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  1. #46
    Immigrant MEYLYA WAHYUNI's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    TWITTER: @melyawahyuni

    produk hadalabo yg dipakai HADALABO GOKYUJUN series... aku punya fw, lotion dan milknya...

    udah lama jadi member fd dan tau hadalabo cuma metode gampar hahaha kirain itu metode pake skincare.. tapi waktu hadalabo masuk indonesia beberapa member fd lagi heboh ngomongin, akhirnya penasaran tapi buat khatam tentang produk ini perlu waktu yg agak lama... sampai akhirnya mutusin beli aku pilih yg seri gokyujun... kenapa?
    jenis kulit aku kering, dehidrasi, oily di T-zone, dan sensitif... aku gak kuat dengan alkohol bisa perih, mineral oil aku hindari muka udah banyak komedo dan sering jerawatan, dan ternyata hadalabo punya yg aku butuhkan tanpa pewarna, bau, alkhol dan mineral oil...
    aku sudah pakai selama 2bulan hasil yang aku dapat muka sudah gak kering lebih lembab, pori2 makin mengecil, dan komedo udah ilang... seneng banget ketmu hadalabo!
    apa lagi hadalabo sudah masuk indonesia, lebih murah, dan sudah cocok di aku. bakal aku pakai terus! love hadalabo...

  2. #47
    Resident makarel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name: Rizky Amelia P
    Twitter account: @kikyap
    Hada Labo Products I am using: Gokujyun SHA Hydrating Lotion & Tamagohada AHA+BHA Facewash
    Answer: B
    I was googling over a product that can keep my skin hydrated without feeling greasy and I jumped over Hada Labo SHA lotion which seems so promising said that 1 sold every 4 seconds in Japan, and I was like "Oh my god, where can I buy this lotion thing!" then I read so many good review from the beauty blogger, it also have a rating 4.3 out of 5 from MUA so now here I am, a happy SHA lotion user. I've been using this lotion for quite long time maybe 6 months. It is runny, watery-gel consistency, transparent and the best of all it has no smell! Yay! My skin feels sticky at first when I pat the lotion on my face but thats the point so no worries, then it only takes 3 drops 3 minutes for me to get a super smooth, supple, fresh, well-hydrated and of course... non greasy skin! I'm not easy to please since I've tried so many skincare which end up making my face greasy like it only sit on my face accumulating the dirt, but not with this Hada Labo SHA lotion. It was love at the first drops. It's a simple product that suitable for a hot wheater like here in Indonesia, it feels like we are splashing a water on our face--yes it was that light! In the night I use this as a lotion masque with a wet cotton pad together with my sister--she loves it too, though I got lazy after month because I think patting it on with my bare hand after a shower has done a good job. For the Tamagohada facewash, the texture is white and foamy. Good thing is it lather easily and leaves my skin clean without feeling dry but I personally think that it cannot be use for everyday for me because of its acid in it, AHA+BHA, I'll get little bump if I use it too often so I only use it twice or thrice a week in the night, great for getting rid the dead cell because I don't like facewash with harsh exfoliation like bead or scrub. But you can use it everyday if you want, cause it depends on our skin needs. So far Hada Labo is a great product, it contains a very few, simple and safe ingredients that make me feel like being super nice to my skin, I'd like to try the complete range specially the uv milk but they are not yet available here in Sumatera, so guess I'd just wait patiently but hey what else do you think about? Go grab one! Don't skimp your penny with Hada Labo, it worthed every penny Hidden Content
    Last edited by makarel; Sep 28, 2012 at 10:49 PM.

