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  1. #16
    NewcomerCitizen shelbox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    hmm, gw setujuh sama hanzky, klo gw yg make, gw pasti paduin sama gladiator sandal atow sandal teplek yg bertali2 panjang sampe ke betis gitu, trus pake tote bag yg senada sama warna sandalnya..
    klo untuk rambut cukup diikat pony tail biasa ajah, tapi bagian rambut yg deket2 kuping (apa sih tu namanya?) dibiarin tergerai beberapa helai.. hihihi..

    style buat ke pantai abis.. tapi emang buat summer kan yaa?

  2. #17
    Citizen rully7apr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    anai klo gw terjemahkan gaya elu (moga ga salah ya), mungkin elu bisa coba padanin pake high heels model kaya gladiator ky gambar dibwh, bisa without kerlap-kerlip or with kerlap kerlip, i mean batu2 kecil yg nempel di sepatu itu lho..
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  3. #18

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    ok, i'm presenting case study no.2... hueheuhe... Hidden Content

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    ini working outfit gue minggu lalu sebetulnya. gue taro di TO juga. i love the pinafore dress here. but to me... the dress screams winter/autumn! padahal it's already spring dan gue pengen pake dress ini juga buat summer yang bentar lagi dateng. So... HELEP... HOW DO YOU SPICE UP THE DRESS TO LOOK AND FEEL MORE SUMMER-Y?

    a li'l about me and my style:

    - i just began to wear skirts/dresses when i joined FD... Hidden Content
    jadi terus terang... sampe sekarang gue masih suka berasa awkward pake dress. i feel sometimes they look too feminine for my 'jendral' personality.. heuheuehue...
    so, end-upnya gue paling sering meng-combine dresses with boots. or flat shoes if it's not too cold outside to enhance more of casual look instead of being feminine.

    - i do have problems with my betis maradona..
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    jadi kalo pake rok, i tend to conceal them with tights. but you don't wear tights when it's too hot outside... Hidden Content

    - i have a very casual and laid back style.
    i love simplicity and effortless look (meskipun yang terakhir ini sering gatot juga!) heuheue... i don't like to look like i have 'prepared' or being too polished in my everyday look.

    - i LOVE COLOURS! i breath in it... *ceile* but the outfit above is just to... BLAH! and blend! ideally, i would've worn a red scarf with it. tapi waktu itu gue buru2 (dan cenderung lemot kalo bangun pagi... hueheuhe), jadi cuma sempet pake bangles warna biru-turqoise yang to me... sebetulnya jadi kaya 'no man island' thing di outfit diatas.

    back to my question above, any critics and suggestion are welcomed...

    Thank You!

  4. #19

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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    awesome, ide loe bagus untuk orang lain yg berpostur ramping dan tinggi.

    BUT. I always avoid bolero.. note that I am a petite with curves.. kalo orang udah pendek dan dengan curves yg ketara kayak gw pake bolero, bakalan persis kayak bantal berjalan yang di rompi-in.. itu yang pertama.

    Yang kedua, coba perhatikan dress gw itu.. ada smocked nya di tengah2.. serutan (smocked) itu posisinya rada aneh. gak di perut, gak di pinggang, dan gak di bawah toket.. tapi di tulang rusuk bawah... kalo pun ada yg harus ditutupin. Ya line itu lah yg paling obvious harus ditutupin. Bolero gak akan meng cover line itu, ataupun meng cover curve gw.

    Yang ke tiga, bolero yg loe saranin terlalu rame modelnya. Mungkin kalo ada bolero yang agak panjang, tidak berbunga-bunga, dan warnanya pas.. gw bakal consider...

    Yang ke empat, bolero is not in my style dictionary at all.

    Mungkin bolero lebih cocok buat Hanzky.. And YESH! Loucee is right.. I am not going with gladiator sandal..

    Gw lebih suka ide Loucee yg pake sepatu peep-toes, kayak gambar yg di tengah, beaded necklace dan a hair up-do. Love it!!

    Rully, I hate gladiator sandal/shoes.. Hidden Content

  5. #20
    Elite Citizen candrakirana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    loucee: I love your style. untuk spice up for the summer, pake kalung2 chunky ato statement necklace sebagai pengganti scarf-nya. n beraniin diri untuk gak pake tight. instead, pake aja sendal2 teplek. bisa gladiator, bisa sendal jepit flip flop ala Havaianas sandal.
    mungkin scarf-nya bisa dipake untuk dijadiin bandana di kepala.

    ithie, kalok pake boots?
    Last edited by candrakirana; May 18, 2008 at 07:36 PM.

  6. #21

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    Kalo itu gw yang pake dress nya... mmm let say I want to go to work and cafe at the same day.. I will take off all of your attire and wear the dress alone with:

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    and red nails, and red lipgloss and my curly hairs.... yeah.. 50's rock!!

