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Feb 29, 2008, 01:38 PM #46
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
[QUOTE=michalakis]hmmm..kenapa gue milih major gue hukum bukan IT
Hihihi... iya banget Mit! Kita definitely salah jurusan niii... Yuk rame-rame cabut pindah ke ... kemana aja deh asal gak disini!! Hidden Content
Ragill... how lucky you were, hihi, tempat kerjamu dulu itu terdengar menyenangkan skaliiiihh... Iya, gue juga pernah denger kalo unilever itu benefitnya oke, tapi gosipnya take home pay nya emang gak terlalu besar ya?
Shin, gara-gara lo bilang ada lowongan untuk orang Indonesia di google, iseng-iseng gue browse dan dapet Hidden Content , wuihhh persyaratannya cadas juga.. I guess emang harus sebanding ama benefits nya yaaahhh..
mir@cle, bos lo mesti dikenalin sama Hidden Content . I have to agree with him, loving what you do is damn important!!
more cool companies to daydream about!
workstations at pixar (the row of huts is the offices)
Hidden Content
my dream come true!! Red Bull office di London punya perosotan beneran antara lantai atas dan bawahnyah!!
Hidden Content
Volkswagen Phaeton Plant in Germany
Hidden Content
Feb 29, 2008, 03:21 PM #47
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Feb 29, 2008, 03:32 PM #48
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
hmm ini pada dapet kerjaan di coolest company gene tuh applynya darimana yah? btw locationnya di luar yah kaenya? kalo yg di jakarta ada ga neh.. mo ikutan apply jg dunk.. hehehe info plss :P *mupeng neh setelah baca2*
Feb 29, 2008, 03:33 PM #49
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kerjaan yg missplatform bilang it's true kok....bahkan gak harus illustrator....yg kerjanya for pembuat game2 online/software itu begitu kok....gue sempet tuh pengen mo ngelamar...lagian ...hire to play....judulnya gitu tuh...jadi tugasnya adalah...elo mesti test drive segala macem game....mesti cari inspirasi....tiap hari dtg kerj from 8 - 5 ya maen game melulu....trus tapi elonya mesti bikin report, analyze trend game yg baru kayak gimana, trus nanti mesti gimana...trus mo create apa....gak gampang loh, dituntut kreativitasnya disini....trus mesti tau apa yg org2 pengen (either itu anak kecil or adult), expectationnya di gaming tuh apa.....
kerjanya salah satunya yg hire kayak gini tuh (again..di silicon valley area again hehehe)....kerja ama MACROMEDIA....or NINTENDO....and yuah teman2nya kali yaaaa..\"Books are more than books. They are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.\"
Amy Lowell
Feb 29, 2008, 03:36 PM #50
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Feb 29, 2008, 04:04 PM #51
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
caltex yang di riau itu gw denger dari temen2 gw, semua yang disebutkan si bea di tanggung.....
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.- Mahatma Gandhi
Feb 29, 2008, 04:40 PM #52
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kemaren gue inget benefits lain tapi gw koq lupa yah.. btw itu Red Bull enak banget yah.. kalo ada fire drill (atau fire beneran) tinggal merosot ke bawah, nggak perlu pake tangga..
gw inget hari terakhir gue magang harus turun dari lantai 26.. baguuus gue nggak make sepatu hak..
o ya kalo kerja di perusahaan minyak benefitsnya juga banyak.. yang caltex itu salah satu contohnya disebutkan bea dan utieLast edited by staragilite; Feb 29, 2008 at 04:48 PM.
For sale: GUC Mamas&Papas Armadillo. Pick up only. Please pm me for details.
Feb 29, 2008, 05:05 PM #53
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
yg enak juga itu di Bank Indonesia hahaha... ini sih semua org udah tau kali ya. disekolahin ke luar negeri, tunjangan rumah dll... yg pasti yg paling asik ya dapet tunjangan seumur idup.
Feb 29, 2008, 05:08 PM #54
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
tapi gue ga pernah tertarik tuh untuk kerja di BI.. kenapa ya?
dan kayaknya di thread ini ga hanya ngebahas dari masalah gaji ato tunjangan. lebih how the company view the employees as their biggest asset.. jadi cara2 these cool companies punya inovasi2 supaya bikin employees nya betah dengan perks2nya..
menurut gue sih gitu yaa.. cuz sometimes you choose to be in one company, not merely because of the compensation, but because of its working conditions and its working environment. for some people, it's much more rewarding to be happy to do what you do than earn tons of money but be miserable.
then again, itu balik ke orangnya masing2 sih...Last edited by sLesTa; Feb 29, 2008 at 05:11 PM.
Feb 29, 2008, 05:08 PM #55
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Gil, kalo beneran ada perosotan dari lantai 26 sampe ke bawah kok ya rada horor boo... heuheuhue... apalagi kalo pas emergency gitu bisa-bisa macet kali tu prosotan hihihih
Feb 29, 2008, 05:57 PM #56
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
idem sama shinta, gue jg ga tertarik kerja di BI.. terlalu government jd full of birokrasi gitu kali yee
Feb 29, 2008, 06:34 PM #57
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
gue jg gak tertarik kok kerja di BI. gue kan cuman point out aja kalo di BI tuh kenyataannya emank tunjangannya menarik, krn sekali kerja di situ, ya seumur idup terjamin. kayanya sebelomnya i mentioned eBay/Google/Microsoft deh, yg menurut gue cool krn bukan cuman fasilitasnya/gaji/tunjangannya oke, tapi jg care sama karyawan2nya dan suasana kerjanya fun. kriteria "cool" masing2 orang itu kan beda2, gue cuman point out BI sbg salah satu contoh yg dari segi tunjangan itu menarik. kalo dari segi working conditions ya mungkin beda lagi (like i said, i did mention eBay/Google/Microsoft before).
Feb 29, 2008, 06:41 PM #58
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
fleurie, yupe, emang di BI tunjangannya ok sih.. bahkan setelah pensiun jg masih tetep dapet tunjangan
alm. kakek gue dulu kerja di BI, dan sampe sekarang nenek gue masih dapet tunjangan..
gue ga point out bhw elo tertarik kok..
maksud gue adalah, walopun tunjangan di BI menarik, gue tidak tertarik.. gitu say..
Mar 3, 2008, 02:40 PM #59
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
wah asik juga ya di BI ada tunjangan de el el gitu *baru tau saya..*
ngomong2 google, temen gue tinggal di cbd, dr balkoni rumahnya bisa liat kantor google sydney! huhuhu.. dia bisa liat colourful officesnya mereka, and the breakout room complete with various games (pool, fridge, other games, de el el).. asik kayanya kerja disana..
tapi biar gimanapun, pelan2 mereka creating workaholics by setting the office environment as a comfortable place. Kayanya dimana2 cuma orang2 yg focus kerjanya excellent and willingness to put work as a high priority are the people who will get ahead. And of course, yg 'politik'nya jago.
Company tempat gue kerja is owned by Macquarie Bank, dan gue makin berasa banget politiknya... huhuhu.. cape sih.. but it's a good company with good reputation.. jadi ya.. nunut aja deh :P
Mar 3, 2008, 04:17 PM #60
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Baru tau juga kalau di BI ada yang seperti itu...
Hmm...buat saya sih salah satu coolest company itu juga PBB a.k.a. The UN. Keren aja jadi punya paspor khusus kalau keluar negeri hehehe...●●● signature unavailable at the moment ●●●