  3. #48
    Citizen LannyDoankz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name : Lanny
    Twitter : @lannydoankz
    Produk HL yg saya pake:
    - HL lotion gokujyun (for oily skin)
    - HL lotion shirojyun
    - HL moisturizing cream (night cream)
    - HL milk shirojyun
    - HL essence shirojyun
    - HL tamagohada mild peeling

    Saya pake HL udah 2bulan... Saya kenal HL dari review2 d grup IBB... Saya googling ternyata banyak bgt review ny tp mereka pake yg asli jepang... Terus gak lama kemudian saya tau kalo toko kosmetik d bandung udah jual lengkap,langsung deh ke TKP.. Awalnya cm beli lotion nya aja... pas dicobaa,,beuhh bikin kulit kenyol2... akhirnya saya beli lg seri yg laen...
    Beberapa hari pake memang bikin jerawatan... Tp saya pake terus,eh,lama2 jerawatnya ilang malah bikin lebih cerah... Otomatis tambahh cinta downk sm si HL ini...hehehe
    Tahap2 saya pake HL ini :
    Kalo pagi saya pake HL lotion shirojyun + HL milk shirojyun...
    Kalo malem saya pake HL lotion gokujyun + essence shirojyun (tapi gak selalu kadang lupa) + night cream gokujyun...
    oooh yaa,tambahannya pake tamagohada peeling nyaa...(baru beli beberapa hari yg lalu ^^)..
    Cara pake lotion si HL ini gak cm d tepuk2 aja loh,ada cara dari metode chizu jg (ini saya tau dr salah satu temen di IBB)... Cara ni ampuh jg buat bikin muka tambah kenyal n cerah...

    Pokonya saya bakal terus pake HL ini... Makasih yaa rohto udah bikin HL ini ada di indo, juga bikin harganya sangattt terjangkau...

    Very Very love HADA LABO... ^^
    makasih udah bikin kulit muka ku jadi lebih cerah n kenyal2... ^^

  4. #49

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Nama: vety oktabertiani
    Twitter: @ty_07
    selama ini suka bgt baca skin care di femaledaily sampe akhirnya lihat pengalaman orang2 yg udh pakai Hada Labo akhirnya penasaran bgt pgn cobain series Hada Labo tp sampe skrg msh blm bisa cobain karena Hada Labo msh sulit dicari didaerah saya mungkin karna Hada labo msh baru pdhl dah g sabar pgn cobain series whitening atau anti agingnya berharap muka menjadi lebih halus dan cerah tanpa ada bintik-bintik hitam (^_^)

  5. #50
    Permanent Resident MayaDaya's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name: Suryandhika Malatsih
    Twitter account: @malatsih
    Hada Labo product: Gokujyun SHA lotion

    Kulitku kering kering banget banget, udah nyobain banyak pelembab buat kulit kering tapi ga ada yang bener-bener nampol. Sampai suatu ketika pas lagi googling, aku nemuin artikel tentang Hada Labo Gokujyun SHA lotion ini, yang katanya cocok buat melembabkan kulit kering. Karena reviewnya oke banget akhirnya tanpa pikir panjang aku langsung beli via online Gokujyun SHA lotion yang made in Japan (karena waktu itu belum keluar yang buatan indonesia). Dari pemakaian pertama langsung berasa banget kalo kulit mukaku jauuuuuhhh lebih moist, ga kering sama sekali, ga kusam, keliatan seger dan glowing.

    Karena udah ngerasain sendiri hasilnya, aku percaya tagline Gokujyun SHA lotion ini ga cuma memberi janji, tapi juga bukti:
    "One drop Locks up an Ocean"

  6. #51

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name : Karina Fransis
    Twitter account :@rinkarina1
    Would love to try Hada Labo Ultimate Anti Aging series karena lihat iklannya yang bisa bikin kulit SUPER MOIST dan KENYAL kaya JELLY dan juga lihat dari tulisan2 diantaranya Female Daily yang memaparkan betapa oknya HADA Labo sampai2 bisa terjual setiap 2 DETIKnya di Jepang.
    I choose Ultimate Anti Aging karena sekarang sudah muncul garis2 halus dan bintik2 hitam di wajahku yang tadinya mulus dan kenyal bahkan sampai banyak yang tanya rahasianya and I always share produk kecantikan yang aku pakai tapi akhir2 ini entah kenapa wajahku jadi kurang Ok, so pingin sekali coba Hada Labo MERAH yang u/ Anti aging.
    Can't wait to try....

