Thread: Lip Color
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Jun 8, 2007, 05:58 PM #1
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Lip Color
Do you have one specific lipstick that never fails you? Whenever you feel a little 'blah', or you want to perk up your looks, or you're going to a hot date and want to look fabulous without too much effort, this is one lipstick you wear? That no matter how many other lipsticks you own, you keep buying this one when it runs out because you simply can't bear the thought of life without it? If you have one, how did you find it? Is there an interesting story behind it? Share share share!
Mine is MAC lipstick in Russian Red. If you are a makeup junkie or a MAC fan, chances are you have heard of this lipstick. It is a blue-toned, rich red in matte formula. Before I came across this lipstick, I never ever wore red lippies. Gue ngerasa nggak pede aja dan kayaknya aneh kalo bibir gue jadi pusat perhatian gitu. But then I met a friend of mine who's a rather famous makeup artist and she convinced me that EVERYBODY can wear red lipsticks. She told me to look for a blue-based red because it is easier to wear compared to a pink-based one and it will compliment my skin tone (my skin is very fair and has a reddish tinge). She mentioned Russian Red and when I saw her put it on, I was blown away! She looked totally hot and elegant at the same time! I purchased my first tube in Singapore and has been hooked ever since. I always receive comments whenever I wear it - good or bad (biasanya sih yg bad dari orang kantor gue yg agak2 konservatif dan komentarnya biasanya "duh bibirnya merah amat, mo kemane?" hehehe sirik aja). I don't wear it everyday but when I do, it's like I always get a boost of confidence. I feel bold and daring whenever I wear it during the day and I feel elegant and ladylike when I wear it in the evening. Kalo mau ke pesta dan gue gak sempet dandan macem2, gue cuma pake lipstick ini, line my eyes with black liner and that's it. I'm good to go and I will stand out. Apalagi gue udah mulai pake lipstick ini dari sebelum red lipstick became popular (thanks to Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada!). Gue sebenernya pengen sih kayak Gwen Stefani atau Christina Aguillerra yang selalu pake lipstick merah terang - kesannya retro bgt ya - tapi sayang ah....masih banyak lipstick dan lipgloss warna lain yg gue suka juga - so I save my Russian Red for special occasions or needs only!
So yeah...that's my lipstick story. What's yours?
Jun 8, 2007, 07:13 PM #2
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aku ga punya lipstik merah. tapi setelah baca postingannya koukla, jadi penasaran sama MAC ini!! Hidden Content )
selama ini selalu pake lipstik yg natural.. warna pink ke coklatan, natural lah pokoknya.
the best i have so far : Lancome Le Rouge Absolut warna 396 Hidden Content ) ga ada tulisannya warna apa namanay gitu. or tulisannya in huruf2 jahe ga ngerti deh ah :P
enaknya soal lipstick ini apart from the color : lembab!! Hidden Content ) jd ga kering biarpun pake seharian (meskipun jarang aku pake seharian) Hidden Content
biasanya buat sehari2 cukup lipgloss nya Elizabeth Arden aja sih.. Hidden Content Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick.
Jun 9, 2007, 02:12 AM #3
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i would love to be as brave as Koukla dan bisa rock those red lippies kapan aja huehue.. selama ini pakenya occasionally aja (kalo clubbing gitu misalnya hihi).. mine is from The Body Shop.. i have no idea what the name is, theres no writing whatsoever in it.. merahnya agak tua since kulitku agak sawo..
selama ini lipstick andalan gue adalah MAC Taupe.. warnanya nude dan pas banget untuk dandanan natural sehari2
Jun 9, 2007, 02:16 AM #4
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sebenernya gue termasuk yang males pake lipstik. abisan gw ga betah makan/minum kalo pake lipstik. bawaannya mo ngapus dulu baru makan/minum. hehehee... jadi biasa yang harus gue pake tuh urutannya bedak, pensil alis, maskara, blushon, eyeliner/eyeshadow, baru deh lipstik. tapi... kalo favorit sih ada juga... sejauh ini yang gue suka Giddy (untuk rona pinkie) dan Hugh me (untuk rona kecokelatan) dari Mac... Trus sama juicy nya Lancome juga enak yah... biarpun lipgloss tapi tahan luamaaaaa nggak ilang2, nggak kayak yang laen. :P
Jun 9, 2007, 07:37 AM #5
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Gue lagi suka BeneFit Lip Guard yg Beach (bener gak ya beach?). Dia ada di kit-nya BeneFit yang 100% Pure Moxie kit. Bukan lipstick sih. Agak2 antara l/s dan l/g kali. Keren banget deh menurut gue.
Jun 9, 2007, 03:04 PM #6
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Gw juga ga terlalu sering pake lipstick, seringnya pake lipbalm/lipgloss dari Boots, Nina Ricci, ato Bonne Bell. Mungkin karena gw masih anak kuliahan kali ya, ga mungkin kan pake lipstick merah gonjreng gtu ke kampus hihi.. Tapi gw punya 2 lipstick buat occasional event, Nina Ricci pink satin sama Red Earth yg coklat. Klo mo merah gonjreng bisa pinjem Dior nykp, hehehe..
