Hai fossil watchnya ms ada? Thx Ada wa? .....................
Hi le mode, chelsea cardi nya masih kah? Aku PM nyampe ga ya... Lemme know ya, aku mau cardi nya..thank you
Say, aku jadi yang cardigan cotton inknya... aku coba PM kamu tapi ga bisa ada e-mail kah? kirimin rek BCA ya ... thankies
masih say. maaf lama jawabnya soalnya jarang online. nggak tau ada VM >.< Mau CInya?
No selling in threads, use Market Plaza instead. -mods-
le mode, Linen/Khaki Waterfall Jacket-nya CI jadi dilego? mau dong
le mode boleh kah aku nitip CI di BSM? aku udah PM ya? thanks ya
Le_mode, sori ya say baru reply soalnya seharian kemaren diluar kantor jadi VMnya nggak kebaca. as post gw di thread Charlenenya dah dateng kemarin...n TOnya dah akan diupload today ^^... but anyway U already decide to pay it kan yah? nggak akan nyesel kook
le mode, this is your second warning for selling attempt before you're eligible. one more violation can result in temporary/ permanent ban thx -Mod
members with less than 600 posts & 6 months membership are not eligible to promote business & selling. read FD rules please. thx.
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