  7. #52

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name : Theodora Rahardja
    Twitter account : thea_rahardja
    Hada Labo products you are using (if you choose the question B): Hada Labo Gokyujun Face Wash and lotion for Oily Skin, Hada Labo Shirojyun Face Wash and Lotion, Hada Labo Tamagohada Face Wash.
    Answer: I was curious about Hada Labo since I read an article about it on Cleo Singapore "Was it really true?" I have very sensitive, oily and acne prone skin. I never thought Hada Labo would work for me. When I saw Hada Labo in Watsons Mal Ciputra Jakarta, I immediately grabbed the Gokyujun face wash and lotion for oily skin. My face was in a very bad break-out that time. It was swell, red, itch and full with acne. My prescribed cream didn't help anymore. In that desperate time, I decided to use the Gokyujun face wash and lotion for oily skin and it's amazing that they really help . After two days use, the redness, itchy feeling and swell were gone. Now, I also use Shirojyun face wash and lotion to alternate with the Gokyujun and Tamagohada face wash once a week. I'm really happy with Hada Labo as it improve my skin a lot and will continue to use. Thanks Hada Labo for bringing the glow back to my face.. Hidden Content

  8. #53

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Nama : Santi Ela Sari
    Twitter : @elalolipop
    Produk yang dipakai : Hada Labo Whitening Series Line (Without Essence)

    Dulu pertama kali pakai Hadalabo yang Mousturizing cuma yang lotionnya aja, aku beli yang made in Japan jadi harganya masih maha bangetl dan ternyata enggak cocok,, hiks!! Mungkin karena aku pakainya enggak satu paket kali ya~~ saat itu wajah aku jadi bruntusan!! Hidden Content

    Tapi pas tahu hada labo udah ada di Indonesia dan harganya muraaaaahhh, aku langsung beli satu paket yang 'Whitening Series' (aku enggak beli essencenya, soalnya saat itu lagi habis Hidden Content !!) Awal pakai, sempet takut bruntusan lagi, tapi ternyata enggak tuh, aku cocok loh pakai yang whitening series, aku pakainya baru dua mingguan sih, tapi walau gitu flek hitam di wajah aku udah mulai memudar!! Sekarang masih penasaran sama essencenya,, hihihihi ~~ Hidden Content

    Oh,ya saran nih!! Tolong diperbanyak distibutornya yah,, soalnya aku yang tinggal dijakarta aja susah banget cari hadalabo,, musti ke Mall besar baru nemu!!! But, thanks to Hada labo,,, emuuaaahh Hidden Content


  9. #54

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    Talking Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name: Angti
    FB ID / e-mail: angti monica / Hidden Content

    My first experience with Hada Labo was years around 2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I'd read so many reviews on blogs raving about the products. And since I am the fan of whitening range, I immediately grabbed the shirojyun range consisted of lotion, essence and milk and also tamago hada foaming cleanser.

    During my journey with the products, I found that the lotion and the essence worked the best for me, the milk was just too sticky for my liking plus breaking me out and tamago hada foaming cleanser didn't suit me well.

    One time I stopped Hada Labo for awhile to try on SK II miracle water, but I went back to Hada Labo Shirojyun Lotion as the result was not so different on me (but the prices are SURE different Hidden Content ).

    For now I am very content with the essence and lotion, they make my skin healthy, supple and bright. And I am so happy that Hada Labo is entering Indonesia, so I would not need to fly to KL to refill my supplies...

    I also love the cleansing oil very very much, cannot wait until the oil hits the shelves here in Indonesia.

