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May 26, 2010, 05:33 PM #1
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NEW MEMBERS PLEASE READ! General Forum Rules, Policy & Frequently Asked Questions
Hello Newbies...
Please familiarize yourself with the forum rules.
For a start, let's read these simple & easy rules #2 and some netiquettes #3
I have problem!
I can't find my activation email!
Check your bulk/spam mail folder. Yahoo! Mail usually misplaced activation emails there.
If you still can't find it, request for new activation code here:
I forgot my password. Where should I go?
Do you have questions about?
- Username #6
- Post Count & Privilege #4
- Signature #7
- Jumlah postingan tidak bertambah #5
- Private Message (PM) #8
- Message is too short #12
- Creating New Thread #9
- How to make Bold/Underline/Italic font by HP & Blackberry #12
- Avatar #11
- Viewing image #10
- Posting image #10
- Uploading image from mobile device #13
Selling Your Product & Promoting Your Business
- In signature #7
- In MarketPlaza #14
- Anywhere in the forum #15
Shopping Related
- Swapping #16
- Purchase Order #17
I have questions not covered here. Where should I ask?
Questions & Suggestions for The Forum Please Post Here
READ THIS THREAD THOROUGHLY BEFORE ASKING. It will save you the embarassmentLast edited by ekoprasetyo; Nov 13, 2012 at 02:46 PM. Reason: fixed broken links
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May 26, 2010, 05:34 PM #2
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Before You Post, make sure to follow these rules:
1. Quoting. Do not quote picture and when you're quoting, please edit the unnecessary part. The rule of thumb is your post has to be longer than the quote. If you're replying to the last post, you don't need to quote.
2. Give credit where credit is due. Please credit the source of articles or pictures that you're posting. Journalists and photographers deserve credit for their work, same thing for those who have taken the time to scan images from magazines.
3. Write in proper words and sentences. DO NOT use SMS style words a.k.a massive abbreviations & reducing space, moreover using numbers as letters and mixing capitals in the middle of words. Use punctuation mark where it suppose to be. We don't limit character here.
We are all professionals and should therefore communicate in a professional manner.
4. Bahasa Indonesia & English only, please.
5. Don't post in capitals and please take it easy with font size and colors.
6. Don’t post nonsense or replies that don't add anything to the discussion just for the sake of accumulating post counts.
7. Profanity and sexually explicit content is prohibited. Remember that this forum is accessed by people of all ages.
8. Female Daily does not support the distribution of replica/counterfeit items of any kind. Any links and signature to websites that provide such contents is subject to removal.
9. Use EDIT button at the bottom right corner of your post to add content. Posting repeatedly during a close amount of time is prohibited.
10. Make sure to use the "Search" button provided or browse around this forum before you ask and/or open new threads. In certain threads, you can also find basic information at the first page/post of the threads.
Ps: Although we don't strictly enforce the age limit rules, we do not recommend anyone under 17 to register to our forum.Last edited by sugarenspice; Nov 11, 2013 at 03:23 PM.
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May 26, 2010, 05:41 PM #3
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
To Keep This Forum A Friendly Place, please:
1. Be polite and friendly in interacting with others. It's fine to disagree with other people's opinion, but please do so in a respectful manner.
2. Do not attack other members in your comments. If you have any issue with any of the members, use the PM menu to discuss the matter. It's between you and the other member, you don't need to involve other members, that's just so kindergarten.
3. Hostility, obscenity and rudeness and the language-equivalent of them are prohibited. Moderators will exercise judgment and discretion to give infraction and/or to ban member demonstrating such behavior.
4. Style and taste as well as parenting style are subjective matters and we all have different personality, background, lifestyle and upbringing. Giving opinion is fine, just please refrain from belittling others' decision in this forum, no matter how tempting it might be.
5. Leave politics and SARA talks out of the forum.
6. Be helpful to others. Admins & moderators are not always around to answer all questions. So please, help others in need if you happen to know the answer.
7. If you see a post that violates any of the rules here, please click the "Report" button located under everyone's avatar (the triangle icon) to let administrators and moderators know about it.Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in
May 26, 2010, 05:45 PM #4
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Post Count & Privileges
Note that posts in the Entertainment Guide, Random Chat and Market Plaza Forums will not contribute towards post count.
Note that posts in the Entertainment Guide, Random Chat and Market Plaza Forums will not contribute towards post count.
Note that posts in the Entertainment Guide, Random Chat and Market Plaza Forums will not contribute towards post count.
