View Profile: jLoved - Female Daily Forum
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5 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Mak mau tanya donk sabun pinoy psal sm bnb aman buat busui g y?daku baca dirimu penah bwa ke obgyn y kira2 aman ga y dua itu?thx y dear
  2. View Conversation
    Hai salam kenal dear jLoved mau tanya, boleh minta kontak line atau whatsapp makbat ga? Hehe. Aku baru keracunan gara gara trit sabun skincare filipin ni :3 makasih yaaaaa
  3. View Conversation
    kojie san aman asal kulit mu gak sensi ama kojic acid. aku juga suka pake kalo pas ada jerewi tapi cuma apply di spot jerewi doank. coz muka ku termasuk yang gak tahan sama kojie san. tapi kalo tuk jerewi dia bikin cepet kering, kalo spot bekas jerewinya gak notice, coz kalo udah kering itu jerewi aku gak pake lagi
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    jloved baru baca nih VM nya hehehe ci hellen aku uda telp kemarin dan dia blg lg kosong mgkn mgg depan baru ada.. kebetulan dia di kelapa gading jg deket.. nanti mgg depan aku coba telp lg
    ada contact person mbak nya ga ? klo ada boleh diinfokan yaa
    tenkyuuu :*
  5. View Conversation
    haloo, salam kenal mom ^^ sebelumnya, kenalkan, aku ulima andari, panggil uli aja hehe aku boleh minta tolong ga mom? aku liat post kamu di salah satu thread, dan kalo nggak salah, kamu pernah ngasih susu soya buat anak kamu ya? aku boleh minta tolong buat ngisi kuesioner buat pemenuhan tugas mata kuliah riset pemasaran? ^^ kalo kamu berkenan, aku boleh minta alamat email kamu? makasih mom
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
About jLoved

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Information for registration.

Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If no, what industry do you represent?:
Real Estate
Browsing, Games
Fave stores or places to shop?:
Mal Matahari Puri Daan Mogot
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
only you and just once in my lifetime
What is your marital status?:
Married with kids
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One life, one love, one precious time, and one for all ....


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Most Recent Message
Dec 23, 2015 02:31 PM
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Feb 19, 2021 04:55 PM
Join Date
Jul 24, 2012
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Jul 3, 2017

  • 02:31 AM - Hidden

Mar 2, 2017

  • 02:45 AM - Hidden

Feb 21, 2017

  • 01:12 PM - Hidden
  • 12:47 PM - Hidden

Dec 15, 2015

  • 12:56 PM - Hidden
  • 12:40 PM - Hidden
  • 10:59 AM - Hidden
  • 08:53 AM - Hidden
  • 08:10 AM - Hidden
  • 08:06 AM - Hidden
  • 07:28 AM - Hidden
  • 07:28 AM - Hidden

Dec 14, 2015

  • 07:04 PM - Hidden
  • 04:57 PM - Hidden
  • 04:45 PM - Hidden
  • 04:43 PM - Hidden

Nov 24, 2015

  • 09:12 AM - Hidden

Nov 21, 2015

  • 03:17 PM - Hidden

Nov 20, 2015

  • 10:07 AM - Hidden
  • 10:07 AM - Hidden

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