    Love Hada Labo!Hidden Content

  10. #55

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name : rita r
    twitter acccount : @kissu_pororo

    "HadaLabo gokujyun ultimate moisturizing light lotion"
    => Every morning, we slowly open our eyes and peel our tired bodies from our warm and comfy beds. In order to feel like a champion, I need to make sure that I look like one. To erase the stress and worry off of my face I use gokujyun moisturaizing light lotion. This product has one word that very accurately describes my life. With this product, my face feels refreshed and moisturized without feeling like my face is being weighed down by a heavy product.
    I haven't had much luck with any lotion. For some reason, this one really made a difference. my face was more smoother, and look healthy. It really hydrated my face and prepped my skin for the moisturizer that I was adding. It didnt just feel as though i was slathering lotion on my face and it was sitting there. thanks rohto, highly reccomend. This product is an absolute must-have for me. I could not get through a day without it. Great product for a really great value.I give this product 8 out of 5 stars !!!

  11. #56
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name :Indira
    Twitter account :blessindy
    Hada Labo products you are using (if you choose the question B):
    Answer: A

    wow... seem an amazing produc, if someone ask me Which Hada Labo range interest you the most or even what product and why do you want to try it...its gonna be all, because as I can see all people here and some testimony was satisfied with the produc, so I wish could used all of them, for combination of my skin problem, and wish my skin problem will solved soon, after using these amzing produc Hidden Content
    and offcourse I will show to my friends about mY skin experience with these produc, I bet they will wondering, what kind of prouduc I used...Hidden Content
    So Hope Hada Labo would choose me to be ur marketing mouth to mouth in front of my friends as winner these quizz Hidden Content

    Thank you

  12. #57

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Nama : Retno Utami Putri
    Twitter :g punya acc twiiter
    Product :Hada Labo Whitening Series - Shirojyun Series without essence and Hada Labo Gokujyun Face Wash

    Saya mulai pakai Hada Labo sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu dan langsung pake yang made in indonesia. Tapi ternyata saya g cocok.. Hidden Content tiap habis make Face Wash-nya kulit jadi semakin keriing dan tertolong setelah dilanjutkan pake lotion dan milk-nya. Tapi masih tetep dilanjutin pake Hada Labonya sambil berharap ada perubahan. Akhirnya karena g tahan.. saya coba beli face washnya yang seri mosturizing (gokujyun).. Ya lumayanlah.. muka saya g terlalu kering lagi..Hidden Content

    Sampai sekarang, setelah kurang lebih 2 bulan pemakaian saya belum melihat perubahan pada kulit wajah padahal saya tertarik dengan whitening seriesnya karena baca2 di FD produk ini bisa menipiskan flek di wajah dan mencerahkan wajah yang kusam..
    Apa karena saya g make serumnya? atau memang hasilnya belum kelihatan? Hidden Content

    Dan untuk face wash gokujyun seriesnya juga tidak memberi efek kenyal2 bak kue moci di kulit saya.. apa mungkin karena kulit saya yang terlalu kering..Hidden Content

    Tapi yang saya suka dari hada Labo adalah g ada baunya.. kesan naturalnya dapet banget Hidden Content

  13. #58

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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    name: rizki anjani
    twitter acc: @anjanimal
    i'm currently using gokujyun series (ultimate moisturizer)
    Hidden Content

    saya suka windowshopping di onlen shop yang jual produk impor jepang atau korea dan sering nemuin hada labo disana. but i'm not so interested in it. you know, the package is way too "simple" >.< and i love the product that has princess-y package like etude or lioele! Hidden Content

    nah pada suatu hari, waktu lagi jalan-jalan ke toko kosmetik langganan mataku tertuju pada rak yang ada produk hada labo.
    pertama gak percaya, kok bisa hada labo bisa masuk Jember. takutnya itu barang impor dengan harga selangit. akhirnya tanya-tanya ke penjualnya dan itu harganya 30ribuan! yang ditanya waktu itu yang face wash. di hati masih gelisah, apa jangan-jangan ini produk kadaluarsa makanya dijual murah banget. aih. pergumulan dalam hati.

