Wedding Gift - Page 13

Thread: Wedding Gift

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  1. #181
    MarketPlaza Certified Seller Permanent Resident
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    Kalau aq biasanya kasih y pastinya bakalan k pake dan berguna buat dia, kyk juicer, atau magic com atau apalah y bakalan kpake stelah brumah tangga. Kalau perhiasan khususnya emas takut d jual lg..huu mas kawin aja bisa d jual apalagi gift dr tmnnya.

  2. #182
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    tp kalau emas itu dijual kan untuk kebutuhan pengantin jg..
    cm y sedih kali y yang ngasih..
    cm kalo udh temen deket apalagi banyak yg bs patungan.. emas udh gak pake mikir lagi deh

  3. #183
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    aku sih seringnya ngasih angpao. pernah pingin ngasih hadiah lain karena temen deket, tapi urung. soalnya klo aku kasih barang, belum tentu dipake atau cocok. klo nanya langsung mau apa, takutnya malah ga masuk budget aku soalnya ga ada temen patungan.

    imo, kado yang berupa barang harus ditanyain sama yang mau dikasih sih. kita liat berguna juga belum tentu dy butuh. entah karena uda punya, atau spec-nya beda sama yang dimau, atau ada limitasi khusus. misal ngasih oven karena suka baking, tapi ternyata uda punya, atau belum punya tapi naksirnya merk A dikasih merk B (jadi bikin galau beli lagi merk yang dimau apa engga kan), atau ngasihnya oven super gede yang listriknya 1300 watt, padahal apartemennya pas-pasan listrik segitu.

    klo budgetnya ada, menurutku perhiasan oke sih. asal kamu cukup ngerti selera dy. klo waktu sepupuku, aku bilang ke papaku kasih logam mulia aja. soalnya budget papa ga besar. klo kasih perhiasan malah kecil banget ga bakal kepake. klo logam mulia kan bisa untuk mereka investasi dan harga jualnya ga jatuh banget.

    walo aku ngerti kadang orang ngasih kado karena mau ada kenang-kenangan, tapi menurutku lebih baik yang ga merepotkan mereka. jadi misal jadinya dijual lagi, jangan sedih. kan uangnya juga untuk kebutuhan mereka juga. karena kita kasih kado kan supaya mereka happy, bukan cuma supaya kita happy karena uda ngasih kenang-kenangan.

  4. #184
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    oiya, jadi kepikiran, klo budgetnya cukup, mungkin bisa juga ngasih hadiah wedding ke temen itu berupa bayarin biaya pengawetan hand bouquet-nya? jadi pajangan yang punya kenangan lebih kan? Hidden Content

  5. #185
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    What to give a wedding. Wedding gifts.
    The gifts have become essential in many celebrations (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries ...). Wedding gift should be done by the mere fact of having been invited (to go or not). The "unspoken rule" but unwritten, indicates that, if you go to a wedding banquet, the gift should cover at least the cover charge. And its value should be based on the number of people who let us go to the banquet. Not usually make the same gift if you are only a couple, that if you partner with all her children, for example.
    Gift, or money.
    Although we have seen something as hard as assessing the "gift", you should always give more with the heart than with the portfolio. Failure to attend the wedding, you should always have a detail with boyfriends. In wedding gifts, usually prevail utility reasons thereof. Whenever we can, avoid giving money and if done with couples must be very reliable, and we have indicated that they want the money better. So all, if you can, Give them a detail to have a memory of him. How to ask for the money, if what you want, is varied. For example, in Catalonia, it is usually put with the invitation paper with a bank account number, indicating that the couple prefer money. (This practice has been extended and is now used throughout Spain).
    "The wedding list is very useful for both the bride and groom to the guests"
    Wedding lists.
    One of the most widespread forms between couples, is “to create" a wedding list in a specialized establishment. It is more convenient for both parties. A bride and groom are not repeated gifts, and invited them to facilitate the work of choosing a gift that they cannot be useful. The bridal couple selects a number of objects, usually in order to equip their future home. Even in wedding lists, you can contribute a certain amount to give away expensive items among several people.
    What is given away?
    If there is no wedding list, there is the establishment where you have placed in our city or do not want to make a gift list wedding, we must remember that groups of traditional and more useful for weddings gifts are: appliances, decorative items in general such as vases, lamps, furniture, etc. Also, although it is easy dinnerware, glassware, etc. are repeated Even if you have a lot of confidence with the bride and groom, wedding gifts should never be personal.
    Be original
    If you have enough confidence with boyfriends and perhaps something adventurous, you can try to be original in your gift. Today Internet allows us to have at our fingertips access to hundreds of artists and artisans from around the globe, offering unique and personalized items. From songs, stories, portraits, crafts and all kinds of gadgets to collectibles, old or rare they may have some relation to the honorees. Dare and take a look at the many options offered by the network.
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  6. #186
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    kalo gw sih patungan ma temen2 beliin lingerie, test pack, kondom. lol buat lucu2an aja sih. kalo duit/angpao kan udah pasti kasih.

  7. #187
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    Aku biasanya kasih bed cover/selimut yg tebel banget cz daerahku dingin, ini buat yg deket, yg ga deket mentahnya aja
    Kasih storage bagus juga ya, besok klo ada yg wedding lagi kasih storage yaa Hidden Content

  8. #188
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    Hmm, pengalaman aku sih pernah ngasih bedcover (2x), home appliance seperti blender (1x), perhiasan emas (patungan) (1x). Sekarang sih, lebih suka kasih cash. Karena selain simple dan 100% pasti berguna, ketika iseng tanya temen2 yg married, apa sih yg paling dibutuhkan, jawabannya selalu cash. Apalagi banyak yg biaya weddingnya dgn hutang ke bank, jd membantu banget kalau cash dibanding barang. Dan bisa dialokasikan sesuai kebutuhan pengantinnya.

  9. #189
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    Default Re: Wedding Gift

    Banyak sekali pilihannya untuk kasih hadiah weding gift, tapi sepengalaman saya sih waktu teman saya (yang cewek) mau merid, paling saya kasih buku panduan jadi istri idaman gitu hahaa. Masih inget deh dulu juga saya ngasihnya dikasih bingkisan kado yang ada motif bunga-bunganya gitu.

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