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Feb 28, 2008, 08:39 PM #16
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
hmmm..kenapa gue milih major gue hukum bukan IT Hidden Content Hidden Content
btw,gue asli iri berat sama orang2 yang dapet stock option..karena itu bener2 bisa ngasih untung gila2an..(dengan catatan companynya nilai stocknya oke yaaa)..kalau di luar negeri, lawyer atau consultant company bisa dapet stock option..tapi di sini tidaaak..aaarrgghhh Hidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 08:49 PM #17
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
wahh enak banget.. hihihi..
coolest company buat gue ya tempat gw kerja dulu Hidden Content emang nggak ada gym-nya, tempat meditasi. cubicle biasa lah.. tapi gue ngerasa nyamaaan banget di situ.. dan gajinya gede Hidden Content padahal dulu gw cuma intern. kira2 segini yang bisa gw inget.. nanti gw tambahin lagi kalo keinget lagi..
- international banget.. ratusan nasional ada di situ..
- tiap hari Jum'at, ada croissants day, dapet croissant atau donat gratis dengan berbagai rasa, udah sedia di kantin dari jam 10 sampe sebelum lunch. pernah juga dikirimin cake gede banget, dari partner company, semua orang dapet, hihi..
- kantinnya enak, makanannya juga selalu enak dan murah.. (suka ada makanan Indonesia)
- sebulan sekali go out, bisa lebih kalo lagi ada tamu kehormatan (pssst I love my boss, especially when he's drunk Hidden Content )
- setiap bulan ada kuis yang salah satu hadiahnya iPod.
- dari Airport ada shuttle bus untuk para komuter
- Bos gue menerapkan POETS DAY tiap Jum'at: Piss Off Early, Tomorrow Saturday Hidden ContentFor sale: GUC Mamas&Papas Armadillo. Pick up only. Please pm me for details.
Feb 28, 2008, 08:55 PM #18
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
di sini jg flexible hours. cuman jam 9 sampe jam 15.30 semua org harus ada di tempat. masuk antara jam 7-9, pulang jam 15.30-17.30. libur (as I've often said before) 23 hari plus kompensasi 36 hour week 24 hari (kita kerja 40jam/week sementara kontrak cuman 36 jam/week). total 47 hari setaonnya.
klo sakit gt2 ga diitung dr cuti. libur nasional jg kagak. ke dokter jg ga diitung cuti. mayanlah....
Feb 28, 2008, 08:55 PM #19
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
FERDA Shoes - JUNE PROMO: Special price! || Wanna piece of me?
Feb 28, 2008, 09:11 PM #20
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
yang gue tau mereka dapet employee discount untuk semua produk apple sebesar 30% kalo gak salah. setaun dijatahin 3 kali. ada juga friends & family discount sekitar 10% deh kayanya.
ntar gue tanya temen baek gue yang kerja di Apple Inc. deh.
orangnya juga suka mampir2 ke FD sebetulnya, cuma gak pernah posting! hihihihihihi... *hey youuuu... kalo kebetulan baca... good luck buat pregnancynya yaaa... * Hidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 09:13 PM #21
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
temen gue yang kerja di zara sih katanya dapet diskon beli produk zara 15%..terus ternyata gue baru tau kalau pegawai MAC itu kalau beli barang MAC gak dapet diskon lo..kasian yaa.
niwei, gue jadi tergoda untuk kerja di airlines deh..karena temen gue yang kerja di sq dapet diskon 75% kalau beli tikeet..huhuhuhuhu Hidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 09:14 PM #22
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kerja di perusahaan IT di silicon valley emang bykn enak2 deh benefitsnya...
\"Books are more than books. They are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.\"
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Feb 28, 2008, 09:14 PM #23
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Feb 28, 2008, 09:18 PM #24
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
benul beaaa...terus gue curi2 denger..ternyata target penjualan mereka sehari 14 jt..Hidden Content
untung ada rani yaaaHidden Content peace ya ranHidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 09:19 PM #25
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
o ya gue juga sering dapet cokelat dari company gue Hidden ContentFor sale: GUC Mamas&Papas Armadillo. Pick up only. Please pm me for details.
Feb 28, 2008, 09:29 PM #26
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kayaknya klo gw mo pindah lagi pengennya di consumer goods dah. yang suka dapet makanan gratis, susu gratis, make-up gratis Hidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 09:41 PM #27
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kakak ipar gw dulu di kimberly clark, gue menghemat nggak beli softex, toilet paper, kain yg buat bersih2, sarung tangan latex Hidden ContentFor sale: GUC Mamas&Papas Armadillo. Pick up only. Please pm me for details.
Feb 28, 2008, 09:43 PM #28
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
gw jg dulu intern di P&G gil. mayaaan, parfum hugo boss korting 40%, klo packingnya rusak dikit malahan gratis Hidden Content kerjaan gw dulu buang2 pampers, haha...
Feb 28, 2008, 09:44 PM #29
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
kayanya kalo mo ngayal lebih tinggi lagi, gue pengen kerja di majalah fashion biar dapet designer's bags, sepatu dan baju gratisan kaya di The Devil Wears Prada! wuiiihiiiiiiiii.... Hidden Content
Feb 28, 2008, 09:45 PM #30
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
coolest company yg di jakarta apa yah??
klo company gw yg skrg enaknya fleksibel time.. yg penting u kerja 8 jem.. dan kerjaan u selesai u bisa pulcep deh
gw lbh enak gini sih fleksibel time
daripada klo gada kerjaan bengong2 ampe tunggu jem 5.30 teng lgsg pulang..
itu google enak bgt yah.. fasilitas nya lengkap.. ngilerGOD will make a way