View Profile: via2shinoda - Female Daily Forum
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9 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    hai via..maap mengganggu..Please kindly help to fill my survey for my thesis about FD..
    thankyou ya..maap merepotkan..
  2. View Conversation
    maap ya jeung, Guess-nya dah kejual. belom sempet update di thread. kalo sendal vincci itu panjangnya lebkur 25cm. gw biasa pake vincci size 7 = ukuran 38 juga.
  3. View Conversation
    Halo Via, pertanyaan k12 dari lapak gw itu ,k12 bust 50cm (diukur satu sisi) panjang 90cm. bahan strech cuman ga terlalu strecth karena bahannya katun tebal.
  4. View Conversation
    say, aku dah email ke yahoo mu yah, sorry baru bales, karena kemaren liburan. tks
  5. via2shinoda, udh gw kirim via e-mail foto2nya yaa...
    pls ceki2...
    looking forward to hear good news from you...
  6. View Conversation
    Hai sizt..itu emank ukuran 40 kok..aku biasa pake 40 kalo kebuka,41 kalo ketutup berubung dia ketutup..jadi ga muat di aku..btw,just inform..kalo kemaren sepatu itu baru aja aku pake 1x bwat ke pesta,dengan stoking..tapi masih oke banget..aku turunin harganya jadi 210 karena uda kupake 1x..

    tadi aku chek ke TIKI JNE kalo pengiriman dari surabaya ke jayapura 88-91 ribu..sedangkan untuk tarif menggunakan TIKI (biasanya lebih murah) masih belum bisa di-chek karena tidak bisa via internet..kalau mau,besok aku chek'in langsung...

    kabar2 ya..thankyou
  7. View Conversation
    hei say...iyaaaaaa....kemaren siang diambil sama temenku....sorry yaaaaaa
    hayuk pilih-pilih tas yg lain lagi...hehehe.....
  8. kalo diameternya ga tau brp kudu diukur dulu yah dirumah itu yang ada di lapaknya mocha "tokotujuhpuluh" say mungkin bisa diliat gambarnya. itu mw gw lepas 180 include onkir jakarta.
    thanks yah
  9. View Conversation
    hai via..

    aku mau nawarin ciciero davina hitamku nih. 2nd tapi in very good condition. cuma dipake beberapa kali aja. harga belinya 320rb. Kutawarkan dengan harga 250rb aja. Kalo mau gambar2nya sms aja ke 0838 5453 3038. ntar kukabar2i looh trimsss
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
About via2shinoda

Basic Information

Registration Info

Information for registration.

solo indonesia
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If yes, please provide the company name below. Otherwise just state N/A:
PT. Televisi Mandiri Papua (Papua TV)
If no, what industry do you represent?:
If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
karanganyar 1st high school, social
reading, travelling,watching movies
Fave stores or places to shop?:
rotelli shoes, planet surf, gramedia, malioboro yogya, pusat grosir solo, bellagio, bunga mas (solo) accesoris shop, tupperware dealer, guess,
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
la tullipe - foundation
nivea - Q10 moisturizer & night cream, nivea cream
oriflame - tea tree facial wash
body shop - green tea facial wash
oriflame - pearl bronze
etude - lip gloss
la tulipe - loose powder
eye brow - viva
eye liner - la tulipe
mascara - la tulipe, maybeline
lipstick - giordani by oriflame, ultima, PAC, clinique, etude
eye shadow - PAC, la tulipe,
body spray - victoria's secret, natural wonder
parfume - samsara,
body lotion - giordani by oriflame
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
i like simple style or classic, i like high heels and boot but sometimes i choose sneaker.
What is your marital status?:
Married without kids
How many kids do you have?:
Website Profile
If you have a blog/website, please enter the URL below. Otherwise just state N/A:
jayapura papua
Facebook Profile URL:


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Apr 19, 2011 01:01 PM
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Jan 16, 2020 10:15 PM
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Aug 20, 2009
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Feb 25, 2015

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