    Tapi kalo itu loe, mnurut gw loe bisa pake BH merah atau bikini merah.. jadi supaya tali behanya kelihatan menyembul dari warna abu2 gelap itu. Trus pake bangles warna kuning atau emas. Trus pake deh flat shoes yang loe suka.

    Tapi Lus... loe tau gak apa yang bisa loe pake summer ini?? Loe cuma butuh dress itu, sepasang sendal gladiator (yg loe sarankan ke gw), dan..............
    statement necklace.

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    atau ini deh pinjem gambarnya DYS
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    I think I'll get 2 or three for my ownself..huuuuummmmmmm

  7. #22
    Beryl Darling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    loucee, hihihi.. gambar yg kiri itu mengingatkan gw sama winter school uniform di sini.. Hidden Content hmm, mau dijadiin less wintery yahh.. gw suka grey pinafore + short sleeved white shirt + metallic bag + ankle boots. ga terlalu girly, plus the boots giving an edge & the calves a bit of definition. kalo accessories kan loe jago biasanya. red heart pendant? head scarf? bangles? Hidden Content
    According to aerodynamics, bumble bee cannot fly [but nobody told the bumble bee].

  8. #23

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    loucee : kalo pengen kliatan spring summer gitu, saran gua yah, scarf nya diganti sama necklace aja, lo kan banyak tuh koleksinya.

    trus cuek beybeh aja sama betis lo, pede2in aja ga usa pake tights, trus instead of boots, pake flats or sendal teplek aja, tapi jangan pake ankle boots or spatu yg bertali di pergelangan kaki, bakal bikin betis lo makin keliatan besar n jadi pusat perhatian dong

    kayaknya necklace warna merah or spatu merah bakal ngasi efek yg bagus, since dress lo agak2 gelap warnanya Hidden Content

  9. #24

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    loucee : i love ur style...hehehehe,,keren bgt booHidden Content style="max-width: 100%; cursor: pointer;" src="images/smilies/custom/punk.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Punk" class="inlineimg" />huehehehe,,mengenai betis maradona, i do have the same problem...dan biasanya ngakalinnya sama kayak lo, kalo pake rok, ya suka gw paduin lg pake tights,,,,dan boots yg lo pake itu, itu salah satu cara yg ok buat ngakalin si betis maradona ini,,huehehehe,,,kalo buat baju summer, pinafore lo dalemannya diganti tanktop, tubetop atau racerback tanks yg bermotif atau warna -warni aja,,,biar ga gerah,,,

    : hmmmm....setuju kalo lo emang ga berniat pake gladi sandals apalagi buat ke kantor, dan mengingat kantor lo kantor yg resmi gt, hehehehe,,gladiator sandals bener2 mencolok bgt,,kecuali kalo lo kerja di bidang such as magazines, advertising, dll...Hidden Content hmm, cropped bolero gt sebenernya lucu bgt dipadanin sama dress lo itu, in my opinion yaahh,,hehehe,,,Hidden Content

  10. #25
    Citizen rully7apr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    lus style elu miripppp bgt ama gw, tp ini menurut gw si..
    emmm klo saran gw spy look summer si bisa pake dress diatas minus tight dan boot, bootnya bisa diganti flat shoes (spokat koneng yg gw taksir entu juga bagus lus!) trus aksesorinya bisa bangles or statement necklace or syal (kayanya klo mengenai aksesori elu lebih jago dech) tinggal elu mainin warnanya aja kan diseputaran itu, klo ini si tidak usah diragukan lagi elu pan biangnya Hidden Content

  11. #26

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    candkir... thank you for the suggestion. yes, it's true... i think i just need the courage to take off my tights.... *dasar cupu* hueheuhe...
    scarf untuk bandananya itu dipake kaya head ban (bando) or ala gypsy ya? jadi membungkus kepala.

    anai... nyahahahahahahaa.... suggestion pertama lo bener2... it's so YOUU! Hidden Content dasar pin-up girl! dhuerr... gue kayanya gak berani keluar rumah tuh. but i applaud your style, tho... i think not so many people could pull it off. kalo gue pake kaya gitu.. jadinya bukan genit, tapi sangar kaya wadam... hueheuheue...

