Paketnya ud nyampe blom mba? Ud dicoba pake pumpnya?
baby liss nya 200 boleh, heheheh, pm me yaa, thank you
hai envybella....maap mengganggu..Please kindly help to fill my survey for my thesis about FD.. thankyou ya..maap merepotkan..
harusnya sometimes around this week sampe .................................................. ..........
heehe.. it's ok sis, thx ya lucu bag orgynya... ga pasaran..
sis, bag orgy nya ud sampe ya ^^ thx u kl blh tau, itu belinya dmn sih? pgn beli 1 lg hihi... thx yaaa
Mba,aku kmrn udh transfer untuk Batik Bolero Blue Butterflynya, Almt tar dikirim via imel yaa. Thank you
saiii aku mau Batik Bolero Blue Butterflynya donk, msh available kan? no.reknya tlg imel ke [email protected] yaa....klo bs bca or mandiri, thanks
iyaaaa, udah dicatet ko say hihihi, ntar kalo dah nyampe dikabarin yaa
mba ratih... zara suede buat gw ya... titip kakak gw aja yak
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