Hai Gillian Apakah masih membuka lowongan untuk KUMON ? Need ur info now, thanks
Hello, Gillian. Mau tanya, KUMON masih buka lowongan kah untuk mahasiswi ?
Hi Gillian, Aku baru baca posting kamu di labor n birth. Habis csec keluar cairan dari bekas jahitan. Sekarang gmn? Apa sudah sembuh? Boleh sharing? Aku baru csec n keluar cairan juga sudah seminggu. Thanks.
You are not eligible to do any selling or promoting in this forum yet. Read the rules thoroughly please. 1 month suspension on your account. -mod-
Dear gilian, maaf yah, tapi aku kurang ngerti apa maksud kamu tersebut. Bolehkah diperjelas lebih lanjut?
Please consider this as your 2nd warning! At least 6 months membership and 600 posts to start promoting. Read the forum rules again. -mod-
If you know the rules, abide by it. At least 6 months membership and 600 post counts to sell/promote your business. -mod-
hellow.. sist gillian.. baru baca postnya di kue ultah anak.. mo tanya dong sist,utk hiasannya dapet dmana kmrn ya?? sdg cari2 inspirasi hiasannya niy utk kue ultah anak.. trims
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