say,mau tanya masih pake krim ny dr willy ga? ak ud ambil paket platinum ny dia,mau tanya bagus gak krim dr willy ini?
di aku sih rontok abis ya say abis HE.. padahal tadinya rambut nya tebel gonjreng,, tapi balik2an lagi ke rambut masing2 sih say,, kalo aku sih kapok hehe.. nebelinnya lagi susah nih,,
di sini say:!/profile.php?id=619890966 - yg jual itu kakakku, kontak aja langsung ya.
Hi all.. My name is Nadia, I'm a student of Post Graduate Program at The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta I have an assignment to conduct a survey as my final assignment in semester 2. I need your help to kindly be my respondent and fill in the survey. Thank you for your generous help Get the survey here : Q
hi... mau nanya soal The Regimen na nih kamu pake na order dari sana ato beli sendiri di toko obat BP na? thanks
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iya kayanya ngga ada yang terlalu menarik yaa haha paling kata sodaraku singkawang lumayann .. kmrn akhirnya aku ke pusat suvenir pattimura.. lumayan lah.. hihi thanks yaa say
shade 774 dah ada yg booked nanti kl ga jd aku kabari ya
aku udah ngga buka PO Palladio lagi kok, sori ya....
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