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9 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    @lens salam kenal ya 😊 mau tanya untuk cake enakan ritzeky yg coklat atau tart moccanya tante martha .aku jg suka kok kalau kue yg rhumnya berasa.thank ya 😃
  2. View Conversation
    hai lens, mau numpang tanya..dulu udah sempet beli sprei di madelaine shop ya? rekomended gak tuh? bahan dan harga sesuai harapan gak ya? pengen pesen ke mojokoe, tapi kok lama banget jadinya. padahal pengen cepet gitu..TIA ya..
  3. yaahhh ya wis lah kl begituh.. nanti kl ada inpoh2 yak.. thanks
  4. View Conversation
    Say, Burt bee started kit nya OOS
  5. View Conversation
    Say, dah kucatet detail mu yah, karena itu VM, better di delete lagi
    thank you
  6. View Conversation
    Say, dah kucatet detail mu yah, karena itu VM, better di delete lagi
    thank you
  7. View Conversation
    Say, noted orderan burt bee nya, tolong PM data diri yak
    alamat lengkap , no telp dan email

    many thanks
  8. hai sori ya br baca
    ud lama euy gak pernah visit forum
    aku sewa di smarties toys rental, ada di FB kok.. hehe

  9. jeng..salam kenal tanya donk aku baca di forum pernah sewa booster yah? aku boleh tau tempat sewa perlengkapan baby-nya dimana?pengen nyewa baby taffel nih... thanks a lot yah ^__^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
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Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
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If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Movies, Food
Fave stores or places to shop?:
Central Park
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
SR - Good Genes
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
I like casual style, either for work or hang out
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Married with kids
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through my 'lens'
IG: @lennywidjaja


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Nov 16, 2016 07:59 AM
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Dec 15, 2020 06:28 PM
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Dec 6, 2009
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Feb 15, 2019

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Feb 13, 2019

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Feb 12, 2019

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Feb 9, 2019

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Oct 1, 2018

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Sep 20, 2018

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Sep 19, 2018

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Jul 28, 2018

  • 11:54 AM - Hidden

Jul 26, 2018

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Jul 25, 2018

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Jul 24, 2018

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Jul 23, 2018

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