Hi heavenly, boleh minta pricelist2nya MUA yg km uda dpt ga ? Aku msi bngung mu confirm sm yang mana, sempet khwatir kalo cr MUA yg 1 hari ad 2 brides gtu. Thanks before ya
Hallo ce 😁 apakah sudah mendapat Wedding Organizer? Kalau belum aku mau rekomen punya sodara aku nih Lg opening promo dapet potongan harga sampai 5 juta
pm ak sis hrg sei ny.thx........,....................... ..........
Haaiii... salam kenal ... Info aku donk klo mau apply kerja di travel agent.. tqu..
Msh avail ga 18. GOWIGASA TULIP DRESS (BNWOT) - Bahan Soft Cotton, fit to size L kecil , Recommended! - IDR 80.000 Kirim ke jakpus ya, minta invoice. Tq
Mod, sorry baru baca VM nya. Oke deh, thanks ya. 5050505050
Heavenly, shoes masuknya di Mini Fashion Sale Accessories ya. Tolong dipindah. Thanks. -mod-
Your mini sale post is deleted due to: - bumping up more than 1x/week Read mini sale rules. -mod-
Hello Freya, uda aku bales ya PM nya hehehe Thank you dear
aku mau guerlainnya ya babee udah aku email dr kmr ga ada balasan
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