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Feb 28, 2008, 06:09 PM #1
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Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Dear fabulous ladies,
Pernah ngerasa jenuh di tempat kerja dan mulai berkhayal macem-macem mulai dari "kalo ada gym pasti lebih seru" atau "duhh ni cubicle gak ada bagus-bagusnya dehh, coba lebih colorful dan banyak sofanya" ... Pasti sering lah yaaa... Well today out of boredom I stumble upon Fortune 500 which features some of the best companies to work at (and they actually have the facilities above and beyond!!). Here are a few of the coolest companies (and why):
Ruangan de-stress dan meditasi-nya ebay
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Gym-nya Goldman Sachs (ada rock-climbing wall, martial-arts boot camp, massage therapy, sama pilates)
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Headquarter-nya Herman Miller (loucee pasti demen nih)
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Google and Microsoft punya kantin yang menyediakan makanan gratis yang dibikin oleh chef khusus. Nike punya program sosial wajib dengan slogan "which is better? making shoes or saving lives?" ...menyenangkan skali yaaahhh!! No wonder the above companies make the top list of best companies to work at Hidden Content
Kalo satu hari nih yaaa, gue punya kesempatan punya usaha/company sendiri, here are my mandatory company policies:
1. Pulang cepet (there's been some research that people who come home early work better and happier, well of course, datengnya harus sedikit lebih pagi yaaa)
2. Kalo kantornya beberapa tingkat, ada perosotan dari lantai atas ke lantai bawah, dan perosotannya gak boleh lurus, harus belok-belok! (gotta keep the child in you aliveeee!!!). Hehehe... cukup realistis dan tidak terlalu bombastis kaaann??
Have you heard of other cool companies? Or you have a vision of your own future company? Share them here!
(thread inspired by and images taken from CNN
Feb 28, 2008, 06:15 PM #2
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
google emang top banget ya, boleh bawa pets segala ke kantor
kantornya herman miller jg cakep banget tuh..
kantor gue definitely ga terkategori coolest company Hidden Content
tp di kantor gue, lebih tepatnya di group tempat gue kerja sih nerapin happy schedule, jadi tiap2 unit hrs mengatur waktu tiap orang di unit tsb untuk pulang jam 5.30 sekali dalam seminggu (hihihi, ini ga happy schedule ya, secara jam kantor kan cuma sampe jam 5 hrsnya)
trus on the b'day, he/she is allowed to leave the office at 3 pm..
Feb 28, 2008, 06:18 PM #3
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
OMG the gym!!!!!!!!!!!! uda kaga usa join fitness first lagi!
macchalatte pulank cepet... gua dah serink denger. some companies nowadays ga kasi employees nya buat pulank lebih dari jem 7. jadi diharuskan gitu employeesnya pulank lebi awal.
temen gua kerja di BP Australia, katanya mereka serink ada acara pergi ke tmp2 panti jompo ato similar places gitu buat bersihin rame2 yahh kegiatan sosial gitu lah dan itu seharian (dibayar buat have fun!!! kan rame2), kadank ada acara maen soccer rame2, ke winery, ke Australian Open (karena companynya sponsor eventnya), etc. banyak social activitiesnya. seruu d kalo dah join company gede kaya gitu. makanya nihh gua ngebet bgt apply ke BP Australia
Feb 28, 2008, 06:25 PM #4
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Feb 28, 2008, 06:35 PM #5
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Yustin and Natz, wah baguslah kalo udah banyak companies yang nerapin pulang cepet (well most oil co emang 7-4 sih yaaa, but the rest of us - apalagi tempat gue - kadang mo pulang jam 7an aja mesti kucing-kucingan ama partner :P ) so dear shinta, gapapa banyak lembur = nabung yang banyak, biar bisa bikin company = pulcep tiap hari, hihihih...
btw goodluck ya Natz applicationnya!!
Feb 28, 2008, 06:40 PM #6
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
eitss slesta, di sydney gw liat company loe orang2nya banyak yg pulang cepet juga dehh.. huehee.. apalagi kalo friday nite, hadohh pada kabur ke manaa client saya semua yahh.. oh iya, pada ke bar semuaa.. tsk tsk.. Hidden Content ada birthday leave, ada study leave, ada moving house leave, ada well being leave.. Hidden Content
According to aerodynamics, bumble bee cannot fly [but nobody told the bumble bee].
