View Profile: DesZeLL - Female Daily Forum
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  1. Deszell, ni email g : [email protected] tengkiu...
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    deszell amal kan ya?takut salah...say g kan waktu itu pesen yang play it loud ya? sorry td ga bisa dateng, jadinya dikirim aja d...gpp kan?nambah ongkir lagi ya? ada rek?bca aja... thank u...
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    oke Mal, thank you bgt lho , uda cerah nih skr
  4. Kami untuk brush mashami itu cuman ada satu macem dia rada slanted gitu. Terus kalo misalnya Mascara MM gue lebih suggest Lash Expander yang memanjangkan.

    HTH yah
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    Amal, boleh nanya dong, dirimu tu pake brush eyeliner Mashami Shauko itu yang mana sih say? Yg ujungnya ngumpul jd satu (lancip) atau yang pipih gitu? Soalnya kayanya elo comfy bgt ya sama si mashami ini untuk pake gel-liner . Mohon pencerahan say.

    Oya trus kalo untuk mascara MM, elo lbh suggest lash enamel ato lash expander Mal yg hasilnya lebih dramatis? Thanks ya
  6. malce, thankyouuuuuuu!!!
    gue baru tau kalo conceal undereye kadang bisa pake NW untuk kulit NC. kayanya memang harus dicoba di toko langsung deh. again, thanks... i learnt a lot from you nih!
  7. Harusnya Concealer harus 1 atau 2 shade lebih muda dari warna foundie kita lus. Terus kadang kalo kita pake NC nanti buat conceal undereye dipakein NW karena warna pink helps to kinda neutralize the dark circle. Yellow usually helps to brighten the undereye area. Kalo MAC gue dah cobain concealernya. Select cover up, thin but too dry for my undereye, crack badly at the end of the day. Sebenernya bagus sih. Studio Finish SPF15 bagus coveragenya but then again BB are way better than this!
  8. ah, ok... thanks Mal!
    btw, pernahkah dirimu mencoba conceal under eyes dengan MAC Concealer NC42? gue belum punya sih. cuma logicnya, harusnya warnanya cocok dong ya?
  9. Loucee, kalo gue sih suka sama LM Secret Concealer. Tapi dibanding sama BB dia lebih creamy dan lebih thin coveragenya cuman dia bisa kayak menetralkan lingkaran hitam dimata gue. Tapi masalah lainnya dia cuman ada 3 shade kadang shade paling gelap juga terlalu muda di kita ini. HTH
  10. mal, saya ingin bertanya. BB Corrector/Concealer ku mau habis. ingin mencoba merk lain untuk conceal dark area under eyes, ada rekomendasi? thanks yeeee...
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About DesZeLL

Basic Information

Date of Birth
February 4, 1982 (42)
About DesZeLL
Registration Info

Information for registration.

Jakarta, ID
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If yes, please provide the company name below. Otherwise just state N/A:
The Daily Media
If no, what industry do you represent?:
If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
make up, cooking & eating, reading, korean drama, twee & indie pop music, K-Pop & J-Pop
Fave stores or places to shop?:
Any stores that have make up in it
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
I dont think I have a favourite brand, cause there's no such thing as the perfect brand. They always have good one and really bad one in each brand. So I never really pick up anything just because they were produced by a certain brand
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
I'm never one who follows trend but I wouldn't say I completely ignore it. I try to pick up whatever that suits me.

For those who've met me knows that I love dresses! Legging has always been the staples on my wardrobe even way before its revival in the last couple of seasons. I'm always in heels but I have an undying love for my knee hi grey converse which rarely seen the light of days these days.

I'm into vintage pieces which stand out and really shows that it came before our time.
What is your marital status?:
Single with kids
How many kids do you have?:
Website Profile
If you have a blog/website, please enter the URL below. Otherwise just state N/A:
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Sep 18, 2011 11:34 PM
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Feb 5, 2018 03:50 PM
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May 29, 2007

Aug 11, 2015

  • 10:54 AM - hotpotato clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

Jul 29, 2015

  • 07:07 AM - MizDhanty clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

Jul 20, 2015

  • 07:13 PM - amelietta clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

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Aug 20, 2015

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Aug 18, 2015

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Aug 16, 2015

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Aug 15, 2015

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Aug 14, 2015

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Aug 12, 2015

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