Conversation Between sheLLey and lievechocoholic

Conversation Between sheLLey and lievechocoholic

3 Visitor Messages

  1. hola lievechocoholic..thanks a lot yaaak...
    ini tentang motif member perempuan FD dalam mengakses FD..belom s2..ini thesis s1..
  2. sheLLey haii..sudah kuiisi're welcome
    goodluck with your thesis yah, tentang apa btw?
    memang ngambil S2 jurusan apa?
  3. hai lievechocoholic....maap mengganggu..Please kindly help to fill my survey for my thesis about FD..
    thankyou ya..maap merepotkan..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3