Natural and Organic Skin Care
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  1. #1
    Superstar in Training Lena's Avatar
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    Default Natural and Organic Skin Care

    To follow our discussion in the anti-aging thread, here's the natural and organic skincare! Hidden Content

    This thread is dedicated to discussing natural and organic skincare brands and ingredients in general, since it seems that not many people are already using these types skincare. Once there's enough material for in depth discussion of a certain brand, we can open a specific thread for that brand.

    Anyway, as a prologue (and bear in mind that I only know a little bit about this):
    - natural skincare are made from ingredients harvested from natural (and usually renewable) resources, and are proven to pose no health risks for people. Some natural skincare are certified as natural, i.e. they confirm to certain standards posed by the certifying organization. Examples of brands with some natural skincare items in their range of products: Burt's Bees, Lush, The Body Shop, Sally Hansen Natural Beauty, L'Occitane, kalo di Indonesia mungkin range Dewi Sri Spa Martha Tilaar, etc

    - organic skincare are not only natural, they are also produced organically, i.e. without the use of toxic or persistent chemical pesticides or herbicides. Some brands are certified organic, and some only claim they are using organic materials. Examples of brands: Juice Beauty, Origins, etc.

    Personally I would like to use more natural skincare items, but the prices are at times way over my budget, so I just pick and choose some basic items that I use often, or that I particularly like for its scent, and these are usually body/face lotions. But I also use some lipsticks, terutama kan krn kita 'makan' tuh lippen, so it's nice to know they are made from non-toxic material.

    Another plus is these items are (usually) produced in an environmentally friendly way.
    Let's discuss! Hidden Content

  2. #2
    Permanent Resident peppermint's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Lena berarti kamu lebih prefer natural skincare then organic (if you can choose), why? tadinya aku pikir kl organic kan contain no toxic pesticide, etc, trus ga ada campuran bahan2 chemical lain (dlm khasanan pengetahuan ike yg jg terbatas) so I thought it's better? that's why I prefer that if I have to choose (ex. hair oil, body oil, rose water, etc), dgn harga yg masuk kantong juga (even katanya khasiat organic product may not be as better as or more superb than non-organic product). di jakarta, adakah toko organic product for skin and body care? thanks
    Last edited by peppermint; Jan 8, 2009 at 08:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Co-founder & Business Director NewcomerCitizen
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    To-Ye juga termasuk natural skincare tuh..udah gitu dia fair trade gitu deh kalo gak salah which is one of the reasons why I use their products. Sayang aja gak ada lotion2an, gue kan lotion and creme junkie hehehe tapi udah diusulkan ke mbak Yvonne, katanya mudah2an ke depannya akan ada Hidden Content

  4. #4
    Superstar in Training sylvia.angelina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    gw ud lama denger about Juice Beauty, sebelum masuk di Harvey Nichols, Juice Beauty ud dijual di Healthy Choice. Di HC bukan cuma brand itu aja skincarenya, tapi juga ada brand2 lain. Lebih mahal dari bran lain kalo menurut gw, ukuran kecil, harga sudah menyamai atau bahkan lebih tinggi dari merk2 ternama lainnya..., so, better ambil yg penting2 aja deh, such as serumnya...

  5. #5
    Superstar in Training Lena's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    peppermint, all organic skincare kan sebetulnya natural, with the added benefits of being produced organically. gue gak ada preference antara natural yg non-organic atau organic kok. cuma memang kayaknya yg organik lebih mahal dan lebih langka lagi, wajar sih krn untuk memproduksinya perlu extra effort. dari rangkaian yg organik, kayaknya gue cuma pake merk origins aja, yg lain2 belum.
    hmm kalo toko di jkt yg khusus jual organic skincare gue blm pernah denger ....

    koukla, oh iya to-ye! iya ya, gak ada lotionnya. kemarin gue beli semua macem lulurnya belum gue coba. wah fair trade ya, jarang banget tuh di indonesia. berarti mereka bener2 berpartner dgn produsennya. yvonne kemarin yang ada di sana ya? sayang gue ndak sempet ngobrol sama dia. next acara FD kayaknya bisa diundang lagi ya fi?

  6. #6
    Resident nia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    lena akhirnya thread ini dibuka juga .
    ini dari buku "organic living"
    what to look out for
    The label tells the whole story. Sodium laureth sulfate, methylparaben, propylparaben, DEA, TEA, PEG, propylene glycol and other toxic chemicals are the main ingredients in most body care products. Watch out for companies using the word "organic" some are adding just one or two organic ingredients to an otherwise toxic cocktail or are referring to the chemical term "organic" (as in 'organic chemistry')
    to-ye aku pernah pakai infusion tea bag untuk eyenya, semprotan untuk bantal dan scrubnya lumayan , waktu itu sih 4 thn lalu beli di kemang sebelahnya jual furniture gitu dan sempet tanya-tanya pabriknya juga katanya sih ownernya org aussie married dengan orang bali kalau ngak salah ya agak2 lupa.