Feb 28, 2008, 06:43 PM #7
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
darling gue kayaknya salah negara nih... Hidden Content
macchalate lembur mah ga dapet duit banyak dong sayang... kan ga dikasih duit lembur.. yang dikasih duit lembur itu kalo masih level clerical
Feb 28, 2008, 06:46 PM #8
Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
hhihihi...kalo di amerika banyak memang yg companies seru2...wanting to make their employee happy.....gue dulu kerja di Applied Materials....hepi2 aja tuh dengan fasilitasnya....
btw, kalo di company pribadi gue ini walau kecil....penerapan 'hepi' nya gini.....
kalo bisa gak ada yg KERJA LEMBUR....or OVERTIME.....gue mo nya mereka maximize jam kerja yg dari 9-5.30 itu dengan semaksimal mungkin, jadi sebisa mgkn gak ada overtime, krn gue mo nya mereka pun pulang cepet...gak bete di kantor melulu....on the other hand yah supaya kerjaan juga lebih efficient dong.
trus sebulan atau dua bulan sekali, gue pasti traktir ajak makan rame2....half day yah maen2 ke cafe or lunch gitu...tapi ya abis itu sih balik kerja lagi heheehe....
but....herannya udah enjoy2 gini...masih ada aja yg komplen *suseh deh ya punya company, everything is never good enuff for employee*...maap nih komplen ini ditujukan hanya utk yg run business sendiri hehee...kalo yg gak pernah jalanin business sendiri, rata2 sih most likely gak ngerti apa kesulitan dan kendala seorang business owner utk keep the company running and is, in fact, one of the most difficult task ever.....soalnya to keep it running and happy....BUTUH DUIT/MODAL yg gak kecil juga Hidden Content ...trus kalo mo pulang cepat, kalo emang employeenya bisa kerja secara maksimal sih gak papa, malah seneng dong business ownernya, tapi kalo yg lenyeh2 gitu...kerjanya ngasal, gak maximized...bete juga kan business owner kalo mo ngasih pulang cepet Hidden Content\"Books are more than books. They are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men lived and worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.\"
Amy Lowell
Feb 28, 2008, 06:48 PM #9
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
gua crita d ttg company gua ah... company gua flexible waktu kerjanya. kayanya kalo di oz skr gitu smua d yah. gua terserah mo masuk jem brapa pulank jem brapa. pokoknya 8.5 jem kerja + makan siang. trus setaon gua dapet 4 minggu annual leave udah gitu gua dapet 1 hari additional leave setiap bulan (setaon = 12 hari), trus gua dapet 14 hari sick leave juga dalem setaon. maren oma gua meninggal, gua dapet compassionate leave 4 hari dan itu ga dikurangin dari leave yang laen. belon lagi study leave. tuhh totalin brapa hari libur yang bisa gua dapet dalem setaon. hahaha banyak di libur doank!
darlin bener.. kalo jumat dah terserah d mo pulank jem brapa. uda kaya ga kerja...
Feb 28, 2008, 06:52 PM #10
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
Hidden Content Originally Posted by sLesTa
Feb 28, 2008, 07:15 PM #11
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
darling, itu sih di aussie.. kl di indo ama sing, pulangnya bisa jam 12 malem nih..
happy schedule aja kl di unit gue ga bisa bener2 diterapin, lha gimana kl pas ada problem..
shin, di indo jg ga semua kan.. hehehehe..
Feb 28, 2008, 07:38 PM #12
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
yustin, emang ga selalu sihh. di sini yg bagian CIB, kadang malem bener pulangnya. cyclical sih yah, bisa sampe kira2 120 jam per minggu. Hidden Content
According to aerodynamics, bumble bee cannot fly [but nobody told the bumble bee].
Feb 28, 2008, 08:16 PM #13
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
iya gw pernah liat GooglePlex di Oprah show. hebat bgt, ampe laundry, spa, salon, smua disediain disana. ga heran deh klo mrk terima 1100 aplication sehari :P salut!!
FERDA Shoes - JUNE PROMO: Special price! || Wanna piece of me?
Feb 28, 2008, 08:18 PM #14
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
oh iya, ex-housemate gw skarang kerja di Google, Mountain View, CA.
selain $$$ starting salary, dia dapet:
Signing Bonus: US 12K
Year end Bonus: 30% of salary
Moving expense: 5K (from canada)
Google shares: 90, option 180
Study grant: 8K / yr
Energy efficient car purchase: 5K
Plus onsite free: 3 meals (11 cafeterias), Doctors (6), Dentist, laundry, dry clean, haircut, shuttle bus to work/home, fitness gym, junk snacks, massage chairs, lectures, financial classes... 15 projects to choose to work on and 20% free time to work on own project. Hidden ContentAccording to aerodynamics, bumble bee cannot fly [but nobody told the bumble bee].
Feb 28, 2008, 08:22 PM #15
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Re: Coolest Companies (the why and desire)
DANG!! Darling... Hidden Content
gue jadi kepengen kerja di Google dweeehh!!
eh... google apa Apple yak? (ngayal boleh, dong?) hueheuheue..