cintaaaa... baguuus, pas banget di gw makasiiiih yaaaa
neik, jangan mumet atuh. klik aja di sini (link to current auction always updated in my signature). kalo tertarik salah satu barang, kasi offer. deket2 deadline liat lagi, ada yg kasi offer lebih tinggi ndak, and if your willingness to pay is higher, monggo kasi offer lagi. it's that simple neng! kalo mau liat2 past auctions, etc baru monggo dipelototin tuh segala macam posting di page 1, check dulu post #1 on page 1 for a directory of where everything is (post #1 itu semacam table of contents for the thread). i try very hard to make the thread efficient, and it doesn't help me at all to have someone just come in and say they're mumet.
Thanks cintah. tar ku kabarin yah. mwaah
Kei, Dah g PM norek si cecep yah
tp rek tjepi brapa yah? haha...maap merepotkan dirimu sayang. btw' Buka lapak sepantu n sendal lagi kah? ada sisa? halakh. haha
Kei, Maap nek kesalahan ada di norek mandiri. Ya udin trasnper ke BCA cecp ajah yah, thankiess
Kei, Lo masih mau mesen ini nda say: -Soap Bark and Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream -Thoroughly Therapeutic Honey & Shea Butter Body Butter -Mini Lotion Kit Ntar g cariin yah LMK klo mau!
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