View Profile: narilurvedyep - Female Daily Forum
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32 Visitor Messages

  1. naril, klo belum pakai jilbab blm boleh join ke HC ya?
    udah niat bgt nih mau pake..sekarang sih masih tahap kumpul2in hijabnya dulu
  2. thanks inponya say

  3. nari.. mau nanya dong kalo price nya mba ugi, brp ya say? dia bisa mekap biasa (non pengantin bukan yah?) tia dear
  4. say, jilbab" anak hijabers yg kyk pasmina tp bahannya strecth kaos jersey itu beli dmn sih? mau donk infonya. thanks
  5. di fb namaku hana tutun ambadar, oo bulan maretnya tgl brp say? lama juga yaa hehe.. udah gak sabar nih :P
  6. di fb namaku hana tutun ambadar, oo bulan maretnya tgl brp say? lama juga yaa hehe.. udah gak sabar nih :P
  7. hey hey aku add kamu di fb approve ya.. oya say, aku mau dong ikutan gabung di hijabers.. kalo ada event" let me know ya. and happy wedding
  8. View Conversation
    hehehe....., ntar di test dulu . kl mentok tanya lagi, tenkiyu ya.....
  9. View Conversation
    naril , cara nempelin logo Hijabers community itu di blog kita pegimane ? *maklum gaptek hihih* tenkiyuuu
  10. fika happy wedding day yaaa =)
    semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah mawaddah warohmah, amiiiieeeen
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About narilurvedyep

Basic Information

Date of Birth
July 19
Registration Info

Information for registration.

Jakarta, Indonesia
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If yes, please provide the company name below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Politics, Economics, and of course Fashion :)
Fave stores or places to shop?:
Moshaict butik
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
The body shop
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
I love anything simple and comfortable, but still stylish
Reason join:
I have great products and want to sell them to your forum members
What is your marital status?:
Married without kids
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Sweet Escape is me and I am a founder of nabilia


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May 4, 2011 10:23 AM
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Aug 20, 2015 05:33 PM
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Mar 31, 2010
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