Hi, we moved a few threads to Random Chat (off-count) recently and it seems your posts are in them. Please add your post count yah, jangan pas2an juga. In the meantime, your Mini Sale posts will be deleted. Klo udah eligible, bisa ikutan lagi kok. Thank you. -mod-
Hi, post kamu di Mini Fashion Sale-Clothes harusnya ada di Mini Miscellaneous Sale. Tolong dipindah ya. Thanks. -mod-
Hi dear..thanks sharingnya ya..hehe iya ini gue uda membulatkan tekad kayanya pesen SLIM COGNITO aja biar bisa sekalian pesta or hari2. BTW dirimu pesennya size S apa M ya? Gue rd deg2an soal ukuran ni, byk yg bilang S aja, tp kok gue brasa takut kepedean tiba2 robek lg jebol pertahanan krn lemak2 hahaha...Kalo bole tau lo BB dan TBnya skr ini brp ya? thanks alot!
Nanya yah soal Spanx, dirimu si SLIMCOGNITO pake size apa? Trus BB dan TB berapakah? Susah ga masuknya? Duh kalo mau PO gitu sama mimo ya? atau ada OLS yg ready-kah? Tdnya pingin coba lwt Ebay tp ko aga ragu ya scr jualnya jarang yg with tags gitu...Mhn advicenya ya, thanks
At least 6 months membership and 600 post counts to sell/promote your business. Read forum rules. -mod-
halo aku udah sms km nih barusan, mac-nya masih ada kok, km lokasi dimana?
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