Your post count reflects your level of participation in the discussions. Once you've reached a certain level, you will get some privileges as follows:
• 5 post counts = Viewing Pictures in Posts Priviledge and Login to Today’s Outfit Thread
• 15 post counts = Private Message (PM) Privilege
• 10 post counts = Creating New Thread Privilege (in some parts of forum)
• 100 post counts = Signature Privilege
• 600 post counts AND have been a member for 6 months = Selling your stuff in MarketPlaza and promoting your business, including in your signature/avatar. Promoting your business before you're qualified will result in permanent or temporary banning.
Note that posts in the Entertainment Guide, Random Chat and Market Plaza Forums will not contribute towards post count.Last edited by Rosianna; Feb 2, 2015 at 04:20 PM. Reason: Policy change
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May 26, 2010, 05:56 PM #5
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Kenapa jumlah postingan tidak bertambah?
* Semua post dalam kategori Entertainment Guide, Random Chat dan MarketPlaza tidak masuk dalam perhitungan jumlah posting.
Atau, ada kemungkinan:
* Postingannya dihapus jadi otomatis jumlah post berkurang
* Thread dihapus, jadi semua postingan di dalamnya otomatis akan terhapus.
* Thread dipindah dari forum/sub-forum yang menghitung jumlah posting ke forum/sub-forum yang tidak menghitung posting. Dalam hal ini, postingan akan tetap ada tapi jumlah post member yang ikut posting di dalamnya akan berkurang.
* Dari waktu ke waktu, administrator melakukan maintenance database. Di sini postcount akan dihitung kembali secara akurat. Sehingga postcount yang ditampilkan saat ini adalah jumlah yang sebenarnya.Last edited by ekoprasetyo; Aug 27, 2012 at 02:27 PM. Reason: added maintenance
May 26, 2010, 06:51 PM #6
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Can username be changed?
Absolutely not. Our system prohibits username changes.
Can I delete my account?
No! Deleting your account will disrupt the conversation that's already happening in the forum.Last edited by ekoprasetyo; Jan 21, 2015 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Account deletion
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May 26, 2010, 06:54 PM #7
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
- Signature can be used by member who has more than 100 post counts.
- Selling or a link in your signature to your online shop is prohibited unless you already have 600 post counts AND have been a member for more than 6 months.
- To create signature, use the 'edit signature' option under the control panel (below your log-in name at the top right corner of this page).Last edited by Lena; May 20, 2012 at 01:22 AM.
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May 26, 2010, 06:58 PM #8
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Private Messaging (PM)
- You will automatically be able to use this feature once you have 15 post counts.
- Selling/soliciting via PM is strictly prohibited, temporary banning will be enforced to those who don't follow the rules.
- You will receive email notifications for new PM, but YOU CAN NOT REPLY that PM notifications by email. Use only Private Messaging facility in this forum.Last edited by sarsky; Apr 14, 2014 at 03:26 PM. Reason: PM notifications
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May 26, 2010, 07:29 PM #9
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Before you create a new thread, please:
- Search. If similar thread has been created, please post in that thread instead
- Some forums have their own prefix. Please assign accordingly
- Make sure the title reflects the contents within the threads
- Use proper capitalization when you are typing the title
- At some parts of the forum, eligibility of minimum 10 post count is needed before being able to create new threads. Some other parts do not need this eligibility.Last edited by Rosianna; Feb 2, 2015 at 04:02 PM. Reason: Policy change
Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in
May 27, 2010, 04:45 PM #10
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Remember: Pictures and Avatars that are overly vulgar, contain nudity and violence is strictly prohibited and will be deleted.
Do not post oversized pictures. If you don't know how to resize picture, you probably don't need to post it in the first place.
Why can't I see any pictures in posts?
Pictures posted by members can be seen once you have 5 post counts.
How do I post picture?
1. Using forum attachment (not available for MarketPlaza)
- klik NEW REPLY, bukan di QUICK REPLY
- klik MANAGE ATTACHMENT untuk memunculkan window baru tempat upload. Gunakan textbox sebelah atas untuk file pic dari komputer (klik choose file), bawah untuk pic yang sudah terupload online (paste linknya).
- perhatikan ketentuan besarnya file untuk masing-masing extension.
- klik UPLOAD, lalu CLOSE WINDOW di sebelah bawah.
- klik SUBMIT REPLY untuk langsung posting, atau PREVIEW POST untuk melihat bentuk post sebelum diposting.
2. Using online photo album service/for online pictures
- Upload pic dari komputer ke online photo album service seperti Photobucket, imageshark, flickr, picasa, dll
- Copy link pic
- Klik icon/tombol yg ada gambar gunung di box quick reply
- Paste link pic ke pop-up yang muncul
* simple way (bisa buat mobile juga), tambahkan kode [IMG] dan [/IMG] di depan dan belakang pic link. untuk posting via blackberry, kode ini jadikan autotext saja.
