View Profile: angelic - Female Daily Forum
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38 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Nama suwanty, id forum jayswan, email [email protected], umur anak 23 bulan.
  2. View Conversation
    boleeeh...boleh... anak2 semabels masih suka kumpul2 ga' ya?
    infoin yaaah klo ada acara kumpul2, hehehhe
  3. View Conversation
    Ingeeet, kok bisa ketemu di sini ya?
    Pa kabar Anggie?
  4. View Conversation
    Id fm: sarah_audia
    Nama: sarah audia
    Email: [email protected]
    Baby 3 bulan, bb 6.3kg
  5. View Conversation
    Nama: mira handayani
    username: imelnyamira01
    email: [email protected]
    usia anak: 2 bulan berat 6kg
  6. Nama: Nurullia Mutiara
    User name: nurulliamutiara
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Usia anak: 1 tahun 4 bulan, berat 9.8 kg
  7. View Conversation
    nama: suliy
    username forum: suliy
    e-mail: [email protected]
    usia anak: 13bulan, 8kg
  8. View Conversation
    Nama : yenni
    Username : mayasa
    Email : [email protected]
    Usia anak : 2 thn, bb 10kg
  9. Nama : imma
    Nama forum : imma88
    Email : [email protected]
    Usia anak : 2m15d
  10. nama: Icha nurliani
    username forum : ichanur48
    e-mail : [email protected]
    usia anak : 3 bulan
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About angelic

Basic Information

About angelic
Registration Info

Information for registration.

Big J
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If no, what industry do you represent?:
If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Books, cooking show, vampires
Fave stores or places to shop?:
I do most of my shopping online. Fave e-comms & marketplace include, TokPed, shopee.
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
MAC Liptensity
Pixi glow tonic
SK-II Stempower
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
I have no fashion sense whatsoever so I put on whatever's comfortable.
What is your marital status?:
Married with kids
How many kids do you have?:
Website Profile
If you have a blog/website, please enter the URL below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Twitter Username:


My blog | Follow at your own risk | @anggiefadilah on Instagram


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Most Recent Message
Mar 29, 2016 04:52 AM
General Information
Last Activity
Oct 31, 2021 03:06 PM
Join Date
Nov 22, 2009
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Jan 24, 2019

  • 06:14 PM - Hidden

Jan 22, 2019

  • 01:41 PM - Hidden

Jan 21, 2019

  • 02:20 PM - Hidden

Jul 30, 2018

  • 11:16 AM - Hidden

Apr 24, 2018

  • 10:07 AM - Hidden

Jan 4, 2017

  • 07:20 PM - Hidden

Jan 3, 2017

  • 10:12 PM - Hidden
  • 09:42 AM - Hidden

Jan 2, 2017

  • 01:14 PM - Hidden

Nov 16, 2016

  • 05:20 PM - Hidden

Nov 15, 2016

  • 11:34 AM - Hidden
  • 09:50 AM - Hidden

Nov 11, 2016

  • 07:19 PM - Hidden

Nov 10, 2016

  • 11:28 AM - Hidden

Nov 9, 2016

  • 10:19 AM - Hidden

Nov 6, 2016

  • 03:05 PM - Hidden

Nov 5, 2016

  • 07:40 PM - Hidden

Nov 3, 2016

  • 01:40 PM - Hidden

Oct 31, 2016

  • 09:37 AM - Hidden

Sep 7, 2016

  • 04:07 PM - Hidden

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