Halo jadi jual my schemingnya? Dijual berapa? Baru 1x pemakaian? Boleh tau expirednya?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hi mba inbox nya penuh jd gak bisa bales PM nya
Hai sis blh tanya yg soal suntik kurus dipalem udh dpt blom ?aku minat jg nih hehe..pnh coba 1x di dr.kusuma ga turun malah naek😤trus mana bekas suntikan biru2 abis 500rb lbh sama obat huhu
OK dicoba dulu ya untuk attach foto. Sesuai rulesnya aja kok, semua Mini Sale post harus ada foto. Klo ada masalah nanti baru dilaporkan ke IT. Thanks. -mod-
Hi, bisa dijelaskan maksudnya "tidak bisa melampirkan foto karena post di bawah 600"? You are eligible to post at Mini Misc Sale, but you have to provide real photo(s) to represent the item. Without it, you can't post there. -mod-
Please provide actual pictures of your Mini Miscellaneous Sale, otherwise the post will be deleted. -mod-
hai, salam kenal...aku liat di CD mau di lego selma large black nya ya? kalo boleh tau hrg brp say? siapa tau masuk budget..hehe..oya skalian tanya itu made in mana? thx before yaaa...
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