sis, lam kenal yah... anak baru nih..........................................
hai mrs dee.......maap mengganggu..Please kindly help to fill my survey for my thesis about FD.. thankyou ya..maap merepotkan..
yahhhh.... kekecilan mbaaa .................................................. .....................................
mrsDee..tengkyu yaaa mango hejo nyaaa...dah mendarat dgn selamat..tengkyuu tengkyuuu,,,, muah
sudah didelete ya, apa sudah cukup? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
waduh tempo hari gak dapet receipt via email ya? berlaku 22 feb - 22 maret jeng, thanks for checking. nanti gue gue kirim receipt via email ya, thanks.
okay... ------------------------------------------------
yaoli...ini Dida? ini lilaaaaa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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