View Profile: DesZeLL - Female Daily Forum
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  1. hi deszell, mau minta tolong dong, buat survey skripsi aku. t.i.a. ya
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    Dear DesZeLL, Kelas Dandan yg di Kemang village itu.. venue-nya kemang village yg sebelah mana/bag apa yah? mal nya kah?
    utk yg kelas dandan apa mesti bawa alat make up komplit? Coz aku gak punya alat make-up.. paling banter cm lipstik aja, krn lbh suka pake skincare ketimbang make up..
    trs utk hijab workshopnya, mesti bawa kerudung sendiri atw udah disediain biasanya? mohon jawabannya.. thanks ya..
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    pernah belanja di pengen bget beli di sana tpi sebelumnya tidak pernah beli di OS luar Indo, jd agak takut juga brangnya tidak sampai dan ongkos kirimnya lebih mahal dri brangnya..
    nerima cp?

  4. Salam sejahtera DesZell,

    Saya Susan mahasiswi semester 8 Stikom LSPR. Saya sedang melakukan penelitian skripsi mengenai Pengaruh Buzz terhadap Perilaku Konsumen pada komunitas online Female Daily Forums, studi kasus produk kosmetik Garnier.

    Oleh karna itu, saya mohon bantuan dari teman-teman Female Daily Forums untuk mengisi kuesioner saya. Untuk kuesionernya dapat langsung diisi dengan klik (atau copy paste) link berikut ini:

    Partisipasi Anda sangaaaaat berarti, terutama untuk kelulusan saya . Please help me... pleaseeee...

    Jika Anda sudah selesai mengisi kuesioner, please PM me or let me know ya. =)

    And finally, semoga kuesioner ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan bisa dijadikan bahan evaluasi terhadap Female Daily Forums kita tercinta. Thank you before =D
  5. Happy Bday Kak Deszell
    Kalo boleh berbagi info produk-produk apa yang recommended yha mulai dari Bobby Brown, La Tulipe, MUFE, dll
    Saya lihat di thread2 sepertinya Kakak cukup pengalaman dalam hal produk-produk make up.
    Trims for info ^^
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    happy bday!

  7. Dear DesZeLL, Kelas Dandan FD di Tupperware Home tuh di jln Tirtayasa yah?
    Klo yg Intermediate Makeup With Arty apa mesti bawa alat make up komplit? Coz g cuma punya brush buat blush, two way cake, and one type of eye shadow, but I wanna have more knowledge in make up thingy, thank you
  8. Dear DesZeLL, Kelas Dandan FD di Tupperware Home tuh di jln Tirtayasa yah?
    Klo yg Intermediate Makeup With Arty apa mesti bawa alat make up komplit? Coz g cuma punya brush buat blush, two way cake, and one type of eye shadow, but I wanna have more knowledge in make up thingy, thank you
  9. View Conversation
    hai deszell, tas H&M nya nggak termasuk dalam promo buy two get one, yg termasuk hanya preloved clothing ajah, thanks
  10. hi minta no telp yg apartment d sing yang deket novena dongg..thanksss
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About DesZeLL

Basic Information

Date of Birth
February 4, 1982 (42)
About DesZeLL
Registration Info

Information for registration.

Jakarta, ID
Do you work in the fashion/beauty/media industry?:
If yes, please provide the company name below. Otherwise just state N/A:
The Daily Media
If no, what industry do you represent?:
If you are a student, please provide your school name and your major below. Otherwise just state N/A:
make up, cooking & eating, reading, korean drama, twee & indie pop music, K-Pop & J-Pop
Fave stores or places to shop?:
Any stores that have make up in it
Favorite makeup/skincare brands AND product?:
I dont think I have a favourite brand, cause there's no such thing as the perfect brand. They always have good one and really bad one in each brand. So I never really pick up anything just because they were produced by a certain brand
Describe your fashion style in AT LEAST 5 words:
I'm never one who follows trend but I wouldn't say I completely ignore it. I try to pick up whatever that suits me.

For those who've met me knows that I love dresses! Legging has always been the staples on my wardrobe even way before its revival in the last couple of seasons. I'm always in heels but I have an undying love for my knee hi grey converse which rarely seen the light of days these days.

I'm into vintage pieces which stand out and really shows that it came before our time.
What is your marital status?:
Single with kids
How many kids do you have?:
Website Profile
If you have a blog/website, please enter the URL below. Otherwise just state N/A:
Facebook Profile URL:
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Sep 18, 2011 11:34 PM
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Feb 5, 2018 03:50 PM
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May 29, 2007

Aug 11, 2015

  • 10:54 AM - hotpotato clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

Jul 29, 2015

  • 07:07 AM - MizDhanty clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

Jul 20, 2015

  • 07:13 PM - amelietta clicked Thanks for this post: -= Hidden Content =- by DesZeLL

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