Jun 9, 2007, 04:38 PM #7
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MAC: Viva Glam III
Jun 9, 2007, 07:06 PM #8
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kalo gue lagi sukaaa banget sama Chanel Rouge Allure in Troublant. My HG lipstick. Sayang ini lipstick limited edition Asia/Europe exclusive, jadi skrg gue lagi nyari2 mau stock up hehehe... bagus bgt deh, dari casingnya yg keren abis, formulanya yg semi-glossy, sampe warnanya yg pink-brown natural.
trus kalo buat pegi malem dan lagi pake baju pink, gue suka pake Guerlain KissKiss Maxi Shine in Natural Shine. Warnanya girly pink with a hint of mauve gitu, dan formulanya super moisturizing dan glossy bgt kyk pake lipgloss. Very pretty.
Jun 11, 2007, 07:05 AM #9
terakhir beli lipstick thn 2005, kmrn baru beli lagi MAC viva glam II, soalnya yg V habis. on top, gue lapis pake chanel glossimer in muscat. tp itu gak setiap hari. yg setiap hari MAC lipglass in lust, atau cargo lipgloss in soho. semua lipgloss gue warna nude, gak kreatif ya ...
Jun 11, 2007, 08:28 AM #10
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Hidden Content Originally Posted by lita
Jun 11, 2007, 11:42 AM #11
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Gak tau kenapa gue gak gitu suka dengan Lipstick, I prefer Lip gloss, maybe becoz they're glossier Hidden Content
Anyway I prefer Nude color and My HG is Clinique Bare Nude and Tenderheart. I love their Raspberry Supergloss as well.
Kalo yang lebih formal I love MAC Pink Clash karena ada glitternya gituh.
dunia_dandan Wah kayaknya Chanel glossimer yang Sarong perlu dicoba nih karena gue suka nude color. BTW di DFS Jakarta or Singapur ada gak ya?
Jun 11, 2007, 03:29 PM #12
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Kwek 2 : Sayangnya gue nggak cocok tuh pake lipsticknya Lancome, entah kenapa, bibir gue suka gatel2 gitu. Tapi udah lama sih gue nyobainnya, mudah2an skrg udah nggak gitu lagi. Btw, I forgot all about Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick! Mantep tuh, mau beli lagi ah Hidden Content
Coleslaw : MAC Taupe itu juga andalannya temen gue yg kulitnya sawo mateng loh Hidden Content Kalo msh blm berani pake warna merah, cobain aja beli lip stain gitu (lip color yg biasanya formulanya gel, kayak BeneTint) yg warna merah, jadi nggak terlalu terang dan agak2 transparan...
Putri Duyung : Wah gue juga dulu punya Hug Me & Giddy, emang bestseller bgt tuh kayaknya
dunia_dandan : Asik bgt ya di sana bisa beli BeneFit. Di sini paling deket di HK, huhuhu...
missdevi : Iya sih, gue juga dulu waktu kuliah mana kepikiran pake lipstick merah. Kebetulan jg gue kerja di tempat yg bisa cuek dandan macem2, makanya gue berani. Kebayang kalo gue kerja di bank pake lipstick Russian Red ini, kayaknya sih bakal dipelototin orang banyak Hidden Content
retrojunkies : Viva Glam III itu yg agak2 deep berry gitu bukan ya warnanya?
Celia : Both lipsticks you mentioned sound fabulous! Nanti kapan2 deh gue cobain, tapi Chanel Allure itu udah gak bisa dicari di mana2 kali ya...
Lita : Kalo buat gue VG II itu terlalu nude deh, gue jadi keliatan kayak orang kurang darah gitu hahahaha. I still like VG V the best among all VG lipsticks..
Deszell : Raspberry supergloss itu kayak apa warnanya? Gue lagi nyari lipgloss yg warnanya berry2 gitu tapi gak mau yg terlalu gelap...Btw kalo ketemu Chanel Glossimer yg Sarong kasih tau ya belinya di mana, hehehee
Jun 11, 2007, 04:40 PM #13
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Koukla Raspberrry supergloss warnanya tranparan cuman abit pinkish and red. Kalo mau yang berry2 gitu kemaren temen gue beli Bobbi Brown bagus de, kalo gak salah namanya Cherry Tint but im not really sure yang ini bukan ya. Ill let you know the exact name kalo ketemu orangnya.
Chanel kayaknya di Jakarta gak ada yang jual yah kecuali di DFS, nanti kalo ketemu di DFS I'll let you know Hidden Content . BTW Kata nyokap gue DFS Jakarta itu harganya termasuk murah loh.
Jun 11, 2007, 07:15 PM #14
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Koukla, iya nih gue jg lagi nyari2 lagi tuh Rouge Allure, soalnya udah di Jkt sini gak ada Chanel, warnanya jg limited edition khusus Asia/Europe gitu. Waktu itu gue nanya temen gue di Spore katanya di sana gak ada jg (sold out mungkin). Kira2 masih dijual di Prancis/Itali/UK gitu gak yah? Mungkin yg tinggal di Eropa bisa kasih pencerahan? Hidden Content
Jun 11, 2007, 07:19 PM #15
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Oh iya btw, di ebay ada tuh Chanel Glossimer Sarong Hidden Content
Kalo Chanel Glossimer gue paling suka yg Praline. Natural pinky-brown yg cocok dipake ke mana aja Hidden Content
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