerals gampang banget diaplikasiinnya...
    emh... yg gw tangkep cuma itu sih :P bagusnya gw kudu langsung nyoba biar tahu tuh...
    *ngejampe-jampe random engine biar gw yg menang*

  15. #15
    Superstar in Training fleurie's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    Skrg ini lagi pake Everyday Minerals Mineral Foundation yang formula Intensive dicampur Matte. Blkgan ini emank gue lagi demen pake mineral makeup krn kesannya finishnya lebih natural. Sebelom ini gue pernah pake Alima, which is also good, cuman tergoda aja sama Everyday Minerals :P Gue pake foundation sama aja day and night, gak ganti2 Hidden Content

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    price is not an issue for me when it comes to foundation. gue udah pernah beli dan coba foundation dari yg murah sampe yg mahal (La Prairie, anyone? :P). soalnya buat gue foundation penting bgt secara kulit gue gak perfect, jadi tiap ari ke mana2 gue harus pake foundation. tapi berhubung sejak bisa cari duit sendiri gue jadi agak2 pelit (hihihi), kayanya skrg ini gue gak willing to spend more than 500rb for foundation :P

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    beda2 yah untuk tiap foundation. dulu gue pake compact foundation Body&Soul, belinya tiap 3 bulan sekali. pas pake Alima kmrn, gue beli tiap 2 bulan sekali. tergantung volume foundationnya juga dan frekuensi pemakaian. kadang2 gue gak pake foundation jd mayan lama abisnya, tapi kadang lg sering/selalu pake, jadi cepet deh abisnya.

    kalo untuk beli foundation dlm arti nyobain yg baru, gak pernah lagi skrg. stick sama yg udah cocok aja Hidden Content

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    coverage bagus tapi tetep kliatan natural, jadi muka kliatan flawless tapi gak kliatan ditimbunin makeup. gak demen foundation yg bikin muka kyk tembok :P trus bisa lumayan control oil (at least gak jadiin muka oily in just an hour!). tidak oxidise after a few hours, dan pastinya gak bikin jerawatan!

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    sure, why not? apalagi kalo emank byk yg bilang bagus. gue orgnya gampang bgt terpengaruh. tiap baca2 review di MUA aja slalu pengen dicobain semuanya :P

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - Ciel punya coverage light, medium, full, jadi bisa pilih sesuai yang kita mau.
    - Tahan seharian with no touch up necessary.
    - Makeup kliatan natural, gak heavy.
    - Ciel cocok buat yg kulitnya sensitif soalnya Ciel pake natural ingredients. No preservatives, no oils, no dye, no talc, no cornstarch, no fragrance and virtually no allergy risk.
    - Ciel mengandung titanium dioxide (natural SPF untuk melawan sinar UVA dan UVB)
    - Ciel gak pake Bismuth jadi cocok buat yg kulitnya alergic to Bismuth (kadang bisa nyebabin gatel2 dan iritasi)
    - Yg punya member FD juga! jadi kalo ada pertanyaan gampang deh nanya2nya Hidden Content

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