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    gapapa biru gw jg demen" aja lah

    iya ongkir ndiri" aja lah.. secara jkt-sby harusnya kan sama ma sby-jkt
    dikau pake yg paling murce jg gpp nek, gw senin ke bdg soalnya, balik jkt nya lg minggu depan..
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    shel, mau ngicip kagak jeng kohl gw.. secara gw selusin belinya
    boleh swap gak ya ma mydarling lo?
  3. waaah syukurlah.. ikut senang.. siiiplah, tambah semangat buat bab selanjutnya yak
    mmm, iya ya, bibir gw sedikit pigmented, yg watermelon aja msh kentara di gw, apalg di dirimu, hehe
    lemon cuticle nya ntar dulu deh, kasian dompet gw, hahaha
  4. shey.. gmn kbr sidang nya nih? semangat yaaa
    btw shey, gw mau laporan ah, hehe, gw jatuh cinta bener sama lip shimmer yg rhubarb nya, bener2 mlbb bgt di gw.. haha, kayaknya l/s gw skrg nganggur deh..
    mmm, mau tanya shel.. udah pernah coba lemon cuticle nya blm? gw jd penasaran ma yg ini
    thanks yaaa
  5. View Conversation
    baru liat vm kamu,, pm imel kamu aja yaa,,nanti aku imel aja
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    ngga pasti dianalisis kok,,misal di yang aku pake itu aku harus masukin sendiri ke spss datanya manual,,ada lagi si yg laen cm lupa nama hostingnya,,biasanya yg gratis itu ga ada analisisnya,, skripsiku belom slesai shel,,jadi belom bisa dikasi ke kamu,,tp semoga selesai semester ini,,nanti aku kasi tau deh klo da selesai,,
  7. ooo gitu yah.. mmm.. thanks bgt infonya shel.. mudah2an tdk terjadi di gw
  8. jiah, racuuun.. blm pernah pake sih.. cuma mikirnya ya sudahlah, cari yg karuan berwarna walaupun sheer juga, hehe..
    mmm, urusan cari kosmetik atau skin care aja bikin bingung yaaa
  9. udah diputuskan.. ngambil rhubarb aja deh.. hehe
  10. shey.. numpang tanya dong, hehe, kan gw pesen burts bees lip shimmer yg watermelon.. itu udah fix, nah gw bingung, enak nya rhubarb atau lip balm pomegranate yak? gw tau itu beda, tp pilihan antara itu nih.. mau ngirit..
    makasih sblmnya yaaa
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About sheLLey

Basic Information

Date of Birth
August 31, 1988 (36)
Registration Info

Information for registration.

Student - College
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If yes, please provide the company name below. Otherwise just state N/A:
If no, what industry do you represent?:
If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Komunikasi, Universitas Kristen Petra
make up, fashion, and beauty
Fave stores or places to shop?:
FDer's Lapak
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
Skin Care - Burts Bees Acne Solution Line
Moizturizer - Clinique DDMG
Loose Powder - coty airspun
Blush - Cargo & La Femme
mascara - Majolica Majorca
eyeliner - MAD liquid eyeliner
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
my style = absolutly not girly and style depends on my mood..but i like something playing with big catchy acceccories..well my style mix of casual, glam, and elegant..with a touch of freedom..
What is your marital status?:
Single without kids
How many kids do you have?:
Website Profile
If you have a blog/website, please enter the URL below. Otherwise just state N/A:
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