Hallo kak 😁 apakah sudah mendapat Wedding Organizer? Kalau belum aku mau rekomen punya sodara aku nih Lg opening promo dapet potongan harga sampai 5 juta
Sis..mau nanya itu tomford fondinya sisa 80% atau 20%ya maksudnya?
Only ready stock items are allowed on Mini Sale. Taking pre-orders (where items are not yet available and are to be purchased) are prohibited. You've been warned many times previously and being banned as well and yet still not learning. Use the time to read the rules thoroughly before you come back. 2 months suspension. -mod-
Your mini sale is deleted due to: - bumping more than 1x/week - more than 5 items Read mini sale rules. Due to multiple violations, you are being banned from all Mini Sale threads for 2 months, starting from this date until 20 June 2014. You are not allowed to do any activity in the Mini Sale threads during that period. -mod-
haii mbak, mbak cari MUFE HD 140 y? ak ada MUFE HD 125. mirip banget dengan 140, tapi dia lebih terang. temenku yg biasa pakai 140, cocok jg sama 125. malah lebih terang.ak beli di harga 520, cuma pakai sedikit sekali krn salah shade. ak jual 400 > kalau minat kabari ke 08121052951 ya..mksiihhh. vidya
Your minisale post is deleted due to: - not deleting previous posts. Read mini sale rules. -mod-
Your minisale post is deleted due to: - bumping more than 1x/week Read mini sale rules. -mod-
your minisale post is deleted due to: - double post - bumping more than 1x/week read mini sale rules before posting. tq
hi bagslovers, tadi liat post mu nyari bag shaper buat speedy, aku jual nih. bisa cek ke lapakku ya. thanks. http://femaledaily.com/showthread.php?t=2794
bagslover, tolong gambar di mini fashion sale accessories diedit ya, karena terlalu besar. thanks. -mod-
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