Contest Fashionese Daily: Contest - CieL Minerals - Page 3
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  1. #31

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ? (What brand and why)
    YSL Radiance Smoothing Foundation - Easy to apply with medium coverage and it gives a radiant glowy appearance. It also evens out my skintone without being cakey.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    I have spent up to AU$84 for Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Not too often probably once a year.

    3. What do you expect from a foundation? (Coverage,staying power or health benefits of the product for your skin?)
    I expect for my foundation to hide/even out my skintone without being cakey, imparts a healthy glow, stays during the day without settling into lines and with minimal blotting.

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    You had me at 'new'.

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals? (click : for some helpful info)
    i. 3 types of coverage from light to full.
    ii. all natural ingredients - which is very good for the skin particularly sensitive ones.
    iii. no bismuth = no itching
    iv. titanium dioxide - we need all the sunscreen we can have to protect our skin
    v. ease of application - brush it on, blend and go!

  2. #32
    Beryl mizzdevi's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    - Shu Uemura foundation Fluid S lifting sheer (cair banget)
    - Nina Ricci sheer shade foundation (cream)

    basically krn muka gw gampang jerawatan dan berminyak, gw lbh prefer foundation yg "ringan di muka". so far gw ga ada masalah.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    krn gw masih kuliah dan uang saku masih tergantung belas kasihan nykp, jadi mgkn paling mahal yg gw afford (klo emang kualitasnya bgs dan cocok bgt ama muka gw) ya 500rb deh. kecuali nykp berbaik hati hehehe

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    6 bln sekali, ato klo uda abis..

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    bikin make-up gw tahan lama klo ada acara2, ga gatel, bisa menetralisir minyak di kulit gw

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    HELL YEAH! klo emang ada yg bagus dan bikin kulit muka gw sehat, why not?!

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - Excellent for sensitive skin
    - Natural look and feel
    - Anti-inflammatory
    - Non-comedogenic
    - Stays on all day long, please!
    - Natural sunscreen

    jadi penasaran pengen nyobain.. *mudah2an gw yg kepilih ya hehehe*

  3. #33
    NewcomerPermanent Resident nittaya's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    Maybelline mousse. Krn direkomendasiin temen, dan ternyata cukup bagus buat sehari2. Cukup halus.. dan kadang ngga perlu pake bedak udah cukup.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    Kurang dari 200 ribu

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    Sekarang sih jarang, tapi kalo udah kerja bakal sering.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    - bikin wajah lebih bersinar
    - bikin wajah terlihat lebih halus
    - ngga bikin berminyak
    - ngga bikin komedo

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    Mau banget, secara gue masih dalam pencarian foundation yang ideal.. Hidden Content

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - natural look and feel
    - non comedogenic
    - Anti-inflammatory
    - Stays on all day long.
    - Natural sunscreen
    - Excellent for sensitive skin
    - The only Mineral foundation that has light, medium and full coverage to meet virtually every women's preference.
    - Contain only five minerals, all 100% pure, only the finest natural ingredients. No preservatives, no oils, no dye, no talc, no cornstarch, no fragrance and virtually no allergy risk
    - Superior quality with affordable price.

  4. #34
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    sekarang sih masih belon pake Hidden Content

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    belon kebayang deh Hidden Content

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    baru berniat mencoba nih Hidden Content

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    katanya bikin wajah jadi lebih halus kliatannya ..

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    krn belon kebayang yg mana .. jadi kayaknya kudu coba macem2 ampe puas kali ya ... hihihi ...

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    cocok untuk kulit sensitif, tidak menimbulkan komedo, dan tampak natural Hidden Content

  5. #35

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    Etude twincake.
    baca review-nya temen & gw puas pakenya krn :
    - bikin muka keliatan halus
    - gak keliatan medok, ringan banget rasanya
    - kebetulan ketemu wrn yg rada cocok utk kulit gw (gw susah banget nemuin fondie yg warnanya pas)
    - praktis krn 2 in 1 sama bedak

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    max 200 ribu / 20e

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    jarang, yg ini aja terakhir beli 2 thn y.l. blum abis2.
    belakangan lg suka illuminating aja.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    - bisa bikin keliatan flawless
    - bisa menutupi kekurangan di kulit muka tapi tetap 'no make up look'

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - natural look and feel
    - non comedogenic
    - Natural sunscreen
    - The only Mineral foundation that has light, medium and full coverage to meet virtually every women's preference.

  6. #36

    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. Mary kay, because it is light, suitable for my skin, affordable.

    2. $10-$30

    3. Every 1-2 months I guess, I cant remember exactly.

    4. I do not mind to change to other brand, usually brands that my friends already used before and they liked it. And those products that are natural,light,have many ingredients that are good for the skin.

    5. Natural look and feel, non comedogenic, anti-inflammatory, stays on all day long, natural sunscreen, excellent for sensitive skin.

