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May 27, 2013, 09:21 AM #1
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Happy 7th Anniversary, Female Daily Forum :)
Today is Female Daily's Birthday. So feel free to post your birthday greeting here.
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Special offer during our birthday week: there is 20% OFF for Female Daily members to shop at Hidden Content for everything except for beauty and discounted products. Valid from May 28 – May 30. Promo code: ZFDN20Last edited by sarsky; May 28, 2013 at 03:39 PM.
May 27, 2013, 09:28 AM #2
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Setelah sekian lama bertanya-tanya "Emang kapan sih FD ultah ??"
Akhirnya kejawab juga yah ^^
Selamat Ulang Tahun buat FemaleDaily yang ke-6!
Ga nyangka loh, sudah 6 tahun berdiri demi para perempuan Indonesia khususnya ... hehehe
Semoga panjang umur ya supaya generasi-generasi perempuan selanjutnya bisa ikutan menambah wawasan di berbagai bidang lewat femaledaily. Hidden Content
Semoga femaledaily juga bisa semakin berkembang dengan baik dan oke ya ^^
May 27, 2013, 09:43 AM #3
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Ternyata kalau 6 tahun lalu gue akad nikah, Hani dan Affi akad forum!
Selamat ulang tahun, Female Daily. Semoga di tahun ke-6 ini makin jaya dan yahud. Bisa mengisi kehidupan cewek-cewek kece dengan informasi yang oke dan berguna.
Am proud to be a part of Female Daily Hidden Content"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn."
~Gore Vidal~
May 27, 2013, 10:07 AM #4
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Hii semuanya...
Iya beneer hari ini Female Daily Forum ulang tahun. Hidden Content i Hidden Content
I remember when there were only 50 active users online at any given time. Last week, we hit the mark with 8,223 users online at the same time!
When it comes to statistic, we now have:
6,755 forum threads
2,642,763 posts
64,435 members
Bear in mind that we do delete non-active members from time to time. So, most of the members that we have now are considered active members. I’m glad that after six years, we're still striving for quality instead of quantity. Hidden Content
Female Daily has grown a lot these past six years. It has also gone through some growing pain moments- from a change of name (previously Fashionese Daily forum) to a change of platform, hosting, server, design and even logo! But those technical improvements won't change the fact that the forum is still filled with a bunch of friendly and compassionate ladies who find meaningful connections with each other through their love of fashion, beauty, their aspiration to build a happy family, their willpower to be better in all aspects of life from financial, career, health, family and many more. After six years, we are still a place where not only women connect with each other, but also find friends, find useful information, share product recommendations, thoughts, knowledge, and ideas. The fact that Female Daily’s members keep on growing means that we are now even more relevant for Indonesian women in every stage of their lives.
Some of you might remember how it looked like back in the early days. By using PunBB engine, I designed the header and created all the categories, forum sections and threads. As you can see, the forum section hasn’t changed much from the beginning.
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Earlier this year, we have committed to give extra attention to the forum and the community. Thank God we now have Sarah as our Community Manager. We also have more events so far than the past, thanks to Manda, our Event Manager.
Female Daily forum has a humble beginning. What started from the living room now has grown into a company with 25 full-time employees with an office in the nicest location in Kemang Raya No 2. I guess the moral of the story is, everything started with a dream and a vision. When you like what you're doing, when you pour love and hard work into it and you add a strong determination then the dream becomes a reality.
Thank you everyone for being a part of this forum and for all of your significant contribution. Here's to many more exciting years to come Hidden ContentSave yourself from the headache and read reviews from thousand of our members! Bisa difilter sesuai umur, jenis kulit, warna kulit dan budget. Only in --
May 27, 2013, 10:12 AM #5
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
I just joined about a year ago but in that one year I saw tremendous changes & developments of this platform. Amazing achievements, Hanny and Affi!
Thanks juga buat FD crew yg selalu aktif bikin blog yg kaya ilmu & inspiratif buat member, selalu bikin event yg fun, selalu ikutan mingle dg para member di thread2 forum. Even mas chiefgeek pun rajin banget turun ke lapangan jawab2in pertanyaan member ttg teknis. *dadah2 ke mas eko*
Thanks juga buat sesama member yg selalu ramah, nggak pelit ilmu dan selalu senang berbagi.
