Ini nomer orang minimix , beni +62 812-1200-2228. Dirimu lokasi mana? Ada jg ervan dari holcim, ada website nya, nomernya 0811-8332-000. Yg holcim ini jadwalnya padet, harus jauh2 hari. Fadli jg aku pake, nomernya +62 821-1231-0811.
Hai! Aku coba pm detail transfer dan alamat ga bisa masa anyway, aku udah trf yaa lebih lanjut via SMS / WhatsApp aja 083896011742. Many thanks!
Hai. Aku ada wa 08563616055. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Please note you can only repost Mini Sale post in exactly one week. Your last post was on September 13, you can post again by September 20. -mod-
Halo, mau SHARE IN 5ML JAR SHU EUMURA THE LIGHTBULB #764 masih? Thanks before ya, infonya bisa dikasih tau ke [email protected]
hi! aku mau SHARE IN 5ML JAR SHU EUMURA THE LIGHTBULB #764, PRICE 100.000 masih ada ngga? + ongkir jakarta. Thank you ardelia 081280009038
hai threealignstar, sorry baru bales, gw pending dulu ya orderannya. Thank you very much
hi there threealignstar, mau order secret key STE share dong 1 botol aja (30ml) dikirim ke ciputat berapa ya? thank you sorry blm bisa kirim PM
sis aku mau donk BRAND NEW IN BOX NYX HIGHLIGHT AND CONTOUR COMBO, PRICE 120.000 ke jkt brp ya> tolong sms aku di 087776463334.ku tunggu ya
Different size counts as different item (5 ml jar, 10 ml jar). Maximum of 5 items in a post. -mod-
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