Conversation Between jayswan and ladygatha

Conversation Between jayswan and ladygatha

2 Visitor Messages

  1. LAST WARNING No advertising messages of any kind, including your own service. -mod

    Sesuai FD rules, member tidak boleh posting beruntun. Gunakan fitur edit post.
    Sebelum bertanya, cek dulu apakah pertanyaanmu pernah dibahas sebelumnya dengan menggunakan fitur search thread.

    Read forum rules before you post. Further violation of forum rules will result on a permanent ban on your account. -mod
  2. Kamu belum boleh jualan/promosi di forum ini! Minimal 600 post DAN 6 bulan keanggotaan. Baca lagi aturan forum. Further violation may result in a temporary or permanent ban. -mod
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2