Dear okta, I am new to here. I upload my profile picture successfully but it does not show on my profile, can you tell me why?
Greting from Holland. koq kamyu ga pernah posting TO lg sih? emang klo jd moderator ga boleh yah hehe
hai okta....maap mengganggu..Please kindly help to fill my survey for my thesis about FD.. thankyou ya..maap merepotkan..
1 poto yang isinya 5 item aja gitu boleh ga okta? hehehe ku edittt
maaf bu momod saya ceroboh maaf tidak tahu saya akan edit lgi deh
Mike/okta masalah photosession AAA besok bisa call gw gak? 0818190878 yakkkk,urgent banget
Mikeee kemaren ke AAA yahh gw kan cewe berbaju ghares2 item putih ituuuu hehehe sorry say gw mo nyapa takut salah
bu mod mau tanya aku ngga bisa nerima pm, kenapa yaah?? jangan hukum aku dong bu........... heehe ampuuuuuuuun
Eeeeee, lagi ngeronda diaaaaaaa... :-O :0| :P ;-D
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