Gw ada BB cream: - Apieu Fresh (u/ oily skin, walaupun kalo di gw sih so-so aja oil controlnya) - 27k - Missha Oriental Herb #2 (the best oil controlling bbc menurut gw, ngalahin brtc pr/br) - 47k - Skinfood Aloe Sun (oil controlnya jg oke) - 32k - Etude Precious Minerals #2 (sheer glowing skin) - 32k - BRTC Gold Caviar (for dry skin, healing propertiesnya berasa bgt buat kulit kalo lagi flaky) - 52 - BRTC Jasmine Water (oil controlnya lumayan, dewy-glow finish) - 47 - Scandal Magic (oil control oke, finishingnya jg semi-matte) - 27k Kalo ada yg menarik hati, colek2 eke lewat PM atau email ke [email protected] aja ya neik, biar gw cepet bacanya, hehe...
say, punya bb cream apa aja?? mau share2 an duooong ...
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