Oohhh gtu mod, okeehhh thank uuu...maafff yaahh... nanya lg nih, kalau apartment for rent di mini miscellaneous boleh gak? I've read the rules, adanya keterangan sales property, gak ada tentang renting. Thank uuu sebelumnya mod
parfum tempatnya di mini sale Beauty - Skincare. not eligible yet. tq, mod.
Maap bu mod, tapi di thread Mini Miscellaneous Sale page 1 keterangannya yg boleh post disitu mereka yg udah join minimal 3 bulan dan postingannya minimal 300. Aku kira aku eligible utk posting khusus di thread itu aja (join 2012, postingan 468). Kalau promote/selling aku tau gak boleh, minimal posting 600 kan bu mod. Tp sebelum posting di thread itu, aku baca page 1nya dulu katanya bgtu, jadi berani posting deh. Jangan di banned yah bu mooodd...I can't live a day without FD, LOL. mohon pencerahannya. Thanks
you are not eligible yet to promote business & selling. violation may result in temp/permanent banning. read FD rules please! tq, mod
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