  7. #37

    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    L'oreal TrueMatch Liquid Foundation `Nude Beige`
    Krn Foundation ini enak dipake, ringan, gak bikin kulit berminyak, nutupin bekas jerawat dgn baik dan yg pasti non-comedogenic.

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    A$25 max (not more than 200rb rupiah)

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    once a year

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    - non comedogenic
    - nutupin bekas jerawat tanpa muka keliatan kyk pake topeng

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    of course, if there's a new and healthier one, i'll try!

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - natural ingredients
    - natural look and feel (kyk ga pake foundation), very light
    - mengandung sunscreen
    - good for sensitive skin

  8. #38
    Resident mbl1's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using and why?
    - mufe ...... baru coba ini pertama kali...sebelumnya pk body shop...dan....sedikit kecewa...krena kayanya ga cocok ama mukaku...hiks..

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    250rebu lah...

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    seabisnya aja...kadang 3 bulanan...kadang2 seminggu trus kebanting pecah...trus belii lagi deh...hehehe

    3. What do you expect from a foundation?
    menghasilkan penampakan layaknya "i-wear-no-make-up-but-i'm-still-look-damn-fine" ....hihihihi :P

    4. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?

    5. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    tidak menyebabkan komedo...ada sunscreen alaminya (canggih kann!)..create a natural look and feel..satu2nya Mineral foundation yang dibagi atas light, medium and full coverage supaya bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing2 wanita.....

  9. #39

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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?MAC Studio fix, gue suka yang simple. Sekalian sama powder sih jd ngga repot. than lama pula, semakin lama pakai semakin nyampur kekulit (apa karena udah ilang ya hahahah)

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?

    Asal bagus, tahan lama and cocok di kulit I will pay top price.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    sekitar 2 bulanan deh, karena campur sm powder jd lebih cepat habis...(bukan karena muka gue boros lhoooo)

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    blend in with my skin tone, non sticky, natural look gitu seperti ngga pakai make up. kalau bisa dikasih spf yg banyak untuk menghemat waktu dandan

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    I Will Try..and its a promise.

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - Excellent for sensitive skin
    - Natural look and feel
    - Anti-inflammatory
    - Non-comedogenic,
    - Natural sunscreen

  10. #40
    Permanent Resident chylpester's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    - Maybelline Mousse Foundation
    - Artistry Cosmetic Foundation

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    i think i'm willing to spend up to Rp. 350.000 if the result is that good for covering my skin flaws and has long staying power.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    not too often, probably only once in year Hidden Content
    i don't wear foundation that often. only wear them if i'm in the mood or to go to parties.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    has a good coverage, not cakey, and long lasting.

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    I'm always on the search for a better foundation, so as long as the new one is better than the old one, why not?!? I'm not addicted to one brand (yet), and love to try on different product occassionaly.

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - Contain natural ingredients
    - Has light, medium and full coverage (very important!)
    - Non comedogenic
    - Anti-inflammatory
    - Contain natural sunscreen

  11. #41
    Resident Andita's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    1. What foundation are you using ?
    yang ringan kayak Maybelline yg water base. nggak terlalu sering pake faoundations juga sih, soalnya takut pori2 jadi susah 'bernapas'. Nah kalo Maybelline ini murah meriah and fit my skin very well Hidden Content hasilnya nggak berat seperti mau kondangan, hehe..

    2. How much are you willing to spend for a foundation?
    i'm willing to pay as much as i can possibly spend on for a great foundations that suit my skin best. kl utk foundations gw rela bayar mahal, tp utk cosmetics lain sperti eye shadow dan lipgloss, nggak perlu yg mahal karena nggak terlalu berpengaruh buat kulit.

    3. How often do you buy foundation?
    once every 2 - 3 months.

    4. What do you expect from a foundation?
    nge-blend perfectly sama kulit, nggak bikin alergi dan gatal2, natural, long lasting, nggak bikin pori2 keliatan jadi besar2, nggak sticky, gampang diaplikasikan.

    5. Are you willing to try a new and healthier product or just want to stick with the old favorite one?
    yes of course i am. isn't it great if we searched for more options of makeup favourite items, rather than stick to the old fav ones?

    6. What’s the benefit of CieL Minerals?
    - non comedogenic, paling penting soalnya hidung gw gampang bgt berkomedo.
    - cocok utk semua jenis kulit.
    - long lasting.
    - anti inflammatory.
    - natural sunscreen Hidden Content

  12. #42
    CEO Female Daily Network Elite Citizen Hanzky's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    okay...kontes nya udah di tutup yah..

    banyak juga niih yang ikutan, thank you everyone for your participation. Winners will be announced sometimes this week. Also thanks for CieL Minerals for sponsoring this contest..Hidden Content

  13. #43
    CEO Female Daily Network Elite Citizen Hanzky's Avatar
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    Default RE: Contest #3: CieL Minerals

    kawan kawan..udah di umumin tuh di blog...congrats for the 3 winners yahh....yang laen coba lagi kontes berikutnya yahh...Hidden Content

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