* untuk Photobucket, biasanya udah ada link yang diset didalam kode [IMG][/IMG]. klo bentuknya begini bisa langsung copy-paste ke posting ngga perlu klik icon gunung.
* untuk non-Photobucket, selama link berakhiran dengan extension pic seperti contohnya .jpg ato .gif, juga bisa langsung dipaste ke posting di dalam kode [IMG][/IMG] tanpa perlu klik icon gunung.
* untuk posting via blackberry, kode ini jadikan autotext saja.Last edited by kirana21; Dec 13, 2012 at 09:16 AM. Reason: Oversized pictures
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May 27, 2010, 04:46 PM #11
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
How do I upload the little image/Avatar under my username?
That's easy.
- click Quick Links. You can find it at the top of the page.
- click the User CP (user control panel).
- at the left column, click the Edit Avatar menu
The maximum dimensions for avatars are: 100x100 pixels.
The maximum file size for avatars is 19,5 KB.
If the size is still too big even though the dimension is right, try to save it in .gif or .jpg format and lower the quality of the image or save it as web.
How do I upload the profile pic?
The steps are:
- click Quick Links. You can find it at the top of the page.
- click the User CP (user control panel).
- at the left column, click the Edit Profile Picture menu
The maximum size of your custom image is 100 x 100 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
If the size is still too big even though the dimension is right, try to save it in .gif or .jpg format and lower the quality of the image or save it as web.Last edited by kirana21; Dec 29, 2010 at 11:46 AM.
Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in
May 27, 2010, 05:09 PM #12
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
At least 50 characters per post? Are you kidding me?
We are planning to keep the forum as a resourceful place for everyone and we encourage you to do the same.
Imagine how would you feel if you have to click page after page only to find junks and one liner like 'lucuuu'..'bagus yaa'..? We bet you will not be happy. We don't want to waste your time, and you shouldn't waste others too. If you don't have anything good or meaningful to add to the discussion please refrain from leaving comment for the sake of commenting or adding your post count. It's okay to say you like someone's stuff, but please add something else that would benefit the other members too, if you can
Cara Bold/Underline/Italic di HP/BB
cara ngebold di bb/hp:
bold = [b] kata yg mau di bold [/b]
garisbawah/underline = [u] kata yg mau di garisbawah [/u]
miring/italic = [i] kata yg mau di miringin [/i]
mau lebih banyak code, ini linknya
untuk blackberry, enaknya masukkan rumus ini ke autotext.
contoh: pake "bld" nanti keluar "[b] [/b]", trus tinggal masukin kata yg pengen dibold ditengah2nya.
untuk hp non blackberry, kodenya tetep sama tapi kode [b] [/b] mesti ditulis manual kalo ngga ada fitur semacam autotext-nya.Last edited by kirana21; Oct 23, 2010 at 01:10 AM.
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May 27, 2010, 05:45 PM #13
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & FAQ
Upload Picture from Mobile Via
- Sign up Photobucket account
- Nanti ada alamat untuk upload email misalnya: [email protected]
- Kirim lah gambarnya ke alamat tersebut.
- Konfirmasi bahwa foto sukses di-upload akan kita dapatkan lewat email.
- Follow link dikonfirmasi email itu, copy kode yang depannya [IMG] itu, trus paste deh disini.Last edited by kirana21; Dec 13, 2012 at 08:38 AM.
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Sep 14, 2010, 11:42 PM #14
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & Frequently Asked Questions
Selling Your Product/Promoting Your Business in the Forum
- You need to be a forum member for at least 6 months
- You need to be an active forum member with a proof of 600 post counts
- You can only promote your business in proper forums (such as Mini Sale / Market Plaza).
- Do not promote your business in the discussion threads, VM and PM.
- Do not selling other people stuff (barang titipan)
- Mini sale is free as long as you have the minimum numbers required, as stated above
- Complete guidelines for selling in Market PlazaLast edited by sanetya; Feb 15, 2013 at 05:06 PM. Reason: clarify rules
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Sep 14, 2010, 11:46 PM #15
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Re: General Forum Rules, Policy & Frequently Asked Questions
Representing Your Brand in the forum
- Do you want to use your brand as your username?
- Do you want to have a representative from your company as your extended customer service here?
- Do you want to have a special thread dedicated for your product/brand and have your representative answer all questions and inform any upcoming products/deals?
Email us at [email protected] for our forum sponsorship package. We'd love to work with you and help you promote your brandLast edited by angelic; Feb 19, 2014 at 04:23 PM. Reason: fixed email address
Save yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in