ehh sorryyy...gwe mo sms tapih sms lu udah kedelete,, uda sampe kok say,,thanks yaww
hehehe..thanks jg yaa... .................................................. .......................
paradis....tolong send PM lagi ya..PM ku sudah ga penuh thanks
hey Paradis, thanks ya.. baru baca greetingnya, soalnya lagi jarang main kesini :P
makasiiih paradis.... ^^ The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 50 characters.
Hey! Sorry I just read your note. Thaanks )) Anyway, since I have to write at least 50 characters in order to be able to send this thanking note so, I am typing all these words. I am sorry. He he he... But again, thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and will )))
makasih ya sist ucapannya Salam kenal...
oo...kalo nc35 bakal pektay kyknya hahaha.. thanks
hi, kyknya nc25 isa deh.. coba tanya2 ke tret meow yaa.. thx
Paradis..PM ku td nyampe ndak,say? 2x loh kukirim..
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