Hi mom! Stroller yoyo nya masih available kah? Ada contact yg bisa saya hub?
say.. udh cek email ku kah? pake disc code itu bisa ngga? klo ngga jg gpp.. skrg aku mau transfer say..
Fanny, udah punya lapak sendiri kan? Please empty your Mini Sale post ya. As per MarketPlaza rule: 11). Seller yang telah memiliki thread jualan tidak lagi diperbolehkan menjual barangnya di Mini Sale. -mod-
Second warning for you: Post skincare products in Mini Sale Beauty - Skincare. Different shade and size counts as different item, maximum 5 items in a post. Read the rules properly. -mod-
Please note the rules on the Mini Sale: Photos must only contain items to be sold, maximum of 5 items (single or sets). Photos containing extra items (unless it's free or GWP), will cause deletion of the entire post. Read the rules please. -mod-
Sell your stuff in MarketPlaza, not in threads. -mod-
Fanny, aku mau PM kamu dah gak bisa sabtu kmaren setelah drop jne aku ada PM no resinya. Tapi barusan aku cari di sent items gak ada.. kamu ada terima PM no resi gak Fan?
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