    Brand-brand yang aku tahu :
    pharmos nature -germany basicnya aloe vera pernah pakai tapi kayanya teksturnya kurang cocok kulitku jadi komedoan padahal pakai yang untuk oily
    sanoflore - france ringan banget dan mahal
    jurlique - lumayan
    coslys - france , eye make up removernya top, scrubnya juga enak sekarang lagi nyoba moisturisernya untuk oily combination
    juice beauty - hampir semua produknya ok
    dr hauschkha, lip balmnya lumayan, bedak compactnya juga ringan
    lavera , facial foam, toner, loose powder nya top; maskara ya mungkin karena organik jadi rada-rada meleleh
    eminence pernah dapat samplenya ngak bisa review tapi brand ini di indo masuk mlm
    avalon facial foamnya ok tapi nyarinya susah banget dulu di ranch market jual
    seminggu lalu dapet oleh-oleh nvey eco berupa eye shadow, compact powder, lipstick ; lipsticknya agak kering , bedak belum dipake

  7. #7
    Superstar in Training silvershore_lake's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Nyari2 di google nemu artikel2 indang:

    Yang menarik, di artikel terakhir dari jeng Paula:
    "It may surprise you to learn that as of late 2008, there are still no FDA-approved standards to meet for labeling cosmetic products as organic. The same is true in Canada, except in the province of Quebec...."

    "If organic is the only way you are willing to go, until formal standards are available in the United States and the rest of the world, the best approach is to buy products certified by the USDA or Ecocert or one its related groups. These aren’t perfect systems, but products bearing one of these organization’s seals are an honestly transparent way to decipher just how natural and organic the product you’re considering is."

    Kesimpulan eke: bikin pusing!! Hidden Content
    Let's just be happy!

  8. #8
    Superstar in Training sylvia.angelina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    mau hidup sehat susah..., skincare sehat lebih susah lagi... (sambil nyeruput kopi)

  9. #9
    Elite Citizen b1ttersweet_cho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Sejauh ini produk yang gw pake yang natural itu face cleanser,deodorant,sabun mandi,shampoo,condi itu pake produknya Lush..
    Untuk body scrub,foot scrub,soap scrub sereh gw pake keluaran The Bathaholic..di wadahnya ada keterangan kalo bahannya organik,tapi gw sih ga terlalu yakin juga..
    Kalo the Bathaholic,itu ada lotion,lip balm,sun screen,shampoo,body butter,etc..
    Produk-produknya rada
    mirip to-ye sih kayaknya..tokonya ada di ITC cempaka ama ITC kuningan..
    So far,gw puas selama make produk Lush ama The Bathaholic..
    Terutama cleanser muka Lush..pas banget buat muka gw..

  10. #10
    tazscha's Avatar
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    silvershore, gw juga udah pernah baca beberapa artikel online yg bunyinya kurang lebih kayak yg lo kutip, mangkanya gw juga sama kayak lo, pusying...
    Anyway, masih tetep tertarik sama juice beauty sih. kalo di jakarta katanya ada di healthy chioce kemang.NIa, lo udah coba produknya yang mana aja? Yang paling lo rekomendasi yg mana?

  11. #11
    Beryl juliettehasagun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Entah kenapa bagi gue organic = mahal. ^_^
    Meskipun pengen, rasanya gak sanggup juga kalau skincare gue pakai model organic gitu. Apalagi masih pada impor gitu. Beda kali kalau udah ada brand lokal yang main organic.

    Pengalaman gue sama skincare natural paling sama Lush aja. IMHO, pengalaman gue sama Lush gak terlalu bagus (padahal gue pengen cocok sama Lush). Barangnya sebenarnya bagus, tapi harganya nggak ku-ku di kantong. Dan gue ngerasa aja gue masih bisa cari penggantinya, meski mungkin gak senatural Lush aja.

    b1ttersweet_cho: jadi napsu sama bathaholic. Hidden Content Di ITC Kuningan tokonya sebelah mana, ya?

  12. #12
    Superstar in Training sylvia.angelina's Avatar
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    kesimpulan: Produk bisa OK dan cocok di kulit tapi ga cocok di kantong ya?

  13. #13

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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    gue pernah nyoba juice beauty tapi muka gue malah jadi gatal2. emang kayaknya kalo make apa2 cocok2an.

  14. #14
    Elite Citizen b1ttersweet_cho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Tokonya di lantai dasar,kalo masuk dari pintu depan,ke arah kiri belakang..deket pintu keluar yang samping..kalo ga salah itu blok A..

  15. #15
    Superstar in Training sylvia.angelina's Avatar
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    Default Re: Natural and organic skincare

    Seinget gw pernah gw lewatin tuh tokonya di ITC Cempakamas. Skr ud bener2 lupa dimana letaknya...

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