    But I give it a shot. I bought the face wash. and guess what? I really really like it! It's the best face wash i've ever tried. gak bikin kulit kering, and feel ultra soft afterwards. suka banget sama kata-kata "1 gr nya mampu menahan hingga 6 liter air" SUPERB!!! I love how it smells, hampir gak ada. love love love ♥

    keesokan harinya aku beli lagi lotionnya. aku kalap. penjual bilang itu lotion buat oily face. setelah browsing-browsing di internet ternyata tu lotion toner sebenarnya. AH! confusing. lotion ini kayak ada serumnya, loooove it. i love mochi-ing my face since i used this light lotion!

    setelah itu aku beli milk lotion dan night cream. love them too. serumnya belum beli, di Jember belum ada. and im really curious about tamagohada!!!! and other line!!!

    2 minggu pake sepaket kulitku jadi kenyel, supple, highly moist, and feel healthy. aku mikir ini pasti produk yang aku cari-cari dari dulu. sangat cocok buat kulitku yang berminyak tapi dehidrasi! gak tau kenapa juga pake line ini (moisturizer) noda bekas jerawatku memudar. yeay!

    terimakasih rohto sudah membawa hada labo ke indonesia. i'm so happy i could scream! really!! Hidden Content
    Last edited by Imu; Sep 27, 2012 at 04:40 AM.

  14. #59
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Name: Renata
    Twitter account: @renrena95
    Answer: I want to try Tamagohada Face Wash & Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion

    Saya sudah tahu HadaLabo sejak tahun lalu melalui forum Female Daily dan sangat tertarik pada produk-produk yang saya sudah sebutkan di atas namun masih belum yakin untuk mencoba produk HadaLabo karena harga yang cukup mahal (biarpun ukurannya besar)
    Kemarin saya baru tahu HadaLabo sudah hadir di Indonesia dengan harga yang jauh lebih terjangkau, hal ini membuat saya lebih berani untuk mencoba produk HadaLabo

    Yang kedua, saya tertarik untuk mencoba Tamagohada Face Wash karena kulit wajah saya yang cenderung mudah kusam karena aktivitas yang padat dan sangat melelahkan. Saya merasa kandungan AHA + BHA yang ada dalam Tamagohada Face Wash bisa memunculkan kembali kulit cerah saya. Kemudian saya tertarik untuk mencoba Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion karena kulit saya yang cenderung kering sesudah mencuci muka sampai terkelupas, dan dehidrasi yang menyebabkan kemerahan pada kulit. Tekstur lotion yang seperti air juga membuat saya semakin tertarik untuk mencoba produk ini. Sudah lama saya mencari toner/lotion yang dapat melembabkan tapi tidak meninggalkan rasa lengket atau kulit berminyak.

    Sekian alasan kenapa saya tertarik mencoba produk HadaLabo Hidden Content

  15. #60
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    Default Re: Hada Labo Testimonial | 24 - 30 Sep 2012

    Nama : Dinda Permata S
    Twitter : @emaknyahazel
    Want to try : Hada Labo Gokukyun Ultimate Moisturizing Series

    Yang udah pernah ketemu sama aku (halah! siapa??!) pasti komentar kulit wajah ku banyak bekas jerawat. No... itu bekas cacar (yapp cacar diusia 27tahun) dan susah hilang. Pengen banget kulit kembali mulus dan cerah. Bekasnya biar memudar...dan kembali keliatan awet muda.

    Kemasannya pump ya? wihh cocok buat aku yang gondol anak batita kemana2 dan suka usil buka2 tas mamanya. Ga gampang tumpah!

    No Fragrance? humm me likely! Harus coba, karena semua testimoni di FD dah banyak yang cocok dan berhasil. Harganya ga mahal kan? ini penting. Berarti uang belanja masih aman....dann perlu masuk ke daftar belanja bulanan nanti.

    Love it, n HARUS coba!

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