    eniweiss... NOTED on the daleman BH merah. i think it's a great suggestion!! (thank you buat ara juga!) statement necklace -- as suggested by candkir also-- is a YES pour moi aussi. gue suka banget photo dari DYS yang pojok kiri bawah dan sebelahnya. i think they are pretty laid back compared to the rest yang bling2.. i love the idea of flat shoes (ofkorss... :P) dan gladiator sandal seperti kata candkir

    darling, iya nih kaya school uniform sini juga! *gubraks!* Hidden Content i'm not so sure about ankle boots, tho... seperti kata maplecyrup... (and i think dundan juga pernah mention di thread jadul ankle boots), bahwa sepatu yang memeluk pergelangan kaki justru akan membuat betis tales semakin bengkak.
    your suggested style reminds me of Sienna's or cockney style di London... which I LOVEEE... to look at... and wish i could pull it off if i had any Rock n Roll spirit embodied in me (atau malah gue harus mulai mencoba merambah style ini ya, darl? developing my style to be more adventurous to the dark side...):P

    maple, noted on necklace replacing the scarf. saya SETUJU! hueheuhe... dan saya juga selalu gembira dengan usul apapun yang melibatkan warna merah! hihihi...

    ara, thank youuu... Hidden Content lo kan di jakarta ya? gak kepanasan ya pake tights kalo pake rok? hihihi... maybe we have to support each other to reveal more of our maradona calves nih... Hidden Content

  12. #27

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    rully, thank you juga for the suggestion. style kita mirip, ya? pajang disini juga dong rull... or di TO. gue kayanya belum pernah liat lo mejeng dimana-mana... hueheuhe... Hidden Content gue juga suka ide lo pake my spokat kuning (but i think i need a new one... secara yang itu udah kumel)

    btw, for my next experiment, gue mo nyoba pake asesoris other than red deh... heuheuheueh... it has became my easy solution... tapi style warna gue stuck di situ doang! kekekekek...

  13. #28

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    loucee : huehehehehehee,,,,iya gw di jkt...kalo lg beraktivitas yg outdoor tentunya ga dipake itu tightsnya,,,hehehehehe,,,,nah itu diaaa...betis maradona ini emang terkadang bikin sulit,,,mesti banyak diakalin,,kalo pake sendal2 yg banyak tali2nya, makin kliatan gede,,hihihii,,,,Hidden Content

  14. #29
    Citizen rully7apr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    lus gw udah ngidam bgt pgn TO sebenernya, just wait lg belajar moto diri sendiri yg ga blur secara laki gw klo disuruh motoin males gitu dese...

  15. #30

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    Default Re: Fashion & Style: Discussion + Workshop of Your [Personal] Style!

    louce, ngiriiiy deeh. pengen pake boots jugaaaa. hehehe. i always love dresses matched with boots. yummm.

    styling option1 : setuju juga ama lorelai dgn statement necklace nya yg warna warni. n kaos or singlet or tanktop, u can wear off shoulder top too.

    styling option2 : sedikit tambahan, klo misalnya bosen pake kalung, untuk variasi bs tetep pake scarf tp dr bahan yg lebih ringan spt bahan silk or cotton voile, dengan warna warni yg lebih summery such as : kelly green, orange, sunshine yellow, or menurut gw warna yg sedang naek daun ni warna fuchsia. spt printed silk scarf2 nya hermes wah mantabbbb jali dah. untuk bumbu pelengkap, u can stacked up ur bangles higher dear. bs dimix jg dengan bangle2 yg warna netral. untuk sepatu, misalnya pake boot panas gila, try open toe d say, dengan warna yang neutral ajah with a lil bit of accent. menurut gw betis loe ga akan terlalu kelian coz u've drawn their attention to ur scarf n ur bangles secara warnanya mencolok jd paling keliatan di mata

    styling option 3: selain kaos2, u can try chiffon blouse to get more sophisticated look. bs yg sleeveless, or with wide loose / flare sleeves. lebih bagus lagi klo chiffon blousenya yg ada motifnya seperti african print (or floral print if u're in a girly mood) so u can add a lil bit of safari look to ur style. utk chiffon blousenya yg fitted bs loe pake di dlm dress, tp klo mo dipake di luar dress, bs pilih dgn cutting yg loose. jd siluet loe masih keliatan samar samar gtu bo krn tembus pandang utk summer gw rasa kesan bare / see through will add feminine look with a 'sexy feel' to ur dress. try this one just in case if u feel -> girly mood : ON de kayaknya Hidden Content

    styling option 4: blazer ato jaketnya bs loe switch dengan waitscoat or vest. u can choose the cropped one if u like. untuk waistcoat yg ga cropped bisa loe pake n ga usah dikancingin to get a more relaxed n laid back mood. tapi klo mo dikancingin bs juga, plus to top it off, u can add a thin belt on ur waist, yang sedikit bertekstur such as snakeskin would be nice. jadi ga terlalu boring.

    klo ngeliat dr hint loe yg berkepribadian 'jendral' gw rasa option 2 n 4 yg paling cucok bo Hidden Content maap poto2nya minim neh tar klo gw nemu yg ada the whole total look gw upload di post berikutnya yah jeung

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