Semoga in the future Female Daily akan lebih hits lagi, lebih berkembang lagi dan selalu ikut mencerdaskan perempuan2 Indonesia. *kibarin bendera* *semacam upacara bendera* Hidden Content
May 27, 2013, 10:22 AM #6
Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Seriously we'll get 20%disc?
Happiest birthday female daily. Sukses selalu.
FD banyak banget ilmunya, seringnya jadi silent reader krn malu comment ehehehe.
You did super, FD Crew Hidden Content Hidden Content Hidden Content
May 27, 2013, 10:24 AM #7
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Happy Birthday female daily....sukses selalu.
semakin banyak member nya, semakin banyak artikel2 nya...semakin ok lah pokoke Hidden Content
May 27, 2013, 10:38 AM #8
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Hi female daily.
I do hope I can back more often here and share any information and idea.
Since a lot of interesting topic, I became more confused to post. Lol.
Again, happy birthday and can't wait for your next gathering.
Been long time, uh?
May 27, 2013, 11:04 AM #9
Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Selamat Hari Jadi Female daily....
walau baru setahun lebi dikit gabung, tapi sukses membuat saya jadi banyak tau dan makin pinter.
Sukses selalu ya...Life is a journey, not a destination
May 27, 2013, 11:07 AM #10
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Peluk Cium buat para Founder & Crew Female Daily... Happy 6th birthday, membuat hari-hari saya jadi lebih berwarna Hidden Content
May 27, 2013, 11:09 AM #11
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
wow.... happy bdaaayy... Hidden Content
seneng bisa join di komunitas ini... lots of beneficial things!
May all dreams come true.. and more success yaaah.. **ketchuups
May 27, 2013, 11:24 AM #12
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Re: Happy Birthday, Female Daily
Wooohoooooo FD sudah 6 tahunnn! Dulu pertama nyasar ke sini karena google bbrp hal selalu nyampenya ke FD. Sekarang, sih, daripada cape2 google udah aja langsung search di forum kalo mau cari info. Sama aja hasilnya.
Congratulations FD! Terima kasih karena selalu kasih konten berguna. Terima kasih juga untuk semua member yang membuat mingle di sini sangat menyenangkan!
May 27, 2013, 11:45 AM #13
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Re: Happy 6th Birthday, Female Daily Forum :)
Happy birthday FD! Hidden Content
Dulu nyari informasi tentang makeup, jadi ketemulah sama forum ini, dan berujung setiap hari bukain Fashionese Daily dan Mommies Daily juga. Hidden Content
Di umur yang baru semoga FD semakin informatif dan jadi wadah buat cewek-cewek Indonesia. Semakin seru, semakin kece.
Once again, Happy birthday FD! <3
May 27, 2013, 11:59 AM #14
Re: Happy 6th Birthday, Female Daily Forum :)
selamat ulang tahun FD! Hidden Content
smoga tambah jaya, tambah cihuy dan tambah2 yg baik2 lainnya.. wishing u all the best.. Hidden Content
trimakasih FD udah buat aku tambah pinter dari segala sisi.. mrasa beruntung bisa jd member disini, meskipun lbh sering jd silent reader Hidden Content tp ilmu2 disini oke2 banget, benar2 pencerahan&mnambah wawasan pemikiran
loph u full deh pokoknya.. :kiss:
May 27, 2013, 12:15 PM #15
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Re: Happy 6th Birthday, Female Daily Forum :)
Thank you thank you thank you everyone!
Seneng dan terharu banget udah bisa jadi bagian dari dari komunitas ini. We all grow along with this forum and its members and it has been an incredible journey. Semuanya udah diwakilkan dengan postingan Hanzky di atas deh pokoknya Hidden Content
Semoga kalian makin betah di sini dan makin banyak pertemanan yang tercipta dari forum FD yaaaa. Amiiiinnn!